Klamath Lake fishing

Welcome to the forum Caveman! Are you from the Basin?
Thanks for the welcome Mad dog. I am not so sure that finding this forum is going to be great for my business though cus I can't stay away long enough to get any work done! :D

I am a transplant to the Basin, but I have been here 20 years now. Grew up in Coos Bay. I see you are from Roseburg. I got family there. You know anybody with the last name Cave?
I don't know any Cave's in Roseburg, I have only lived here permanetly since 2007. Have you been over to the bay area fishing steelhead this winter? Most of the streams have been good! The south Coquille has been off the hook at times!

My youngest with a nice matched set of hatchery fish! If he don't cut his hair soon I'm gonna start calling him curly!
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Nice fish! Good job, time to start planning a trip. ;)
I hit the lake again this evening. FAR more fish showing at the surface than yesterday but I could'nt get hooked up:confused:

Oh well, the Eagle watching was great and they were getting a few fish. One snatched something outta the water not more than thirty yards off the bow of our boat. That made our day.:)
Wow, you are killing me! :) If the weather holds I am hoping to take the new boat out on Klamath Lake this Sunday, see if I can't scare up some fish while getting the motor broken in. :)
Supposed to be sunny but cold Sunday with a projected high of 44. Let us know how you do. My guess is that the fish will go deep again til we get back up in the 50's so I am gonna hold off for warmer weather unless you prove me wrong and post some pics of monster fish! ;)
We shall see :). I am pretty much going to get some hours on the motor but I can't help but get some line wet while doing so :). That is, unless the water is rough. Am still a bit gunshy after my incident last spring out there....
Welcome Jim. Nice boat! I am pretty new here too but the folks on this board seem friendly enough and pretty damn knowledgeable too. Good luck this year and we'll see ya on the lake!
Thanks for the welcome Caveman.
I can't wait to get out there and wet a line. I think I've got cabin fever.

Does anyone know if there is very many Crappie in Klamath Lake? In the south where I am from we pronounced it Croppy. The saying is that when you say Crappie that is your disposition when your not catching any Croppy.

That's a beautiful boat Cody. My maiden voyage with my boat will be at Topsy lake since I live only 5 miles away. I have heard there's Lot's of croppy there but I have never tried for them.

Hey thanks for the link, I will give it a look.

Yeah there are lots of crappie near the day use area(just downstream from the hwy 66 bridge), along the rocks on the north side. There will be VERY little going on now since the water is so cold.. but you know what they say about fishing and working :) That whole area, once the water gets warmer, is just full of pumpkinseeds, crappie, chubs and some perch as well as Bass. Topsy is always the place I go when I just want to catch fish and don't care what I catch... just want to catch :). That really won't start until April though, probably more like May so the water will warm up enough.
Nice boats guys!!! Way too pretty and new looking to put in Klamath lake! Oh well....that algae water will knock the shine off of them!

Welcome to the forum Jim! Never caught crappie in Upper Klamath, lot's of yellow perch around Rocky pt. and at times the mouth of the Wood river. Topsy does have crappie though, try around the hwy 66 bridge pilings in the evening on an early summer day!
not sure how much interest there is in this but I figured I would throw this out there :)

I created a google map to basically document what I find out in the lake. Deep parts, dangerously shallow parts, where fish are caught, etc etc. I believe you can view it without a google account but if you want to add your own info, you need a google account. Anyway, the link is below. :)

Click here
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Thanks for the information Cody, I really appreciate it. This is some real information that I can use. This is more information than I have learned in weeks of Google searching. What can I say, you are a real gentleman.

Wow, thats awsome K.F.Cody! I hope that you meant for others to add info, I put in the location and particulars about the fish I caught last week. We could all really benefit from this data over time.

Hey Jim, I told ya this was a great group of folks here!
Yes, I absolutely meant for others to add to it, feel free to add whatever you like to the map :) The more data we get on it, the more useful it will be. :)

Now we just need some warmer water temperature then we can hopefully put some more marks on the map! :)
This is a great idea, When we get enough post's we will be able to see a pattern
forming. This will help everyone.
Thanks Cody
Thats cool! That is the stretch of the lake we have fish the two times out. We fished some shallows too that had a lot of fish rolling. Should be a good year over there!

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