Klamath River Rainbows

Make it Rain... bow

Make it Rain... bow

Here's a couple pics from the day. As I said It was a beast :) the smaller one was 21 inches.
  • 2011-01-08_12-24-47_967.jpg
  • 2011-01-08_14-29-01_757.jpg
you got to be kidding me!!! That is the size of a salmon!!! imagine those fish in a fly rod!!! would be a blast!!! and fight of your life!! :yay:
fishfry said:
Here's a couple pics from the day. As I said It was a beast :) the smaller one was 21 inches.

Nice fish!!! I know exactly where you are fishing! The big pool in the diagram is where I caught my largest Klamath river rainbow while fishing from the opposite side of the river where the rapid ends and meets the back eddy, one of my all time favorite spots on the Klamath! The hole below rocks as well, the far side from where you fish there are small back eddy's just off of the main current which is fast and deep, most of these are about 5' wide and about 10'-15' and hold some big trout! Caught my 2nd biggest Klamath river rainbow in one of these little spots. The bottom end of the 2nd hole is a big flat rock that we like to fish from....we call it the magic rock! Caught a ton of nice fish there!
Yep you are correct sir. The hole down from the one in the diagram is where I got this hog today :) I love that water. Just up from magic rock there's a little pool that back eddy's. I call it the walmart hole cause there's so much junk that washes up there. Had a fat hog on in there today that came off.
Sometimes the Cable car hole upriver fishes well also! Another hole I like is where the 1st powerline crosses the river, we always called it the deadman hole....one time we were fishing from the weyerhauser side of the river and this guy was laying on a rock at the rivers edge, didn't move for about an hour, he finally sat up about the time we figured he might be dead! Caught a lot of 20"+ fish in that one as well!

Fishfry, are you walking down the old road to the hole in your diagram? Do guys still drive that old road down to the river? Pretty spooky drive hugging the canyon wall! We always called it the big hole. The old Weyerhauser 100 grade main haul road hugs the canyon rim on the east side of the canyon, it's blocked off now but is good access for anyone that doesn't mind walking it then hiking down the canyon to get to the river. One time some high school buddies rolled a big rock down the canyon wall from the old haul road that broke an even bigger rock free that I'm guessing was damn near the size of a VW bug! That thing had so much momentum that it was clearing brush that was taller than a mans head and eventually landed about 1/3 of the way out into the big hole! I'll never forget the sight or sound of that! I'm glad no one was down there!
Lol. Ya there's allot of big rocks up there. I used to hike that road down (drive it still sometimes) but now I park about a mile closer to Keno and there's a trail that takes you right down to the cable car hole. From there I usually start at the hole above cable car hole and work my way down to big hole, then back up. Just gotta find which hole they're in that day really. Same stretch of river my Uncle used to fish back in the day before I was around. Beautiful stretch of scenery and water. Only place I've ever fished where I've never been skunked.
holy crap fishfry,that is one nice rainbow you got there,,i can't wait to get down there
thanks for the rapala knot suggestion. works good brown 3.JPG. awesome rainbow by the way that thing is a beauty
Glad it helped :) that's one good lookin brown. I've only caught one brown in my life :( always wanted to get into some good ones.
the deschutes has some big ones. i'd love to catch some rainbows like that though. that last pic was amazing
Damn fishfry, that's a hog!!! Nice fish!!!
Nice fish guys!!!
Well i tried my luck on the klamath river today but i chickened out and went down below jc boyle. mainly because my g-friend was with me, (loves to fish but not hike!) anyway got to te bridege below j.c. just to look but couldnt resist a cast, caught a nice little 14 in. missed 2 more, weather was snowing and about 15 deg. then we went down to the powerhouse and screwed around there for awhile, water was in pretty good shape, caught and release another about the same size, road was too iffy to go farther so we turned around. caught 2 missed 3 more. black and yellow panther martin. good way to start the year... nothing as big as what i see in the pictures tho. good job
i havent been in from keno in a few years, can you still drive in to the damn? on the north side?
Not sure, never really been on the other side of the river. Can get down on the Keno side when the parks open but it's been closed for quite a while now. If you can make it down to the damn there by Keno there's a nice stretch of water to fish below it, or at least there used to be quite a few years ago. Probably going to hit that stretch up again this friday if all works well. Gonna try a couple new things out and see how they go. I'll post up with the results :)
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Rapala swivel

Rapala swivel

This post is a bit late but here is a pic of the swivels I was talking about that I use with the rapalas. This way I can tie a knot that I'm confident in without messing up the action of the lure. These swivels are great and you lose very little action as opposed to all others I've tried.
Well im headed down again right now. Water lvl should be perfect, hopefully its not to off color from all the runoff. Wish me luck :)
good luck out there man,,something tells me you will be just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well just got back out of the canyon. Another great day. Weather has warmed up, river lvl was perfect and water clarity great. Landed 11 nice bows today (all released). No big hogs but all were 16 to 18 inches so not a bad day at all. Id live down there if I could, lol.
Oh I forgot to add what I changed up today. Tried a Cd9 today (one size up from normal) with no luck. Also tried using a J-7 floating rapala with 3 split shots about 12 to 15 inches up. Bounced it along the bottom of the big holes with a slow retrieve and found that to be quite effective.

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