Klamath Lake fishing

Today sure looks like a nice day to go fishing. I have a planned photo shoot today otherwise I'd be pushing to get out on the lake again. :) This cold snap we have comming will certainly cool the lake down a bit. Hopefully the weather will be good for next weekend and warm things up. :)
Hey Cody
The statement I made about your family, maybe I should have said "you have a beautiful family and a nice boat". Not "a nice family and a beautiful boat". LOL

Oh well I have never been accused of being too smart.
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LOL is all good, no worries :).

As far as your outboard, I think that the fuel mixture is probably the right track. If it came from Redding then it is most definitely running too rich. Although I doubt there is a single master adjustment for fuel mixture.... :(. Those three carbs really make things more complicated. If you have a manual of any kind of the outboard, so you can locate the mixture adjustment screw, you could try turning all three screws in the same amount and see if that makes much difference. Or just let the guys at Pelican handle it.. since they probably know what they are doing and I am only guessing. :)
Jim, when you bought your boat in Redding, did you take it for a test ride there? Did it get up on Plane then?
No I traded a van for it. I had an add on Craig's List to trade my van for a boat and he brought it to me. He seemed like a trustworthy guy and assured me the motor ran good.
It probably did at that elevation, and the weired thing is when it finally gets on plane it runs good here. It actually runs too fast for me.

Does the motor tilt/trim look like it is set & locked in about the lowest position?
When I open the throttle on my boat it sounds and feels like about 3 cylinders are missing until I find that sweet spot on the throttle and all of a sudden the engine will smooth out and sound good. Then I have to very slowly advance the throttle until it comes up on plain.
Even then when I advance the throttle very slow it will some times start to miss again, then I have to back off the throttle again. Yesterday when I opened the throttle wide open I left it there for a good 2 minutes and it would not smooth out until I backed off. I am going to check all the spark plugs today and make sure they are gapped right and see what I can find out about adjusting the carbs.

Well my 9.8hp 2 stroke outboard has a low speed mixture screw and the high speed mixture is set by the size of the fuel jet. I know from tinkering that if the low speed screw is too rich, it would never develop enough revs to really get going.. just kinda bog, run poorly and threaten to stop running. On my outboard it was a VERY sensitive adjustment but once I had it right, it ran REAL good.

So that is my best guess. Just wish there was only one carb then the adjustments would be MUCH easier!
Hawk said:
Does the motor tilt/trim look like it is set & locked in about the lowest position?

Yes it will plane better if I've got it sucked in all the way to the transom.

That is where mine is set. Mine is a 40hp Nissan 2stroke. She gets up on plane almost immediately on a 16' Alumacraft, by myself.
cougarjim said:
No I traded a van for it. I had an add on Craig's List to trade my van for a boat and he brought it to me. He seemed like a trustworthy guy and assured me the motor ran good.
It probably did at that elevation, and the weired thing is when it finally gets on plane it runs good here. It actually runs too fast for me.


Bass tournament fishermen want to get to their Honey Hole in a Hurry.

Me, i'm not in any hurry anymore.

Ya know, I've had my boat up to 38mph and that felt fast enough to me.... and that wasn't even full throttle! :) Kinda nervous to see what it'll do once I can go full throttle and be done with this infernal break in. :)
I go mostly to smaller lakes & ponds, so i don't have to go very far to fish my spots.

So just curious Jim how the boat is going? Did you end up taking it in or tinkering with it yourself? Just curious is all :)
I haven't done anything to it yet. There is some people interested in buying it and if I sell it I am going to buy another boat with a deep hull. My wife is a little afraid of the bass boat. When I finally get it on plain, she says it goes too fast. I am looking at a 19ft Bayliner. We will see how it goes.

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Yeah you mentioned something about that when I saw you at the boat ramp... I hope it sells quick so you can get into a boat that fits you better. :) I can't say enough good things about my 19' bayliner.. I highly recommend one! :)
Well I sold my bass boat. I am in the market for a boat now. I am going up to Redmond tomorrow to look at three different Bayliners. If anyone around here knows of any for sale, let me know.

wow that was fast! I don't know of any bayliners for sale around here but I am around town a lot with my job so I will keep my eye open. :) Good luck in Redmond! :)
Say Jim: What is your price range and are you looking for an I/O, or ?
ol tymer said:
Say Jim: What is your price range and are you looking for an I/O, or ?

The three I will be looking at are pretty reasonable. A 1987 $3000. O/B, A 1988 $2500. I/O, A 1993 $3500. I/O. The pictures on Craigslist looks pretty good. Of course pictures can be deceiving. I would like an I/O but but I would settle for an O/B.

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