Recent trouts and bent rods!

Dang i gotta get out this weekend
eggs said:
Dang i gotta get out this weekend

i know right!!! i go an itch to catch some damn fish!!!!
Hopefully I'll hook some major steel over on the J. Dezzy and bring some more pix back for Ya'll!! :) The Met is fishin really good so get there before it's over (but you still have a few more Months) Also it's almost time for the Owyhee Skwala hatch, Big Browns on dries, hard to pass up. :)
Nice looking water and fish...well played. Thanks for sharing
FORGOT THE CAMERA!!!! The John Day was pretty....OK. We hooked 4 Steelhead but only landed 1. Three came on the swing and I got one to take on the Dead Drift Dry! :dance: The scenery was awesome as well as the wildlife. Saw a Golden Eagle when we first pulled in, deer and elk all over, Baldies, Otters, Beaver, oh my. The temps never got above freezing with guides constantly frozen, and two fish were lost because of it. There was a lot of Ice on the water and even more as you headed up towards the town of Spray. The water is really low around Service Creek and above and with water levels currently dropping just means the Ice Pack is increasing so chances of fishable water are decreasing along with the temperature. Really beautiful part of the state and haven't been there for quite a few years but it was well worth the trip! :)
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Love the John Day. Im heading back this May with my cousin for another small mouth trip.
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Maupin today! :) Was Ok Windy as HELL. Not many people out but they were fishing trout as we were targeting Steel. The only real action was within the first 10 minuets. Got railed by a fish at the beginning of the swing then locked on the running line with my finger when I should have let go. It pulled hard and gave me some line-burn and came off. Needless to say "I Farmed it" :(

Ya, Van we'll be heading there again for smallies too, in the near future! :)
damn. that's a nice first fish
Ya Big ol' Buck! Went 34" didn't weigh it but guessing 9-10??
Beautiful fish Flybum.

Made it over to the Met on Sat. Gorgeous river and the same kind of day. Guides kept freezing up. lol
Van said:
Beautiful fish Flybum.

Made it over to the Met on Sat. Gorgeous river and the same kind of day. Guides kept freezing up. lol

Thanks, Ya, frozen guides add just a little extra challenge to the Met! Were you able to stick anything? Could you see them?
Sure was a nice day...... :whistle:
Nice fish FlyBum. As usual, you are showing us how it is done.
Thanx they came on the Shwing :)
sweet, just sweet! thanks for sharing............makes me want to run to the river
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Hey flybum pretty sure i saw you on the Met today. I had the pitbull.
steelhead_slayer said:
Hey flybum pretty sure i saw you on the Met today. I had the pitbull.

Ya, that was us! :) Glad to see ya out there. Saw a truck with an OFF sticker on the back window. Did you guys hookup? Really busy out there and you can attribute that to the article in the paper the other day. Damn Gary Lewis, and his cohorts F-in Aholes. Hooked two nice bulls but didn't land them, but an S-ton of whities :(
yeah that was my truck. i landed one about 8lbs on my second cast. then me and steelmonkiller20 lost three others between the two of us
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FlyBum said:
Ya, that was us! :) Glad to see ya out there. Saw a truck with an OFF sticker on the back window. Did you guys hookup? Really busy out there and you can attribute that to the article in the paper the other day. Damn Gary Lewis, and his cohorts F-in Aholes. Hooked two nice bulls but didn't land them, but an S-ton of whities :(

What article was that? Linky?

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