Klamath River Rainbows

Quick post. Could the officer that I spoke to on the lake sunday shoot me an email plz. Had a couple questions for you. My email is benjamin.afry2000@gmail.com. It would be most appreciated.
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waco said:
Nice report like always!!! Man you always getting big fish out that lake!!! Do you ever catch any smaller fish???

I have fished Upper Klamath since 1978 and have literally caught thousands of those fish, I would say the average length in the spring is around 21-22" and probably 18-19" in the fall. Occasionally in the summer or fall you will catch fish as small as 14-15", especially around the river mouths, springs and Pelican bay. There seems to be more small fish in the fall because they juvenile fish migrate out of the rivers into the lake when they become adults. I have caught very few Klamath lake fish under 18" and a fair number of small 13-16" trout at the mouth of the wood river in agency lake in the summer. About 10 years ago the feds did a tagging study and we caught a good handful of tagged fish, a 20" Klamath lake rainbow is typically 3 years old.
Good info maddog ty. As I said I know very little about the lake and maddog and others have some extensive knowledge. When you coming up this way mad?
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Good Catchin' there Bro...:D:D

I've heard now that the water is rising at Brownlee, the Crappie are bitin. They are from 9" to 13". :lol::lol:...BL is some distance away.

Good Luck Lilsalmon & big Steel. :D:D
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First OFF, it was great meeting you fishfry....dang it was windy. We ended up on the lake on a jet boat....it was fun but the fishing sucked...wish I would have had some of your minnows...fly fishing just wasn't the thing to be doing. I find stillwater fishing like what we were doing kind of boring, a lot of work for nothing. We only seen 2 other boats on the lake and I know the one got some using spinners. Dave had a few really good hits...I didn't have shirt......got some pics of the area, which is beautiful, by the way. Will post on a new thread so I don't hijack this one...We will definitely be back down to hit the river
fishfry said:
No. None of the lake bows I've caught have even hinted at jumping.

I took this one from the lake yesterday and she did not even pretend to want to jump, BUT her big brother who I lost while reaching for my net put on one hell of an arial show!
Nice catch :) they jump all over in the mornings but not when I hook em lol. Hit the lake again today and not a bite from 0830 till 0130 pm then one nailed it. Turned out to be a nice fat 21 incher so at least I didn't get skunked. Ill throw a pic up in a while.
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Here's that 21 incher from Saturday.
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Bubble Bath?

Bubble Bath?

Nice fish Mr. Fry.

BTW, based on those bubbles along it's side...I'd say that it just had a bubble bath! :lol:
Well Maddog was right on the money about the algae. Went out today and it's starting to come in. Got to the lake around 09:30. After about 20-30 had one nail my pole and landed it, a real good looking 25 incher. Didn't want to stop fishing so soon after getting there so let it back to frollic with its fellow redsides. No more bites until almost 02:00 then had 5-6 good pull downs. Had one run it in and jump and after a brief stint on my hook it came off, then about 02:40 landed this nice 24 incher. Beautiful day with very little wind and near perfect temperatures. All in all another great time :)
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fishfry said:
Well Maddog was right on the money about the algae. Went out today and it's starting to come in. Got to the lake around 09:30. After about 20-30 had one nail my pole and landed it, a real good looking 25 incher. Didn't want to stop fishing so soon after getting there so let it back to frollic with its fellow redsides. No more bites until almost 02:00 then had 5-6 good pull downs. Had one run it in and jump and after a brief stint on my hook it came off, then about 02:40 landed this nice 24 incher. Beautiful day with very little wind and near perfect temperatures. All in all another great time :)

Nice Ben!!! :dance:

I don't ever keep them cuz I don't ever want to quit when I am on the lake! :lol: Are the rivers still runnin' wild down there? Looks like the stream flows are still high. I might be down in a couple of weeks.
Actually the rivers (at least the Sprague) are looking pretty good. Sprague is down at least a foot and a half in the last few days and still dropping and the algae blooms should be starting up so hopefully the fishing will begin to pick up in the river. I'm gonnna start getting seriouse again later this week and start going out before work. Been working allot so haven't wanted to drag my butt out of bed that early but I guess I'll have to start lol.

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