Recent trouts and bent rods!

I'm here in Troutdale, where I grew-up, and wondering if there are fish in the Sandy, so I can hopefully post some more pix on this thread??
After the rain of this week, all rivers gonna have fish!!
steelhead in the sandy! idk if there are trout in there though
FlyBum said:
I'm here in Troutdale, where I grew-up, and wondering if there are fish in the Sandy, so I can hopefully post some more pix on this thread??

Welcome back!!! I am sure if there are fish, you will find them. Looking forward to your pics. I got a new warm fishing hat so I am soooo ready for the Metolius (my oldest son now knows for a fact I am a bit weird) I figure I can't look any worse out there flailing about...Can't wait to hit the water, I hope there is snow. The leaky waders won't stop me. Good luck fishin
Happy to report got a good bump this morning on the Sandy just within the hour I was able to fish it. So located one so far just couldn't get it to fully commit! Merry X-Mas everyone! :)

More fish to come!
glad to hear you had a grab! im back out on the water soon, doing some steelhead next weekend and might try to get my 4wt out since hes been stuck inside for a while..ill bring some pictures with me.

Merry christmas!
Pulled this smallish ugly hatchery 'nook out of the Lewis river day after X-mas. Leach pattern

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nice fish! that hatch brat will make for some good dinner!
Hit the fall today. Caught two before the snow sent me home.
So..... Here's the breakdown on what happened before the Sandy blew on Wednesday. Got a grab early Christmas morning on the run below Tippy then went back there in the afternoon between family gatherings for another hour and had another fish grab then break the surface and....damn. To the guys who showed up later, Thanks for not Low Holing me :)

Then on Monday floated from Dabney to L&C, and to the girls below Stark St. bridge, I love you too!!! Anyway, rounded the first bend and saw a guy locked into one and we were thinking alright "Game On"! Got to a good spot where I could get the big stick out and swing through. Ten casts later Wham, Zut Zut, ahhhh. Don't know what happened there?? Then in the "Wall Hole" above Tipsy my cousin hooked something, with his gear stick. Ok, so we kept goin and in the island below Tippy I got the nymph stick out then BD, head shake, ahhh $hipoopy not again. Mike came threw after I hooked one, again, and locked-up tight first cast! :) Got it around the tree asked if there was a fin, Nope! So had it in quick with rock in hand, and the fish took a boat ride with us for the rest of the day! :)

Then Tuesday, started off helping my brother and his family move into their new house in Boring. Hoping there would be a 1 o'clock bight headed up to Oxbow. There was :) So swung threw some runs at the CG with yet another grab, surface break, then came up short again. At this point I'm thinkin' what the F-bomb. So then I decide to tie on a "Swap Fly" Ninja's to be exact and head down river a bit before it gets dark. At the last place we stop to fish I was working through a run with my dad down below nymphing, then my line went tight again with a fish busting out of the water 20' away from my dad 3/4 the way through my swing. I'm like, ok, then Zut Zut, and finally locked up real tight! :) Nice bright Native fish. Couple of hero shots then Bye Bye, with a good release pic!

Thanks for reading, have a happy and safe New Year! :)
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noice!! i need to get after some steel or im going to go nuts!!!
Thanks, fished the Crooked on the way home yesterday, it was low and.....clear?? Kinda slow though. Headed to the Metolius for a New Years fish tomorrow and most likely Monday too, then back to work on Tuesday. The Met did blow the last few days too, but hopefully it will be in shape the next few days!?! :)
the crooked is at 74cfs right now, really low! the clear part is shocking though, never heard of the crooked clear :lol:
I plan on trying the Sandy for my first time ever in January with some flies from the swap. Nice work you make it look easy
nice pics flybum,looks like your off to a great winter start
excellent fish
nice bullies! love the bit in half streamer pic..those fish are apex predators for sure..
Thanks, headed to the John Day tomorrow on a "Surprise spur of the moment calling in sick at work trip!" :)
FlyBum said:
Thanks, headed to the John Day tomorrow on a "Surprise spur of the moment calling in sick at work trip!" :)

good luck out there! i probably wont get to fish until it rains again..these long droughts are killing my winter steel season,my favorite rivers are already getting low as sh*t
Nice bulls. Im jealous. Ive a bad itch to fish the Met and catch some. Grats.

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