Klamath River Rainbows

i found when fishing cd9 or even cd11 you have to speed up your retrieve to get good action on it. i like cd7 cause they have great action even with a slow retrieve
kawasakii9 said:
i havent been in from keno in a few years, can you still drive in to the damn? on the north side?

You can access the dam from Clover creek rd. Take Old wagon rd off of Clover creek, cross the Weyco main haul rd and follow the river down to the dam. Snow depth might limit access right now.
Good post trouteagle. While I do keep one from there some days when I have ppl that want them I fish purely for the enjoyment of the sport. That last hog was released after I snapped a quick photo of him. The ones you do release should be treated with as much care as possible. Allot of times I don't even use a net if I can get away with pulling them along side the bank and removing the hook gently with needle nose pliers while they are still in the water. This eliminates the need to touch them (and possibly damage them as well). Sometimes you do have to touch them though. I've seen some ppl be utterly rough with fish they release and that really irritates me. Everything from stuffing a finger through their gill while ripping the hook out to launching them into the river like a football. What's the point of doing that? It's probably going to die that way. Anyway keep up the good work :)
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The law states that when you have kept your limit you are done fishing for the day. Even catch and release is illegal at this point. These fish are not all considered rainbow trout, they are Klamath strain Redbands. This is the largest strain of redband in the world, and there is no replenishing this stock once their gone. By the way, the limit is one per day. Be careful down there, it's not if you get caught...it's when.
Ok I don't know exactly why we im getting posts about this all of a sudden but im begining to feel they are pointed at me. I know the rules and follow them. I have never kept more than my limit on the occasions I do keep fish and treat the ones I release with more care than most other ppl I have seen because I want them healthy and to stay that way. The fish I keep as I have stated before go to several elderly couples who can't get out and enjoy fish. I will never get caught because I am not doing anything even remotely wrong. If this was not pointed at me I apologize but if so I stand by what I have posted.
Promoting catch and release. Look at the pics on some of your other threads with three Redbands (not rainbows) laying on rocks. Very fragile fishery this area is.
Top one was mine and I was fishing with several other ppl. Guess I could see how you could come to the wrong conclusion. In closing once again I never keep more than my limit and don't even keep that unless needed. Enough said.
redband said:
Promoting catch and release. Look at the pics on some of your other threads with three Redbands (not rainbows) laying on rocks. Very fragile fishery this area is.
Hey redband nice to have here and welcome to the forum BUT fishfry has been a very good member here he always helps on advice and willing to help anybody with any tips if someone ask and if you read all his post you will see he mostly catch and release!!! and Welcome to the forum again!!!
Great. Not trying to start any drama here, but what always seems to happen is people post pictures of very large trout, call them rainbows and more and more people are here fishing a fishery they are compltely uneducated about. I guess i'm asking please educate yourself on this very diverse and fragile fishery before advice is handed out. The majority of fish of The Klamath Basin are Oncorhynchus mykiss newberri and they show an outward appearance of an O.m. irideus steelhead. The only actual rainbows in The Klamath River (Oregon) are located in a tiny stretch of river located near The Frain Ranch. The fish of the Basin are commomly called rainbows due to their similar appearance to sea-run rainbow trout. This area holds some enormous fish, the size most people would not believe unless they were actually seen. The Keno section fish must be thought of as steelhead. These trout stage in pods in some of the deep holes this time of year on their pre spawn run. These fish move out together (like steelhead) to Spencer Creek...the only spawning stream for these fish above J.C. Boyle. So in essence, killing one of these fish this time of year that were introduced here between 10,000-50,000 years ago from the last glacial epoch can be contributed to hundreds of them basically dying . Many of these fish are overly fat right now because they're full of eggs. In my opinion, a great fisherman is an educated one.
K trying hard not to be offended lol. I do try to take constructive critisism well though and am always striving to learn about the sport that I love. Thank you for your post Redband and I will try and educate others that I interact with about what I know. I believe a great fisherman is one who is passionate about fishing and while he may not be completely educated he absorbs what he learns and presses on. I consider myself this, I am out there more than anyone I know and when others are home talking about fishing I'm standing out in the freezing rain and snow with my line freezing in my eye guides doing what I love. If that makes me wrong than I don't want to be right :)
So now the question is....since you now have absorbed what types of fish these are, they are in pre spawn mode, and many are full of eggs are you going to continue with harvest?
fishfry said:
K trying hard not to be offended lol. I do try to take constructive critisism well though and am always striving to learn about the sport that I love. Thank you for your post Redband and I will try and educate others that I interact with about what I know. I believe a great fisherman is one who is passionate about fishing and while he may not be completely educated he absorbs what he learns and presses on. I consider myself this, I am out there more than anyone I know and when others are home talking about fishing I'm standing out in the freezing rain and snow with my line freezing in my eye guides doing what I love. If that makes me wrong than I don't want to be right :)

preach on brother!! i'm all about catch and release, but i'm also about rights. and everyone have the right to do as they please. as long as your obeying the laws. the internet is full of negativity (no offense intended) glad you don't let it get to you
Well my dad taught me to always tell the truth so here it is. I will be more selective but in short yes. I will continue to take the occasional fish while being respectful of the fishery. I'm not arguing or trying to be an a$$, just honest. My uncle fished that river before I was around and I will continue to do so. The ppl that are in need of true reprimand are the locals that come down there, leave trash everywhere, use bait and keep everything they catch. But this is just my humble opinion. Once again ty for the educational post and hope to see you on the water :)
Steelhead slayer...what is so negative about education. nobody is trying to take away anyones rights. fishfry...if you are witnessing the "locals" leaving trash, using bait, and keeping everything they catch are you contacting local law enforcement about these issues?
redband said:
Steelhead slayer...what is so negative about education. nobody is trying to take away anyones rights. fishfry...if you are witnessing the "locals" leaving trash, using bait, and keeping everything they catch are you contacting local law enforcement about these issues?

Good grief...isn't this horse dead yet?
Ok. Last post to you sir. Yes I have spoken to them on several occasions and they are trying to fix the problem. Those ppl causing problems mostly go down when the weather is warm and they can drive down there because they are not true fishermen and are lazy. I pick up trash as best I can wherever I fish, although car doors and larger objects are a bit much for me. This thread was made by me to primarily give ppl some reports and to throw out some fishing tips, be it for the klamath or whatever water they fish that holds nice rainbows (or Oncorhynchus mykiss) etc. If you want to discuss this more please p.m. me (private message) (this can be done by clicking on my profile) and I'd be happy to chat with you. Another great option would be to start your OWN educational thread and tell people what you know and believe. Ty again and good day.
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Amazing....local law enforcement is lazy...not true fisherman. I was down there the last two days and law enforcement was there despite the bad roads. You have to remember law enforcement doesn't always have to appear to be law enforcement.
redband said:
Amazing....local law enforcement is lazy...not true fisherman. I was down there the last two days and law enforcement was there despite the bad roads. You have to remember law enforcement doesn't always have to appear to be law enforcement.

have u ever heard of a private message,,quit ruining fishfrys thread,,some of us enjoy his posts and pics...
bigsteel said:
have u ever heard of a private message,,quit ruining fishfrys thread,,some of us enjoy his posts and pics...

Amen brother!

Get OFF of your frickin' high horse, and let this thread be.

Fishfry's thread and posts are great; and have given NO cause to think that he is not fishing legally.

Besides, are you his mom?
i think a few people like your thread fishfry

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