Recent trouts and bent rods!

Ummmmm, your right Randy. That is Brian Marz's rod I am using.....We got spoiled yesterday on a very nice float. Dave will be doing a report today. My rod is going to the Big D on Tuesday, tho. Still need to get that first fish. You bet there will be a picture of that!

Good job FB....your fish porn, as always, is sweet.....
nice work jake,clean cut and looking for redsides sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
I took a break from throwing big dries and was pleasantly rewarded :D
  • big bow.jpg
What a hog!
Beautiful fish steelhead slayer!!!
Thank you guys
Here's another one for you guys. Get enough little ones out of the way and the bigger ones get a chance
steelhead_slayer said:
I took a break from throwing big dries and was pleasantly rewarded :D

Ya buddy!!! :dance: Looks like you are putting that stick to some good use :clap:
Some good porn to come soon from the weekend, but in the meantime enjoy this :cool:
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Alright, with over 10,000 hits on this thread I'd say that it's getting seen by people. :shock:

The fish are looking up right now and the crowds are down there. However, there are plenty of fish to be found. Fishing with a dry (where we were at) was most productive in the evening. Fish can be caught all day on the dry, but if your looking for numbers, nymphing is still the most productive in the day while we are in the beginning of the hatch up here. We were still able to get some good risers during the day, but I like switching it up a little. Having a nymph rod and dry fly rod set up for fishing, I would cover water with dries then go back through with nymphs, and just clean up the run!

The highlight of the weekend for me was getting a Bull Trout up on the Dry Fly, other than getting taken into my backing 3 times. They sure seemed to have soft lips though, as a lot of fish came unbuttoned?? It was a good trip we all got fish up top and all had a great time doing it. Thanks OTF, Eggs, and Ninja for joining us on Saturday night and supplying firewood after we burned all ours the first night, ugh. :)
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Reactions: mahmichael
nice job man, were headin out for four days starting tomorrow
bully attacked a dry?? epic!!!! nice fish dude
Wish I could be out there for four dayz, and the bully up top was sure fun! Got Heeem :)
Good luck Randy! Not that you''l need it.
one more bent rod to add
FlyBum said:
GO TO LAST PAGES!! For latest info

Couple of days on the Deschutes, Lower and Middle last week. I showed you mine, lets see yours!

Hey FlyBum, F.. you, ok?!

Just joking, very nice fish. I'm just jealous!
mahmichael said:
Hey FlyBum, F.. you, ok?!

Just joking, very nice fish. I'm just jealous!

WoW! Thanks Dick!

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