Klamath Lake fishing

cougarjim said:
I was just told by Pelican marina that I have too much pitch on my prop causing the motor to bog down out of the hole. He did not see the prop but said that is what it is because I just bought the boat and it came from a lower elevation. I guess Redding is about 3000 ft lower or more. He said the motor is not getting as much air at this elevation. I am inclined to believe him. It's like a car trying to get started in 5th or 6th gear. no torque or RPMs. I am going to buy another prop and see.

That sounds logical Bro Jim.

The day you took her out on the lake & she bogged down, (if you didn't have the trim/tilt locked down in the proper position/angle to your transom), that could have been your problem too.

Best of Luck to you.

That could certainly be the case, I am still sceptical though. Also that combined with the trim/tilt not being all the way down could cause that problem. I really do hope that solves it :).
Thanks guys, When the weather gets warmer I will find out.
Could very well be your problem. When I bought my boat, the owner gave me another prop which he said I should use when I go off-shore, i.e., sea-level. The one that was on the boat was for this elevation in KF. Actually they look very similar but I guess its the pitch of the blades. Hope a new prop works for you, Jim.
Got my new prop today. The weather man says 57 degrees tomorrow. I am going to try it out and get some fishing in. Ron at Pelican marina is good people. He told me if the prop don't work He will give me a new one until I get the right one. Just don't ding it. Fair enough.
Maybe I will see you on the lake.

We are actually heading to Medford tomorrow, am going to try to scare up a steelhead or two. :). Doubtful that we will hit the lake at all this weekend but you never know... will look forward to seeing/hearing how everybody else does :)
Well you know what they say about the best layed plans.... turns out we are going to be hitting the lake tomorrow as well :). I am going to try fishing down around squaw point where caveman has been having all of his success :). We will most likely be launching at moore park and zooming up from there. I am guessing we'll be launching around 12:30 and getting off the water.. well.. whenever we are either full of fish limits.. or frozen :)

I can Private Message you my phone # if you want in case you end up with motor problems and end up stuck in the lake somewhere if you want. :)
Wish I could be on the lake with ya tomorrow Jim. I got a kid gettin married tomorrow though and I don't think he would take it well if I was a no show. Be sure and give us a full report!
Well damn, I wasn't feeling too bad at first, but now that I hear both of ya are gonna be out there... Hmmm, ya know what, I aint gotta be at that church til noon...
Sounds like a good plan to me.. :) Just don't go to the Church smelling of fish :)
kfallscody said:
Well you know what they say about the best layed plans.... turns out we are going to be hitting the lake tomorrow as well :). I am going to try fishing down around squaw point where caveman has been having all of his success :). We will most likely be launching at moore park and zooming up from there. I am guessing we'll be launching around 12:30 and getting off the water.. well.. whenever we are either full of fish limits.. or frozen :)

I can Private Message you my phone # if you want in case you end up with motor problems and end up stuck in the lake somewhere if you want. :)

That would be great Cody I was wondering who I would call if I had problems. I will give you my phone number in case you ever have problems.

I know I mentioned this in PM but I figured I would mention it here as well. If you ever end up in the lake with motor problems or whatever, you can call 911 and they will send a sherriff boat out for you and to tow your boat to the dock. I learned this when we were inspected last weekend.. hell it is even free! :) Just something to keep in the back of your head :)
Thanks Cody
That is good to know about the 911 call. I got inspected last sunday but he didn't mention that. I didn't have my boat registration but he was cool about it and just told me the next time I am on the lake to wave him down and he would give me the safety sticker. He said he didn't bother anyone on the lake having fun as long as they have the sticker on the back of their boat, or throwing beer cans at him LOL.
Well we hit the lake.. didn't get any fishing in though. The water was a little rough and the boy was getting a bit nervous so we decided to cut it short and just head back. Forcing the boy to be out on the lake and in a boat when he is nervous/scared would NOT make for a fun time.

Also saw CougarJim there, was good to meet ya man! :)
Same here Cody. you've got a nice family there, and a beautiful boat.
Bro Jim,

Did the new prop solve your problem?

Have a Great Day...

Hawk said:
Bro Jim,

Did the new prop solve your problem?

Have a Great Day...


I am afraid it did not. Still the same thing, bogging down at full throttle. I believe it is a fuel air mixture problem. When I pull back on the throttle, there is a sweet spot when the engine smooths out and picks up speed and if I advance the throttle slow enough it will come up on plane.

I pulled a real boner, I forgot to put the plug in and almost lost the boat before I got it back on the trailer. Maybe I should have let it sink and collect the insurance on it. That would have solved the problem. LOL

We all have to try that one time don't we...... LOL jim another thing you could try that worked on mine is moving the motor up or down a slot, mine had to come down one hole and it made the world of difference. by the way kfallscody seen you on the lake did you get any bites??
kawasakii9 said:
We all have to try that one time don't we...... LOL jim another thing you could try that worked on mine is moving the motor up or down a slot, mine had to come down one hole and it made the world of difference. by the way kfallscody seen you on the lake did you get any bites??

I didn't get to fish any. Too busy trying to solve the boat problem, besides it was too cold for my wife. The wind chill was pretty nippy.
ok thanks, i have to wait till my trailer gets out of the shop it decided it didn't need bearings so it just spit one out.... fortunatley the repair shop remembers doing it and its a freebie on repairs.... :) ill be back at em next week.
plus to anyone watching im planning on a cabela's trip withing 2 weeks if anyone wants anything

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