Well-known member
i found when fishing cd9 or even cd11 you have to speed up your retrieve to get good action on it. i like cd7 cause they have great action even with a slow retrieve
kawasakii9 said:i havent been in from keno in a few years, can you still drive in to the damn? on the north side?
Hey redband nice to have here and welcome to the forum BUT fishfry has been a very good member here he always helps on advice and willing to help anybody with any tips if someone ask and if you read all his post you will see he mostly catch and release!!! and Welcome to the forum again!!!redband said:Promoting catch and release. Look at the pics on some of your other threads with three Redbands (not rainbows) laying on rocks. Very fragile fishery this area is.
fishfry said:K trying hard not to be offended lol. I do try to take constructive critisism well though and am always striving to learn about the sport that I love. Thank you for your post Redband and I will try and educate others that I interact with about what I know. I believe a great fisherman is one who is passionate about fishing and while he may not be completely educated he absorbs what he learns and presses on. I consider myself this, I am out there more than anyone I know and when others are home talking about fishing I'm standing out in the freezing rain and snow with my line freezing in my eye guides doing what I love. If that makes me wrong than I don't want to be right![]()
redband said:Steelhead slayer...what is so negative about education. nobody is trying to take away anyones rights. fishfry...if you are witnessing the "locals" leaving trash, using bait, and keeping everything they catch are you contacting local law enforcement about these issues?
redband said:Amazing....local law enforcement is lazy...not true fisherman. I was down there the last two days and law enforcement was there despite the bad roads. You have to remember law enforcement doesn't always have to appear to be law enforcement.
bigsteel said:have u ever heard of a private message,,quit ruining fishfrys thread,,some of us enjoy his posts and pics...