Recent trouts and bent rods!

nice job fellas
FlyBum said:
Nice pics, ya we were on the water at 10, not rolling out of the tent, but I guess you need all the sleep you can get ;) After all that Ruckus and Tomfoolery that is.

Just watched video, "It isn't a carp!" :lol:
But we score whitefish as negative points though :think:
Does hooking my dog in the face and loosing backing while you jump and sprint behind it like a gazelle count? Eggs can you comment on that?
Sure I'll give you some points for that one! :dance:

Speaking of getting hooked, Deb buried a size 8 into the top of her hand Sunday!! And I was the squeamish one as I removed it :shock:
Ouch. I always pre-crimp the barbs when I tie flies. I hope that was the case for you and Deb. I think eggs had on a #10 when his back cast connected with Cloey's face but he was able to let out line and run fast enough to prevent the barb from entering. On a second note I would have rather taken a hook in the skin than to bring home all the ticks I found.
did you find ticks?? I found that 1 in my tent when we were there and none since.. Were they on Cloey or in you bag/clothes??
eggs said:
did you find ticks?? I found that 1 in my tent when we were there and none since.. Were they on Cloey or in you bag/clothes??
I don't know where they all came from but I suspect my truck. Given the amount of times all four of us got in and got out I think we took on some passengers. My dog is riddled with them. I caught one crawling on my leg in bed, and the next day there were two on my shirt. None after that so far.
gonna be a bad tick year it seems...
eggs said:
gonna be a bad tick year it seems...

Ya seems so, I didn't have any problems Brando and Johnson did on the other hand. Also some spider bights to go along with the lime disease!
Judging by the size of water from what I can see it is up river of where the Callawash river come in..
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Duplicate :)
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Sinkline said:
The seed was planted early for you Flybum. Almost like a fishing baptism of sorts. Love seeing old pics!


Me too, I remember the ones you posted up a little while ago. Those are really cool and Jim had some pretty good ones as well. Good times for sure :)
Ha Ha, the water was stable Friday morning but had risen almost 200cfs by Sunday over the time we started fishing :( Good weekend though, no hoggs but a couple of nice fish and good March brown hatch, too bad they weren't keyed in on them like they were the few days before.

If you know where these pictures are taken keep your damn mouth shut! Thanx :)
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i dont know where it is but i am telling everyone!
I was just there this morning
Was it any better??
No not like I would like it. But I still got a couple little bows, and had a brown around 20in. on for a second
Was out fishin today, didn't take many pix but caught some nice fish! A couple of bows and some browns and a nice sunny day :) Headed to the Fall River tomorrow with RA we'll see how it goes down South. Heard they just stocked it over the week, stupid fish a +, but stockers :( Can't wait for this river to sustain itself.
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noice fish!! this gets me pumped for saturday when a few local area streams open. i can't wait!!!1
Went out to the Fall River Sunday with RA and Ally (sorry ladies, he's taken) we saw a bunch of big fish 24 inch+. Getting them to take was another story. We fished it from both sides up, stuck one each over 17 inches. I landed mine and his came unbuttoned at his feet. A little late with this one, sorry, the Fall can be fun, but a difficult river. Some days the fish get stupid but not that day. They were slapping dry flies with their tail, or following streamers for a few feet but then quickly lost interest. I was able to trick one on a dry #18 BWO Wulf and his came on a #20 Beatis. Overcast days are better out there, but it hard to beat a nice sunny day of fishing :)
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