delta ponds continue to impress

Thuggin4Life said:
Exactly. Wait till they reproduce then take one or two later after they get there bodies back in shape but never the hogs. Mostly C&R rarely try to eat one. they don't taste good once the water is on the hot side as with most fish.

I guess the problem is when people go from a couple here and there just a few small ones, to I am gonna feed my family of ten. Trust me guys I eat fish just not pond bass and think that for the most part if your followin regs your good. Just remember you can be the best fisherman ever and still get skunked on a dead lake. Please be nice stick to the hatchery guys for chow and like affor mentioned try to understand how fragile small ecosystems can be an stick to getting dinner out of a resivoir ,your right it will taste better than the pond cousins
Go to red lobster if you want a good fish meal:lol::lol:
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Finneus Polebender said:
I guess the problem is when people go from a couple here and there just a few small ones, to I am gonna feed my family of ten. Trust me guys I eat fish just not pond bass and think that for the most part if your followin regs your good. Just remember you can be the best fisherman ever and still get skunked on a dead lake. Please be nice stick to the hatchery guys for chow and like affor mentioned try to understand how fragile small ecosystems can be an stick to getting dinner out of a resivoir ,your right it will taste better than the pond cousins

That's right pond fish never taste good.
Thuggin4Life said:
That's right pond fish never taste good.

lol not true! yellow perch and crappie are fantastic
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fishndad said:
lol not true! yellow perch and crappie are fantastic

It all depends on water quality and water temperature. Once the water gets really warm i won't eat a pond fish. I guess catching salmon and steelhead has given me an acquired taste for fish.
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Thuggin4Life said:
It all depends on water quality and water temperature. Once the water gets really warm i won't eat a pond fish. I guess catching salmon and steelhead has given me an acquired taste for fish.

lol yeah that could be a possibilty! i still prefer a salt water fish overall
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-fishinaddict- said:
Go to red lobster if you want a good fish meal:lol::lol:

amen brothers
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kinda windy

kinda windy

still managed a couple obites Avid young had a five lb one at the boat finneus didn't snag him quick enuff . gave up tired of fightin wind fish are still hungry though shoiuld be good next couple days if wind will quit.
that's a Reel Beauty BRO.....................................:D:D:D...........................:cool::cool::cool:.................................:clap::clap::clap:
god i wish these coastal lakes would turn on already!
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Just missed ya, I went out there got a real late start and then forgot the seat forgot one of my pontoons so I had to go all the way back home to get it. all in all it wasn't a very good day for me but I will redeem it. Looks like you did alright though nice fish.
Drice said:
Just missed ya, I went out there got a real late start and then forgot the seat forgot one of my pontoons so I had to go all the way back home to get it. all in all it wasn't a very good day for me but I will redeem it. Looks like you did alright though nice fish.

think it would have been another great afternoon without the wind the fish avid young had to the boat would have been the largest ive seen pulled out this year but missed him the first time, sucker got under the boat and got off. Both fish really got after it once hooked lotta dancin and jumpin think they are becoming more and more active with the warm weather . we talked to your friend on the way out he told us about the seat , I thought since so choppy would go home and watch the blazers should have stayed and fished
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fishndad said:
god i wish these coastal lakes would turn on already!

aint nuthin but a drive/ drive. the late mornin early afternoons have been best anyhow if ya get some time ya should head over. Just gettin ready to check a few other early haunts they hadnt woke up yet but that was 2-3 weeks ago things be changin rapidly in the valley
the gang was all there

the gang was all there

Lots o bass freaks out tonight bite was slow but steady. landed my second hog o the year think it was the one avid young tied into yesterday. anyhow hell of a nice fight ended in a clump of weeds had to pull anchor and reel myself to him to get him out. saw a couple others caught and missed a lot of bites they were just kinda bumpin it. except the one i landed that guy hit it hard. rain set in as we pulled into the house what timing .Hope we get a break tommorrow from the rain think i might explore if weather cooperates Any o you other guys get some pics to put up ? Anyhoo another beautiful evening on the water. good luck to all you guys Fish on
that thar is a Reel Beauty Bro.............................:clap::clap::clap:..........................:D:D:D...............................:cool::cool::cool:
I've always taken my fish pictures with a polaroid camera.........:rolleyes:

I'm planning to git sumthin' digital that is easy to use & makes pretty good pictures. Do u folks use an easy shoot digital camera or do u use a camera phone ?? What brand is it & how much does it cost, please.


Have a Beautiful Day.........................:D..................:cool:
Hawk, I use a Canon SD400 digital camera. It cost about $250 when it was new but prices have come down since then. I bought that model because it is very compact but has a lot of features and I use it for all my photography. It measures 3 1/4"x2 1/8"x3/4". It's 5 mega-pixel and has a good size LCD display plus a conventional viewfinder and a very good zoom lens.
I don't know what's on the market today but I would recommend that anyone buying a digital camera for outdoor use buy one that has a conventional viewfinder in addition to the LCD. In bright sunlight it is almost impossible to see the LCD. Unfortunately, most of the less expensive cameras no longer have the conventional viewfinder.
Webwader said:
Hawk, I use a Canon SD400 digital camera. It cost about $250 when it was new but prices have come down since then. I bought that model because it is very compact but has a lot of features and I use it for all my photography. It measures 3 1/4"x2 1/8"x3/4". It's 5 mega-pixel and has a good size LCD display plus a conventional viewfinder and a very good zoom lens.
I don't know what's on the market today but I would recommend that anyone buying a digital camera for outdoor use buy one that has a conventional viewfinder in addition to the LCD. In bright sunlight it is almost impossible to see the LCD. Unfortunately, most of the less expensive cameras no longer have the conventional viewfinder.

digital is the only way to go seen some decent camera pics but even the lowest grade cameras have the same or higher pixel count than my old olympus 3.2 megipixel. I whole heartedly agree w/webwader you should perhaps seek a good used one as the newer ones have no view finder unless ya spend a lot. I bought my wife a new olympus 7meg w/ 10 x zoom for 159$ then I cleverly designated old olympus to be all terrain. Hers takes awesome pictuers but hard for old guy like me to see that darned little screen, plus just always use to peep hole.
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biggest fish othe year

biggest fish othe year

gotta love it this one took me for a ride on my pontoon today yeeehawww
Mighty Nice Bro...................................:D:D:D.................................:cool::cool::cool:..................................:clap::clap::clap:........................BASS Power................................:lol::lol::lol:

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