delta ponds continue to impress

Hawk said:
I've always taken my fish pictures with a polaroid camera.........:rolleyes:

I'm planning to git sumthin' digital that is easy to use & makes pretty good pictures. Do u folks use an easy shoot digital camera or do u use a camera phone ?? What brand is it & how much does it cost, please.


Have a Beautiful Day.........................:D..................:cool:

i ordered my sweet camera of home shopping network.. u can go to it online and its like 49 dollars a month.. its a super supoer good camera.. got about 30 diff shots for like taking pics through windows to taking them of something under the water but not submergint it... it is like a 3 hundred dollar camera for 199.. but 49 a month sold me....
Hawk said:
Mighty Nice Bro...................................:D:D:D.................................:cool::cool::cool:..................................:clap::clap::clap:........................BASS Power................................:lol::lol::lol:

that looks about the size mine was the other night when i got it to hit topwater.. sad to say tho i didn't get a pic a my beauty.. maybe nextime...he was kinda pale tho like the one we caught at the hwy 99 pond....not quite as pale but wasn't shiny green like most the come outta there.. and was only in like 1 foot a water....with a muddy bottom...
Finneus Polebender said:
gotta love it this one took me for a ride on my pontoon today yeeehawww
Nice Fish Polebender!!!:clap::clap: What you land that hog on? Still using soft plastics? Any top-water action yet?
Finneus Polebender said:
All fish today were caught on a rubber worm they are real close to the bank and still a bit slow. The ol cast and let sink for 10 to 15 sec then very slow retrieve seemed to do the trick

tried and true hard to change ol habits especially ones that work. no top water for me yet keep waitin fo that mid retrieve strike on a return of an unsucsessful cast but not yet.
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well ladies and gents i hit Delta yesterday in the rain and wind, i fished both ponds catching 3 in the ponds bordering goodpasture road and then took the toon to the back ponds and caught 8 more i have a few pics that will be following , it was wet but the fishing was awesome
wow thats great now if i could just get some parts fixed on my car id be out fishing to lol
bucketman009 said:
well ladies and gents i hit Delta yesterday in the rain and wind, i fished both ponds catching 3 in the ponds bordering goodpasture road and then took the toon to the back ponds and caught 8 more i have a few pics that will be following , it was wet but the fishing was awesome

rigjht on that place is weird like that never know when they will turn on good job look forward to pics gonna tryin get out myself this afternoon if weathermans right. good luck to all fish on
4th hog o the year

4th hog o the year

09 is openin strong picked up my 4th over 4 lbs today bite was kinda slow though darn wind can't complain though. rest of pics in profile 5-7-09
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nice fish polebender i went up to st louis ponds today and did real well a lot of dinks but i also got a couple of 3#ers and i also caught a bunch of green ear sunfish
bucketman009 said:
nice fish polebender i went up to st louis ponds today and did real well a lot of dinks but i also got a couple of 3#ers and i also caught a bunch of green ear sunfish

those the ones by I-5 in salem? never tried them trout stocked i thought.
yep trout stocked but there is bass crappie bluegill bullhead and channel cats and green ear sunfish also
Bass Bustin is what was on the agenda today and let me tell you , Mission accomplished!

We were Just slamin em today, the break in the weather was all we needed. All but one were over 3#s and they were ballerina dancers during the fight all came out of the water. It was a stinkin blast even though I missed what could have been the biggest fish Ive seen from the deltas after it did the tail dance for like 5 feet, full lenghth out of the water like Flipper. I am just guestimating but I think it looked bigger than the one in the other delta thread. I was about to tear up after I lost it but then I hooked into another 4#er on the very next cast.
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Drice said:
Bass Bustin is what was on the agenda today and let me tell you , Mission accomplished!

We were Just slamin em today, the break in the weather was all we needed. All but one were over 3#s and they were ballerina dancers during the fight all came out of the water. It was a stinkin blast even though I missed what could have been the biggest fish Ive seen from the deltas after it did the tail dance for like 5 feet, full lenghth out of the water like Flipper. I am just guestimating but I think it looked bigger than the one in the other delta thread. I was about to tear up after I lost it but then I hooked into another 4#er on the very next cast.

they are definitely pickin up steam noticed the fight gets better every day
those are all Beautiful Bass Brothers.......................Great Job................................:clap::clap::clap:...................................:D:D:D...............................:cool::cool::cool:
i've never fished delta ponds i was wondering(if you dont mind)whats ben working for you guys there plastics,spinners,buzzers,jerk baits,jigs,etc.if anyone could give me some info on what theyve ben using thatd be awesome im planning on heading out there pretty soon i heard theres more than one pond out there to..i plan coming on the side across from the car dealer ships since ill be on my bike & if im not mistaken the side that goodpasture is on im pretty looks like theres ben a lot good fishing going down out there and i'd loove to get a few if someone could help me out on whats ben working the best and the best pond and how to access it..that would be great..

willee said:
i've never fished delta ponds i was wondering(if you dont mind)whats ben working for you guys there plastics,spinners,buzzers,jerk baits,jigs,etc.if anyone could give me some info on what theyve ben using thatd be awesome im planning on heading out there pretty soon i heard theres more than one pond out there to..i plan coming on the side across from the car dealer ships since ill be on my bike & if im not mistaken the side that goodpasture is on im pretty looks like theres ben a lot good fishing going down out there and i'd loove to get a few if someone could help me out on whats ben working the best and the best pond and how to access it..that would be great..


think there are over 100 replies on this thread makes for some very instructional reading. Sorry the whole broken record thing I do believe its all in here though good luck out there lots o good water
I live across the street from the delta ponds, and have been taking my daughter over there every day but have had no luck, is it bad timing to go at about 7pm? We haven't used the worms yet, been using some top gear recommended by one of the guys at 2 guys fishing, might have to switch it seems.

Any advise is appreciated! :D
Go to Worm

Go to Worm

Finneus Polebender said:
they are definitely pickin up steam noticed the fight gets better every day

Howdy FP! Whats your favorite color/ length worm for Delta? Haven't done any bassin since leaving Florida last year & down there I'd use hand sized pumpkinseeds or bluegill & go for the Hawgs! Wildlife area had 395 acre main lake C&R only for bass other species were grillable. Lived 11 miles to gate.

Pic of one of many, was disappointed if I didn't get 2 over 20" !!
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I must be doing something wrong I can't even get a bite at Delta I'm fishin a white on top and dark bottom jig reeling at a slow pace but I can't get any bites?I've also tried a little green frog nothing, a green worm texas rigged nothin, a white jig nada and a brown jig, Oh I'm trying to keep it about 3 to 8" deep. but Its hard going any deeper cause it seems so shallow and keep snagging the weeds.

I've had the hardest time switching up my style to fish Eugene and Springfield I used to fish the snake river all the time and have no problems catching fish but here I dont know what I'm doing wrong? I'm also shore fishing. I'd like to know where your putting your boats in at?
Fished the west pond with no luck. For some reason i can't get one out of delta. Tried coburg with no luck as well.

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