Klamath Lake fishing

Thanks Hawk. Not all of the fish that come out of Klamath Lake are that bright and pretty, but this one looks real appetizing so I am looking forward to dinner tonight! :dance:

BTW, when we talked to the sheriff and showed him our fish he said he had talked to a lot of boats and no other fish had been caught. We talked to several people and only one other person had hooked anything. Not to imply that my son and I are good fishermen or anything... ;)
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Most of the other folks were trolling tooo fast...

Exactly! (just my opinion though...)
I do not doubt your opinion at all. Here we go, is story time.....

We used to go up to Campbell lake a lot when I was in school. We had this little boat that looked kind of like a kayak but for two people(if you don't mind getting REAL friendly with the other person). We would start going as soon as the road was clear, typically there would still be snow around the lake and even ice on the lake in some spots. Anyway, we noticed the guys with boats and electric trolling motors would rarely catch fish in the early season. We, however, usually caught limits because we were paddling and could paddle VERY slow. One time I got a bite but was too slow and lost it.. or so I thought. After we went half way around the lake I reeled in because I had no other bites... and it wasn't until the fish was about 3' from the boat that I realized I had a fish. I had literally been dragging it around the lake!

So yeah, I am very familier with the trolling speed in COLD water. I think even 1mph might be a bit fast for those fish right now.... but also with the amount of baitfish I saw suspended in the water, they may not even be very hungry... who knows. :)
I love Campbell and Dead Horse lakes. My oldest boy and I used to get over there a lot in the mid 90's. We fished it just like you mentioned. We had a Coleman canoe and I would paddle us just barely fast enough to make the blades on a small Doc Shelton spin.

One day on our way back home from a good day of fishing up there my boy, who was about nine or so at the time, fell alseep in the truck. Suddenly he blurted out "Got One!" from a dead sleep and jerked his arm as if he were setting the hook. Evidently he did'nt get enough fishing that day so he supplemented by dreaming about more fishing! ;)
Hey Caveman, you might want to go to IBoats.com. They have a forum there where you can post your problem and someone will answer you, usually someone in the know. I've received some answers that really helped me on boating issues.
Only boat problem I have is my boat is old and small. I am guessing that reply was meant for Couger Jim :)
Sorry Jim: guess I got you mixed up with Caveman. Anyway, look at what I wrote him about and maybe it'll help you out with your engine troubles.
ol tymer said:

No problem ol tymer. Just curious though, are you saying your sorry I am stuck with an old beat up boat or that you got me mixed up with CougerJim? ;)
Thanks Ol Tymer, I have been on a site all morning just about the make of motor I have.
The guy I bought the boat from called me and said I did not have the trim & tilt set right for it to plain. He said I would have to lower the tilt all the way to the transom.
Maybe that was the problem.

Cody It always makes me happy to see adults handing the heritage of the great outdoors down to the young ens. Everytime I take one of my boys out I always tell em, "all I ask of you is to do the same with your kids one day!"

I have a daughter who is going through a rough patch right now so my wife and I are taking care of my three young grandsons (2, 4, and 5) for an indefinante period. While it troubles me that my daughter is having a hard time dealing with life, on the other hand I feel blessed to be able to have the opportunity to hand down to another generation the outdoor traditions that were handed to me by my father and grandfathers. So many kids today just do'nt get a chance to get outside and they spend all their time living in the fantasy worlds of TV and Video Games...
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I know exactly how you feel Caveman. My son is wrestling with the fact that his son is down in Calif and his ex won't even let him talk to him on the phone. Hopefully, according to the courts, he is to get his son for the summer, at which time we shall take him out on the boat for a little fishin'. I had another grandson here 2 years ago and took him up to Gerber for some croppie fishin'. It was his first time. A cool oriental guy on the dock took a liking to him, gave him his pole, and proceeded to show him what to do. He outfished us all. He still talks about that excursion till this day.
Well, I hope it was something as simple as that Jim. If so, then you're good to go!
No, No! Any boat is better than NO boat. I've had my share of fishin' from the bank. Get hung up and you wind up breakin' your line. Least with a boat you can move around and maybe get unsnagged.
@cougarjim: You should be trimmed all the way down to start but that engine should have enough grunt to get you up on plane regardless, it should just take longer. Once you are up on plane you then trim up to decrease the wetted surface of the hull so you can go faster and use less fuel. So unless you have it REALLY trimmed up, I think it should still get you on plane. You will know if you have it trimmed too high because the engine will sound funky.. as the prop is actually partially in the air. Also if you give it gas and the bow comes up WAY to high and you see a rooster tail coming out of the back, is another sign the trim is too high.

@caveman: I have actually turned a lot of kids onto fishing and hiking. I have yet to find a kid who doesn't like catching fish :). Klamath Lake fishing might be a bit slow for most kids so that is why I usually take kids to a "sure" fishing place(topsy, campbell, deadhorse, etc).. really gets 'em hooked :)
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Those are the experiences that ground a kid to "reality" and stick with him all his life. I wish the best to you and your boy in the custody battle.
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@caveman: I have actually turned a lot of kids onto fishing and hiking. I have yet to find a kid who doesn't like catching fish :). Klamath Lake fishing might be a bit slow for most kids so that is why I usually take kids to a "sure" fishing place(topsy, campbell, deadhorse, etc).. really gets 'em hooked :)

Exactly, thats why I will have the grandkids in more "kid friendly" water just as soon as the weather warms. Although the boys have actually enjoyed full days out on Klamath Lake much to my surprise.
I was just told by Pelican marina that I have too much pitch on my prop causing the motor to bog down out of the hole. He did not see the prop but said that is what it is because I just bought the boat and it came from a lower elevation. I guess Redding is about 3000 ft lower or more. He said the motor is not getting as much air at this elevation. I am inclined to believe him. It's like a car trying to get started in 5th or 6th gear. no torque or RPMs. I am going to buy another prop and see.
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Hope that does the trick for ya Jim. Keep us posted...

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