Recent trouts and bent rods!

Van said:
What article was that? Linky?

Just some crap in the local newspaper. I didn't even read it or see it, just heard about it when a buddy from one of the local shops called me on the way home, wondering how we did. "I said there was too many people," then he told me about the article. :(
yeah i was surprised and disappointed to see so many people. two of the guys we talked to told us it was even worst this weekend
I am in no way surprised. I just hope that most of them had a nice walk :)
here's a shot of that last bull out of the water
  • bully.jpg
steelhead_slayer said:
here's a shot of that last bull out of the water

Neoice!!! :) :) How were you able to hold it like that with out burying its teeff in yo finga??
I've got a pretty good technique after getting many infected cuts from fish teeth. I was just hoping he stayed relaxed like he did or it would of tore me up. Risky move for sure
So we went down to Maupin on our three day weekend, instead of heading all the way to the Owyhee for questionable fishing on questionable water flows. We caught a few fish and lost a bunch of fish! All in all it was a pretty good time, ran into OnTheFly, Eggs, and MarkCanby. :)

Deb with a Pristine Whitefish :lol:

A nice Bow :)

Fun in the late afternoon :)
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I wish we knew y'all camped 50 yards from us last night we would had an epic campfire session!

P.S. nice shirt bro hahaha
Ya, I though I saw something like y'all with beer bottles strung out all over the place and sleeping in so late :lol:

Would have been a good time, our buddy Shawn is quite entertaining, hope you guys got into some fish. We probably landed around 25 between the five of us and lost about half as many, most today. Turned out to be a pretty fun trout trip despite the high water and wind. Today was the better day though.
We did alright but not up to par with you guys haha.. my fish highlight of the weekend was nailing the first fish on a dry fly of the year for me right as we were about to leave.. I had a mini BWO blizzard around me.

Yea we damn near killed 2 cases last night haha my stomach hurt from laughing...
sounds like a good time
Ya, was a good time :)
Nice,looks like everyone had a great time:):)
nice sounds like a great weekend. :clap:
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Sinkline said:
More handsome fish! Flybum, you and your crew are such excellent anglers!

Eggs, you guys get any photos from your trip?


Thanks Randy, we had a pretty good time doing some practice camping and fishing for the big show to come later :)
OTF. Has the pics and videos!
A good dose of the outdoors was well needed after all the rain and my son Cody, along with eggs and Markcanby, spent our time fishing on the Deschutes. Turned out Flybum and his girfriend Deb were camped in the same campground as us and didn't know it until Sunday. Oh...and Flybum...sleeping in late is for flyfishermen that know the hatch doesn't start until 10:00.:D;)

We did better on Saturday with many Redsides then a whitefish caught by eggs, however the biggest catch occurred during a back cast when eggs caught my dog's face with the fly. Eggs was well into his backing before we grabbed my dog and easily removed the hook. No harm done.

Watch the video first and listen close near the end what Cody says......





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Here is one2012-04-08_14-50-08_841.jpg
OnTheFly said:
Oh...and Flybum...sleeping in late is for flyfishermen that know the hatch doesn't start until 10:00.:D;)

Nice pics, ya we were on the water at 10, not rolling out of the tent, but I guess you need all the sleep you can get ;) After all that Ruckus and Tomfoolery that is.

Just watched video, "It isn't a carp!" :lol:
But we score whitefish as negative points though :think:
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