Klamath River Rainbows

With the combination of a 1 fish per day limit, artificial lure restrictions and a large stable population of fish in the Klamath I fail to see how Fishfry is going to harm current populations? I've fished this river since the limit was 10/day and you could use bait! And you know what....The fishing is better now than it has been in years! Lot's of fish per mile!

Personally, I don't kill them because they taste like crap!
redband said:
Steelhead slayer...what is so negative about education. nobody is trying to take away anyones rights. fishfry...if you are witnessing the "locals" leaving trash, using bait, and keeping everything they catch are you contacting local law enforcement about these issues?

he does a great job withonly keeping a smalll amount of fish and releasing the majority. in my opimion i don't think he needed "your education" at all he's doing just fine.
fishfry acts more like a true fisherman than most that i have read on here. not only does he try to educate but shares tricks, lures and locations. isn't that what we are all here for? isn't this what we started all these threads for?
a good point was brought up. we have all been fishing this stinky river now for how many years? the fishing has not seemed to change a whole lot since i was a kid in the 60's. we release a few we keep a few but they reproduce pretty well i believe. the only ones i keep are the ones that are hurt too bad to put back and they get smoked cause they taste funny too me.
we all know people who bend the rules, but i doubt fishfry is one of them. so lets get back to sharing and fishing and quit preaching and complaining. before no one will be willing to share anymore.
I'm beginning to wonder if "redband", is that instigating hate monger that changes his screen name from time to time? Hmmm...

Anyway, well said Kawasaki!
Fishfry sounds like a good, lawful fisherman Bro, to me.
just so ppl know all the fish fishfry keeps are given to elderly ppl who like to have contact with the things they can no longer do
Great pics of the fish, that river is so far from me I won't get to fish it for quite awhile. Always love to see what other people get to enjoy.
Ty for the support all and now we can get back to buisness... fishing :) I'll be throwing up another report tomorrow, and hopefully a pic or two if all goes well. See ya then
i might have a report on thursday, i was thinking about fishing frain ranch or below keno damn ill let you know also. but i dont have a camera :) does anyone know if you can get into frain ranch this time of year? i doubt they have any snow left but ive never tried in january before
Wish I could help you out there but I have no idea about the frain ranch. Klamath river was really high today but I gave it a try anyway. Only two fish were landed between the both of us and those were the only two that even bit. Water color is good, just gotta wait for them to slow the flow again.
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To the guy that got all bent out of shape about this thread...you'd be better OFF aiming your barbs at KGW TV's Grant McOmie. Here he is on TV, telling EVERYONE where this place is and how to get there.

Note how he handles the fish? He should KNOW better!!! I really doubt that Fishfry does that!
Whoaa....Just looked at the flows and the Keno Dam was down to 424 cfs this afternoon! Wonder if fishfry hammered 'em?
Lol. Sadly no I didn't make it down there since we actually have some work finally this week. Best flows I've found (for me at least) are between 700 and 900. This seems to be almost perfect for this stretch of river. I've fished it when it's real low and it seems almost as bad as when it's really high. Mad dog have you fished that stretch right below the dam down to the corner? I've only been there once and that was when I was around 8 or 10. I remember me and my dad did really good and I lost a couple hogs that bent the hook out on my spinners. Would love to hit that section up again if it still has some good holes.
You may be able to get down there with 4wd. Just watch the edge and mud. I'd check USGS for flows, Frain only fishes well when the powerhouse is shut down during the day. They usually run it all day and shut down at night. If you hit this lowest reach at the right time, it can be lights out for 12-17 inchers. Not as big as Keno, but lots more numbers. If its all blown out, I like the "dewateted" reach from topsy to the powerhouse.

In response to your above thread about KGW TV that is a completely seperate part of river and completely different species of fish than the above posts were about. That is the Frain Ranch section, and I believe the discussion is about The Keno section. Both beautiful pieces of water.
ripandroar said:

In response to your above thread about KGW TV that is a completely seperate part of river and completely different species of fish than the above posts were about. That is the Frain Ranch section, and I believe the discussion is about The Keno section. Both beautiful pieces of water.

Thanks, but those weren't my points in posting that link. My points were:

1. Show that more people know about (and report about) the trout in the Klamath...than just FishFry. FishFry alone--or by posting on this thread--will not deplete that stock. However, touting the Klamath (or any section of it) as an awesome fishing adventure on TV, will do that--because it will draw peeps from all over the area

<Grant McOmie & KGW TV suck. They keep showing really cool places to fish in Oregon, for the simple fact that they make money doing it. That's all they seems to really care about.>

2. Show that TV peeps are often clueless, on how to correctly handle a fish. From what I can tell, FishFry is much more careful with his catches.

3. Also show that those Red Bands are NOT solely indigenous to the Klamath, but are also found in Idaho and Montana.

4. Point out that the Klamath fish are a sub specie...but are STILL a rainbow trout.

BTW, welcome to OFF.
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Ya that comment that they weren't Rainbow trout made chuckle a little bit. Keep up the good Fishfry!
A couple of days ago I watched a bunch of steelhead repeatedly bashing themselves on and against the rocks trying to jump a falls in the high flows, some would jump and land on a large flat rock and leave them high and dry. They would have to flop around until the managed to make it back to the river and try again! Tough fish! Strong will to survive! Klamath river Rainbows, redband rainbows if you like, are survivors, well adapted for the habitat in which they live. I think if fishfry scoops one up in a net and takes a quick pic or two that fish is gonna be just fine! They are tougher than that!

I think some peoples gripe on here is with something else! :think:
fishfry said:
Lol. Sadly no I didn't make it down there since we actually have some work finally this week. Best flows I've found (for me at least) are between 700 and 900. This seems to be almost perfect for this stretch of river. I've fished it when it's real low and it seems almost as bad as when it's really high. Mad dog have you fished that stretch right below the dam down to the corner? I've only been there once and that was when I was around 8 or 10. I remember me and my dad did really good and I lost a couple hogs that bent the hook out on my spinners. Would love to hit that section up again if it still has some good holes.

Ya, I have fished it but don't fish that part much do to the easy access. It gets hit pretty hard but there are some hogs that stack in the holes below Keno dam! They see a lot of pressure there and either get caught or get smart really fast!
real-time water data

real-time water data

This is a great spot to help hit those cush times when the dams are ramping down. Especially watch the Boyle flows for the morning it doesn't come go up. Lights out! They can handle it. Just debarb then, ride em hard and put em away wet.

As promised Fry: USGS Real-Time Water Data for Oregon

Good luck and keep an eye out for a pic of my slot ling later;)

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