Recent trouts and bent rods!

I was swinging for them. I haven't found the right nymph yet. lol I've got used to sliding around
nice fish flybum
Great job Flybum,thanks for all the pics
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So.... We started the day out just after 7 and it was really cold again, around 15 degrees down on the Lower D. Chasing Steel for perhaps the last time this year I had receive a new "toy" from a friend,:cool: so we were fully prepared to hook some fish! Needless to say we did, but mostly the bi-catch of steelhead fishing, trout! I did manage to hook one steelhead within ten minutes of picking up and swinging this new stick. It was a blast, but it boiled rolled and came unbuttoned. Had an awesome day and didn't see anyone until we were almost back to the car. Just another Breathtaking day in Central Oregon!
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awesome fish ..way to brave the cold. the first redside is a fatty.. :clap:
You guys rock!!! Good job!
sounds a lot like my recent trip down there last weekend. Cold and steamy. Didn't get a steelie to the shore, but landed some nice trout and a butt load of pikeminnows
  • 20111205044855.jpg
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Good Morning on the Metolius! It was only 23 degrees but it felt a lot warmer with fish pullin hard and heavy! :yay:
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damn i need to get out there!! some fat bulls.. do you sight fish them? :clap:
nice fish!!!!
Metolius here I come!!!! Nice fish guys, again!!!
Picked-up a couple of fish on the Fall River this afternoon! We didn't get out there at prime time but went to a couple of areas and sighted a few fish but nothing big :confused: The last area we fished was loaded with fish and hooked this nice one right off the bat! Had a couple of other big ones on but only for a brief second! Took a "Slayer" style pic of the brown though.

So overthe last four days I got to fish three different rivers :dance: Got into Steelhead, Bull Trout, Rainbows and this last fish. I haven't seen so many spots on Rainbows' bellies except on this river! Leopard Trout from the hatch spill over or is it something really unique to the genetic makeup of some fish on this river, don't know???
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nice fish! your killin me here!!! i hate being stuck in the house and job searching LOL
Here are the pix from this last weekend back out on the Metolius. I hooked that hogger Bull Trout the day before, and the next day Brando locked-up real tight and landed it! :) Bonnie also got a nice brown out of the Met, which is the first I've actually seen. I've heard of it, but just never seen it happen. Last one is a better look at the belly of the bow from the Fall. Still waiting for Deb to upload here pix of the fish I was able to land :) Just another great weekend in Central Oregon though!!
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Nice!!! You even shared the fly you caught it on. Sweet!!!
Opps! but its not really a secret just a bigger variation of what I put-up in the Tying thread!
Again, wow. Where did the snow go? Now I have to wait to go there.
Well we've been getting a really dry winter so far, like the Valley! :) It's been really really cold though, 10* Saturday morning when we showed up. Just having to deal with rod guides constantly freezing solid, along with reels. That just adds to the fun and interesting challenge winter fly fishing can be :)
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