Klamath River Rainbows

I get a great deal of enjoyment outta exploring BLM lands lookin' fer new fishin' holes. In the past i've found fireponds with Rainbow Trout in them. When these fish get to be 16", 17" they get a beautiful red stripe on their sides. :D:cool:
Hey thanks Trouteagle that link will be most helpful to me. Couldn't make it today but am heading up there somewhere tomorrow. Hope the water drops a little, if not I'm still dumb enough to try though lol. How'd you do today?
Got nothing on the south jetty, cept almost dead. Pretty nasty out there. We did find some Steelhead. But they were lock-jawed as all get out. Working so hard for nothing except a great day out really makes me miss home. Keep up the posts so I can continue to live vicariously budy;)
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WOW! 4ft Rainbow

WOW! 4ft Rainbow

Went out yesterday and didn't do to bad. Water was up quite a bit but the color was good and it has been warm. Landed 6 nice trout and my brother got 4. He caught ALLOT of Oncorhynchus mykiss rockus (rocks for all you uneducated ppl ;p). Near the end of the day I ended up catching a Rainbow that had to be almost 4ft long. This was NOT a Redband, it was an honest to God Rainbow, I don't care what anybody says. I'll post a pic of it later today when I get a chance.
Went again yesterday with my dad and brothers. Weather was beautiful but the water was still high so the bite was slow. My dad got a nice 18 incher and I landed 6 between 15-19 inches and one real beautiful 21 incher. I'll post a pic when I get a chance :)
OK. That does it. I'm quitting my job, packing up, and heading to K. Falls...I want in on that action! LOL
Lol. Well whenever you make it up let me know and ill take you fishing.
i can wait to see pics of that fish near 4 ft
K here's the pic of that 4 ft rainbow

K here's the pic of that 4 ft rainbow

As you can see it may have a little red band in it ;p
  • 2011-01-28_12-13-19_979.jpg
Guess that was a little mean lol. Anyway here's a pic of the 21 incher from Sunday. Was a beautiful fish.
HA! You had us all going on that one....Good One! Great thread you got going here and at the rate you are going you could double or triple the population of K Falls.:clap:
Go down from the little bridge to the second opening in the blackberry. Throw a floater across and feed it down into the current that goes away from you. Reel it down a bit then feed it back some more. Where the side channel and main current split at the point. Out just a bit, it is real deep. Work it down there, then across the main channel feeding back periodically. You got to keep the rod tip up and meand the line to keep the current from taking it. Watch for bites on the feed back or even on top. Good technique a lot a spots. Take care of my babies!
Anyone here fished Topsy Reservoir? Was thinking of hitting it up tomorrow and was wanting to know how it is this time of year?
White Senko, Texas, no weight. Also, a white double willow-leaf blood spinner. In the bay and along the riprap on the new bridge. Still a little early, but mamas gotta start eating soon. My best was an 8-7, but my buddies dad hit one bigger. Even the pelicans catch 4#ers at Topsy (seen it myself). Plus, if ya get board, there's always the canyon right there.
fishfry said:
Anyone here fished Topsy Reservoir? Was thinking of hitting it up tomorrow and was wanting to know how it is this time of year?

if it gets hot, if theres one thing i have heard time and time again about topsy is that once the townspeople get word its about over, especially for bed fishing i know people who get 6lbrs every spring off beds
Tried deadsticking a weightless purple gulp but to no avail. Worked it slow, slower and slowest. Still a little chilly I guess. Caught a bass yesterday and before I got it something came along and ate the entire back half!!! Ill throw up a pic of it later. Have no idea what could of done it.
this was a great thread read...got to learn about monster bows....tips and tricks.....a couple good spots on the big K......awesome thread, i want to make a big K trip sometime (sure everyone does) keep the posts rolling Fishfry
I sense a southern Oregon OFF gathering about to commence!
Lol. Aw man it might get crowded. Good thing the sprague will be open soon so I can slink away into my private fishing holes and escape ;p. @ Nwkiller... anytime you come up this way hit me up and ill go fishing with you.

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