Klamath Lake fishing



OK, Cody, that helped a lot. I've only been on that stretch of 140 a couple of times. Whenever I go over the hill, I always go through Fort Klamath and up west side road past Rocky Point. My boat is too big for the Hagelstein launch site. 20ft Seaswirl with a nice I/O v-6 engine. At Wenzel I'd have to locate the narrows to pass into the big lake. Not sure where they're at. West and South I imagine. I've been told there is a campground south of Wenzel that is on the Williamson and they have a launch site. If so, then I could motor down the Williamson till it empties into the big lake. Anyway, soon as the water warms up a little, I'll have to put in somewhere, just to be out on the water again. Can't wait!! Thanks again. Ol Tymer
That is right, there is a place on the williamson river where I believe you can launch your boat but I believe you have to pay a fee.

As far as finding the narrows, from the map it looks like if you go west on AGency lake to the marsh, then follow the edge of the marsh to the south you can't miss it. The depth looks like 6-8' through there so that shouldn't be a problem. I would take it slow the first time just to be safe :)

I BELIEVE there is a ramp at Rocky Point as well but don't quote me on that. It may also be another where you have to pay to use it, I just don't know. It has been about 20 years since I was last actually at Rocky Point. :)

I personally will be hitting the lake on Sunday unless the weather forecast changes dramatically. It is supposed to be in the mid 50's with sun and light wind.. sounds good to me! :) Hopefully I can put another mark on that map of mine. :)
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Wow, great story Jim. I almost always carry my sidearm weather fishing or hunting. I'll make sure I'm always carrying it now. You never know when or where one of those kitties is going to show up.
Great info!

Great info!

OK, sounds simple enough, Cody. Think what I'll do is launch at Henzel, beat across at high speed, and scout the area and time myself on how long it takes to navigate the narrows. I'm wondering how close to the west side of the lake I'll be when I get there. :think: Oh yeah, I forgot to ask earlier about the two launch sites you mentioned, whether or not they are improved sites. Good luck, Sunday. Ol Tymer
steelheadstalker31 said:
Wow, great story Jim. I almost always carry my sidearm weather fishing or hunting. I'll make sure I'm always carrying it now. You never know when or where one of those kitties is going to show up.

I have always said that it's always better to have it and not need it than not have it and need it.

kfallscody said:
I personally will be hitting the lake on Sunday unless the weather forecast changes dramatically. It is supposed to be in the mid 50's with sun and light wind.. sounds good to me! :) Hopefully I can put another mark on that map of mine. :)

I will be dragging a couple Rapala's around on Sunday also, maybe there will be a few new dots put on your map!;)
this nice weather has me itching bad for tomorrow. :).

I think I will probably have one or two poles trolling then I'll be casting towards shore as we go. The trollers will probably be using rapalas at different depths. I will be casting a rubber minnow with a paddle tail to shore. These really are some carnivorous fish! :)
Gonna be hard to sleep tonight... anticipation is killing me. I went to BiMart and got a bigger net today cus I almost could'nt get my last fish into the net I had.
Is funny you mentioned the net, I have been thining about a bigger one myself. The last fish I caught was a tight squeeze but also my new boat is so much HIGHER.. not sure I can reach the net down to the fish! :)
I took my Bass Boat out today, I launched at the 140 ramp but I didn't get any fishing in.
I had engine trouble. When I opened the throttle it would not come up on plain, it would just bog down, but when I would pull back on the throttle and gradually increase it, some times it would start running smooth and come up on plain. Once it got on plain it really ran good.
I guess I need to get a tuneup. Does anyone know where the best place I could take it for a tune up?
cougarjim said:
I took my Bass Boat out today, I launched at the 140 ramp but I didn't get any fishing in.
I had engine trouble. When I opened the throttle it would not come up on plain, it would just bog down, but when I would pull back on the throttle and gradually increase it, some times it would start running smooth and come up on plain. Once it got on plain it really ran good.
I guess I need to get a tuneup. Does anyone know where the best place I could take it for a tune up?

Jim, it acts like it could be a
carb problem
fuel pump
gas filter

I've gotten into the habit of putting 'Marine Stabil' in with fresh gasoline. Good Luck.

Cody, those are some Mighty Beautiful pics.

