Klamath Lake fishing

kfallscody said:
Wow, well nothing like the last minute catch to win the day :).

I have never really been a fan of the jon boat, or any flat bottom boat. They just don't really do well in the rough water and as I know all too well, that lake can get rough FAST! :)

Yep, it seems pretty strange to me that for the Tourney Prize they gave, a Jon Boat & motor/trailer away , at a lake that's Real Windy...:rolleyes:
I am just totally lost for words Cody. I had a tough time reading your story because my eyes kept leaking. I thought I was pretty tough but I guess not. Thank goodness you all are all right. If there is any ripple on the water you will see me wearing my life jacket.

Those monster trout might like a lil Cleo gold spoon.


@cougarjim Yeah it was a terrible thing, something I hope NEVER repeats :). That is why I got a MUCH bigger boat(19') with a huge amount of freeboard and a bilge pump :). Is also why I wear an inflatable PFD everytime I step onto a boat. It goes on while I am still standing on the dock :). I consider myself to be in decent shape, certainly stronger than average(am a bit of a gym junkie) and I felt COMPLETELY weak and helpless in that situation... a very humbling experience for sure.

I actually was thinking when we were out on the lake Sunday, I am glad we didn't flip the boat in the 37 degree water we had on Sunday because I am not sure how long one can stay alive in that COLD water... :)

But anyway, I still am not sure how I am going to work the tournament and launching the boat and such. I will have to give it some thought :)
Does your new boat have a cuddy cabin? I think I would sleep on it over night before I would leave it anchored out there. I would be afraid of thieves.

No is an open bow. I was thinking the same, sleep on it.. could put the cover on the boat and sleep under that.. in a sleeping bag and pad. :) I dunno, is starting to sound like a bit much for a fishing tournament :)
Yea I know what you mean. I'm going to just launch the morning of the tournament. So I have to wait in line for a while, Big deal. I am not going to worry about a little lost time fishing.

Wow, that was a heck of an ordeal Cody. I am really glad everything was OK in the end.

I am debating on whether or not I should share your story with my wife. On the one hand she may understand my need for a larger boat, but on the other hand she may just go take out a larger insurance policy on me...

I am definantly gonna camp the day before the tourny.
Well what I have seen of the Valco boats is they are fairly wide with decently tall sides. My little smokercraft boat was never meant for that kind of water for sure! But hey, whatever you need to get a larger boat is fine by me :). I can say though that it has been nearly a year since it happened and I still get nervous on boats. Even in my new big boat I got a little nervous when I was crossing another boats wake last weekend, even though it made for barely a bump for that new boat. So better to avoid the whole thing and keep your confidence :)
Yeah I actually love my little Valco. It trolls awesome and I can run it right up on shore when I want to cook lunch (I always carry my backpacking stove and cooking utinsles) or make camp for the night. Thats what I plan to do the night before the fishing derby.

I bought a brand new 21ft Bayliner open bow runabout in 97 with a 5.0L mercruiser (probobly the same engine you have) and broke it in on klamath lake just like you are doing. My sons and I were into wakeboarding then and we got our share of Klamath BlueGreen algae without spending a dime on Cell Tech products! Got rid of that boat when my oldest boys left the nest. But now my youngest boy is a teenager and we have custody of 3 of my grandsons so my wife and boys are pushing to get another runabout. They might pressure me into it, but I'm kinda feeling a 16ft AlumaWeld with full canvas, 60HP Merc, rod holders, down riggers... well, you get the picture :)
Mine actually has the 3.0L Mercruiser. I thought about more engine but we got a SCREAMING deal on this boat, being last one of last year's models. I have not really hammered on it yet but it seems to have enough oomph to do what we want(fish, tubeing.. maybe skiing eventually). Mine is setup with the fishing package, so it has the rod holders, fish finder, livewell and rod storage in it.

I was looking at the alumaweld's over in Medford when we bought this boat. They are pretty spendy but are certainly a nice boat. The 60hp might be a little underpowered for playing duty(wakeboarding, skiiing, etc) but I bet it would get the job done. :)
Oh I would not even begin to board behind the 60hp OB (even though it could be done) I am just thinking about a great fishin setup...
I thought I would update my avatar. See what 5 years can do to you.:( Same cowboy hat.
Cody, you had a close call on the water.
Well you can have some close calls on land also. I just chalk it up to crap happens.
This is how I got my nick name Cougar Jim. Maybe some will find it interesting. It has been published in several publications.

This happened at Aspen Lake. Not more than 2 miles from Klamath Lake as the crow flies.

