Recent trouts and bent rods!

brandon4455 said:
nice job out there on the met..good to see the snow on the ground..starting to look more like winter. that bull trout fishing looks pretty tough!

The Metolius is no "Walk in the Park", well, actually it can be when the fishing gets tough! :) I never go out there expecting to catch a fish. I just hope to at least hook one, and if I happen to land more than one, it's a good day.

@mike: Those extreme Aussie sure know how to grow em' Too bad I'm not a big fan of those chips. Wouldn't mind chumming for those two though.
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I want to share this pics of a beauty trout I got while targeting steelhead it was about 18 inch long!!
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gorgeous fish waco
excellet trout waco.. awesome colors on it
Fish from the Fall river! Check out the spots on the underside?? I've only really seen this on the Fall River.
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that is neat colors on that fish,those spots really stand out
How do you get a star below your name and change that title thing???

Like fish in a barrel :)
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You can change your title when you have 1000 posts and get the star by getting good reputation from other members!!
How did I forget these??? Deb + Brown Trout = A happy girlfriend :clap:
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thats a chunk brown!
this is my favorite thread by far :)
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FlyBum said:
Thankyou! :)

im guessing your computer is like mine? just overloaded with fish pictures.. :lol: nice brown. only browns we have over here are floaters.. LOL
brandon4455 said:
im guessing your computer is like mine? just overloaded with fish pictures.. :lol: nice brown. only browns we have over here are floaters.. LOL

But mine are taken with my camera and not copied from the net though LOL JK
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Very nice brown....good job Deb.
I've been wanted to make it back to the Metolius for a little while now, and then your post flybum pushed me over the edge. so i made it down there this morning for a couple hours. The fish were biting pretty good. After i caught the first one i immediately hooked a monster in the next hole, but after a real hard fight he came off. fortunately though as i was retrieving my fly back another fish hit it. I went 3 for 4 today all were around 24 inches
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flybum said:
but mine are taken with my camera and not copied from the net though lol jk

:lol: and nice bulls ss..those are pretty fish
@Slayer: Were you swinging for those Bulls or nymphin? And how the hell do you fish in those shoes?

Got a call from my buddy who got 5 today! :) Stuck over in the valley for the 4-day weekend so I won't even pickup a stick :(:mad:

Didn't want to do it but:

12" plus to be posted, no baby fish
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