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I was thinking the same thing as Hawk, fuel problem. I would start with the filter as that is typically the easiest/fastest/cheapest thing to try. Is the outboard a 2 cycle or a 4 cycle? I know in my old 9.8hp 2 cycle outboard the sparkplug gaps were not all set the same and that caused problems just like you mentioned. Once I set them all to the same gap, that solved everything. It would really bog down if you went past about half throttle... I think it was actually dropping a cylinder.

If you are not comfortable with tearing into it, there are really only two places in town that do that kind of work, that I know of. Pelican Marine on the lake and American Marine on 6th st.

My guess is the same as what Hawk suggested or the spark plugs.. just my somewhat barely educated best guess :).
The engine is a two stroke Suzuki V 6 It's got 12 spark plugs and 3 carbs. I would not even start to mess with 3 carbs. I just replaced the fuel filter because the old one was leaking.
It has an electric fuel pump that will not shut off as long as the ignition is on. I thought when the pressure would build up it should shut off. Could there be a leak back on the fuel system and starving for fuel?

Thanks Hawk and Cody For the reply.

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Wow.. well that certainly complicates things.....

Here is a REAL stupid question.. but I have to ask it. Any chance thet fuel filter is in backwards? I seem to remember something about some fuel filters only flowing one way.

One would think that the fuel pump would shut off once it reached the rquired pressure... makes me think it is never getting there or the mechanism that detects the pressure and tells the fuel pump to shut off, is not working.... Just a guess.
NICE FISH!!!! :D :D i want to go over there so badly. but i dont know how id do from the bank.
Hey Shane, you should come on over. The bank fishermen are doing very well right now. On sunny days the fish are moving into the shallower water cus it warms fastest. With the cold water the fish are moving very slowly so they are happy to find a stationary meal. I have noticed most of the boats are trolling way too fast.
LOL, well we passed many boats and none ever waved back so I kind of gave up. Where you the ones that were on shore then headed south? Shoulda said something man, of course we had the radio on so not sure if we would have heard or not.

A 22" fish is still a giant in my book, nice fish! :) Looks like you'll be putting a new mark on the map then? :)

As far as trolling too fast, I KNOW we were going too fast today. We would let it idle for a while but you aren't supposed to let the engine idle for very long so every 5 minutes or so I would ahve to bump up the speed.. rinse repeat. At the idle, with the trolling plate down, we were going between 1 and 2 mph.. according to the GPS in my phone.

Oh well, next time! :) The forecast looks like cool and more rain for next weekend so it might be a while...
Yeah that was us. I stopped and cooked lunch for my crew. I waved and hollered but I could'nt get your attention, figured between the engine and music ya could'nt hear me.

The speed comment was not aimed at you, I know you are still in the breakin phase, but I have watched a lot of boats and for this early in the season they are trolling to fast for fish in this cold water (just my opinion).

OK, time to put another mark on your map... :)
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Well crap.. at least now I know what your boat looks like so next time I see ya out there I won't be so "snobish".. :)

I saw a guy troll by, while we were stopped by the sherrif for our inspection, who must have been trolling at like 8mph... I KNEW no fish would be going that fast in 38 degree water. I saw him turn around and troll south, looks like we should have followed their lead... Oh well though :)

The fish finder showed LOTS of fish... there were areas where there was a solid layer of fish, what you mentioned as probably being schools of baitfish. Also saw fish from 8' deep down to 40' deep. I knew I had no hope for the fish at 40' but was hoping the 8' fish would give a nibble. :) We trolled our way almost to the point with me casting towards shore the entire way up.. nothing. Oh well though, was a great day on the lake and I just love being in that boat :)
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cougarjim said:
The engine is a two stroke Suzuki V 6 It's got 12 spark plugs and 3 carbs. I would not even start to mess with 3 carbs. I just replaced the fuel filter because the old one was leaking.
It has an electric fuel pump that will not shut off as long as the ignition is on. I thought when the pressure would build up it should shut off. Could there be a leak back on the fuel system and starving for fuel?

Thanks Hawk and Cody For the reply.


Good Mornin' Y'all...:)

:think: hmmmmm

I'm no expert, but i guess it's possible there might be more then 1 fuel filter. I've had trucks that had a small filter at the carb inlet, etc.

I would think the fuel pump should shut off when the pressure is adequate.

If you go to Google ask a question. Maybe you can find a good website where you can ask a marine mechanic some questions. & get some answers. Best of luck to you.

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