I would like to tell you a true story that happened to me and it is how I got my nick name, Cougar Jim.
I live in Oregon where we still have some pretty good hunting, like Elk, Deer, Bear, and Cougar (Mountain Lion)
It was at a place I call my wild place, because it is so remote with lots of wild critters. I was looking for a good
location to put up my tree stand. Archery season for Elk and Deer would soon be open.
I parked my truck on an old gravel road and walked out in the woods about 50 to 75 yards. There was a nice green Meadow about 25 to 30 yards across and about 100 yards long. This is a good place for my stand I thought.
At that time I heard a Deer snort, like something spooked him, but something was wrong, I was down wind of the Deer and standing perfectly still. Just at that time I caught movement out of the corner of my eye.
I could not believe my eyes, on the other side of the meadow and a little to my left was a full grown male Cougar and he was staring straight at me.
I didn't know if I was to scared to move or couldn't move. I thought to myself, What in the SAM hill am I going to do now? or better yet what could I do? I have never seen a cougar in the wild but have read a lot about them and one thing I read was not to run. he is what spooked the Deer. He probably thought, I can't get the Deer, so I will take the fat boy. I didn't have any kind of weapon, hell I didn't even have a picture of a weapon on me. I read somewhere that if you shout and wave your arms, that makes you look bigger and would scare the cat off. I guess he didn't read the same book because he came toward me with his ears laid back and snarling. Then I remembered I had a sling shot in my back pocket. You know one of those wrist rockets with steel balls in the handle. Just press a spot on the handle and one of the steel balls will roll out in your hand. "Yea--right" I guess you know that went over like a bob sled on a dirt road. All the steel balls fell out on the ground except three and I had them in my hand. I loaded one of the steel balls and pulled back to full draw and let go. Smack, right in the chest. Can you imagine shooting an Elephant with a spit ball? That was about the same results. He just came closer and went down in a crouch, like he was going to spring on me. I started backing up slowly. Every time I would put some ground between us he would rise and come closer, then go back into a crouch. I looked desperately for a stick or rock but could not find anything to fend him off.
I was backing towards my truck. If I could get close enough, maybe I could beat him to my truck. I hit him two more times with the sling shot. He would jump but act more determined. When I got about ten yards from my truck I thought I could probably beat him now. Just as I turned to run, I heard the Cougar coming at full speed. At the same time a terrible thought entered my mind. I was coming up on the passenger side of my truck. Did I lock that door? If that door is locked I am cat food. Then I made the decision that I am convinced that saved my life. I did not take a chance on the door being locked or not. Instead I went for the other side. I went in front of my truck and when I made the sharp turn to get to the door, the Cougar was reaching for me. Because of his speed and momentum he could not make the sharp turn and slid all the way across the gravel road, leaving claw marks, trying to get back at me. I got in the truck with about a second to spare.
When I closed the door, he was sitting outside looking up at me. He had a look on his face like, oh well, you win some and you loose some.
When I finally calmed down I realized my hand was bleeding. Did he get me with those sharp claws? or did I jamb my hand in the door trying to get in so quick? I can not remember. I lowered the window about two inches because I had something to say to the little kitty. I said, and you can quote me. Waite right here you #%^(&@ and I will go home and get my gun and blow your @#$%^^* head off. I hunted that cat for three years but I haven't found him YET.
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Wow, that is quite a story! Would have been time for a change of underwear for sure! :)

I have actually never seen a mountain lion in person. I have spent a LOT of hours out hiking, hunting, fishing, camping, etc and still have not seen one. I have seen two black bears... or should I say I have seen two black bear butts as they were hauling butt away from me! Bears don't really scare me but mountain lions do, THAT is why I always have a sidearm on me when I go out into the woods. Although I am always thinking in my head, that most people who get attacked by mountain lions never hear them... and they attack from behind. I find myself looking behind me a lot :)
Yea I don't go in the woods any more without my side arm. I said a prayer that day and I promised the good lord That if he let me live I would never get caught in that position again.
After that I went down and got my concealed weapons permit. At that time you could not carry any kind of firearm while bow hunting. I thought if I had the permit I could at least hide it legally.
I suppose without such events we would never have such interesting stories to tell. :)

I have actually been thinking about getting my CC permit as of late. Just thinking it might be good to carry my xdm on me just because ya never know! :)
launch site

launch site

Hey yall: been reading all the very interesting posts yall uv submitted bout Klamath lake. Also looked at Cody's map site. Verrrry interesting!! So, where is the best place to launch a boat to reach those sites? I live up near Chiloquin so I usually fish Agency lake, and launch at that little park there, I think its called Wenzel or ? Preciate any info, and keep up the forum, cause I learn a lot from yall. Thanks, Ol Tymer
Thats a crazy story Jim. I hope a never encounter one of those kittys, most of the time i dont even have a pocket knife on me.
There are two close ramps you can launch at, one is on 140 there in Howard Bay, the second is on Eage Ridge. The howard bay launch is just before you start up Doak Mountain as you are going west on 140. As you come down the west side of Doak Mountain, just as the road is leveling out, to the right you will see a sign for Eagle Ridge park or something like that. The road is about 5 miles long, gets pretty bumpy and is dirt/gravel the whole way.

I think it really depends how the wind is that day. If the wind is coming from the west, I would launch at the 140 ramp... if the wind is coming from the east, then the eagle ridge ramp. That just makes it easier to launch and dock your boat when you are protected from the wind :) Either way it is about a 2mile run to get to the deep water, regardless of which ramp you use.

Of course if you are coming from Ciloquin, neithier of them is very close. If your boat has much speed you might as well launch at the wenzel park on Agency lake and motor down, that would probably be faster than driving ALL the way around the lake. You are looking at a 7 or 8 mile run from Wenzel park.

Alright I Just remembered that I THINK there is a ramp there at the Hagelstein park on highway 97. You have to fit through a pretty small opening to get out into the lake so it will only work if you have a fairly small(narrow) boat. I have never launched thre so I have no idea as to the ramp and water depth. Once you launch you have to go under the highway then north up the channel to go under the railroad tracks. Once you are out into the water though, it is a 2-3 mile trip over to Eagle Ridge.

I hope this helps! :)
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