delta ponds continue to impress

crazyhats5 said:
These ponds look great!! where are they located as iam in tigard. What kind of boats are allowed in there? I'am getting my new 16' jon boat thursday and want to know if I could use it? Any bank fishing worth the time?

That's a long drive to fish these ponds. Man i wish i would have gone with fishinaddict instead of sleeping until noon. Nice fish man.
crazyhats5 said:
These ponds look great!! where are they located as iam in tigard. What kind of boats are allowed in there? I'am getting my new 16' jon boat thursday and want to know if I could use it? Any bank fishing worth the time?

all the info you seek is on this post read everything delta otherwise we sound like skipping record. this might help
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yeah thanks andy my brother caught a 41/2 #er that same day it was nice. they are really startin to get aggresive. just wish the dam rain would go away
MR. Sunshine where did you go?

MR. Sunshine where did you go?

So the cold weather all but killed the fishing. They were still biting but very light, missed a few bites. My fishin buddy got a nice 3#er set it free to warm up and bite another day when the sun comes out.
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im gonna have to come up there and fish the delta ponds! hey finneus care to join me in a few weeks!
Empire Lakes used to have good bassin' years back. Had good #s of rainbows so 5" rainbow rapala used to tear them up. Still good fishing there?
Bass Ackwards said:
thanx a lot im definitely going to check them out

Me too.
fishndad said:
im gonna have to come up there and fish the delta ponds! hey finneus care to join me in a few weeks!

That would be cool,Lets get a couple things out there though. I am a friend to this world and I care very much about our local fisheries. I would like to see my grandkids be able to teach thier kids to fish at delta. I am kinda a harda** when it comes to a few things I wont fish with anyone who keeps fish I am a devout C & R guy ,I follow the rules and regs and i wont trespasss. so when i am not quick to divulge much hope you will understand that i will take the time to make sure a person shares /practices my beliefs before we talk shop. otherthan that lets go fishin boys
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Drice said:
So the cold weather all but killed the fishing. They were still biting but very light, missed a few bites. My fishin buddy got a nice 3#er set it free to warm up and bite another day when the sun comes out.

Ahhh you just happened upon me when we were havin a banner day. that is how the fishin is there quite often the place can make ya work. The thing about it is ya never know when those banner days will be at delta and the fish make it worth the work. thinkin maybe thur/fri
Yeah I noticed that I spooked a few fish that were hanging out just a little deeper off the bank they were still pretty shallow but they were definitely deeper than usual my guess is the cooler weather but Im no expert.
Finneus Polebender said:
That would be cool,Lets get a couple things out there though. I am a friend to this world and I care very much about our local fisheries. I would like to see my grandkids be able to teach thier kids to fish at delta. I am kinda a hardass when it comes to a few things I wont fish with anyone who keeps fish I am a devout C & R guy ,I follow the rules and regs and i wont trespasss. so when i am not quick to divulge much hope you will understand that i will take the time to make sure a person shares /practices my beliefs before we talk shop. otherthan that lets go fishin boys

lol well when it comes to bass i dont keep any! its more fun to release them and catch them again! if i want to eat fish ill eat salmon or some ocean fish but i love catchin bass! so no worries finneus!
yellowjacket said:
Empire Lakes used to have good bassin' years back. Had good #s of rainbows so 5" rainbow rapala used to tear them up. Still good fishing there?

its still pretty good for bass in empire lakes! there is so many trout in that lake its rediculous!


fishndad said:
its still pretty good for bass in empire lakes! there is so many trout in that lake its rediculous!

Maybe I can help....;)

Troutski said:
Maybe I can help....;)


well if you can help then what r u waiting for! lol come get some hahahaha:lol: i caught a native 22"er a week ago and now he is being caught by someone else....c&R for sure


yeah last time i went down there some guy and his kid were walkin out with a bass in a bucket it made me mad:mad: His story was that he hooked him real bad and had to keep him but where did the bucket come from? i always c&r and it p%**es me off when people dont especially bass. come on they are not that good to eat turn um loose for the next fishermen please!!!
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-fishinaddict- said:
yeah last time i went down there some guy and his kid were walkin out with a bass in a bucket it made me mad:mad: His story was that he hooked him real bad and had to keep him but where did the bucket come from? i always c&r and it pisses me off when people dont especially bass. come on they are not that good to eat turn um loose for the next fishermen please!!!

I believe in C&R but growing up in florida I happen to really enjoy how bass taste. I believe that in the small fisheries like delta catch and release is important to maintain it for the future but in some place like fern ridge keeping One or Two never more than you need for the table is not so detrimental to the overall population.
Drice said:
I believe in C&R but growing up in florida I happen to really enjoy how bass taste. I believe that in the small fisheries like delta catch and release is important to maintain it for the future but in some place like fern ridge keeping One or Two never more than you need for the table is not so detrimental to the overall population.

I agree i C&R bass but after spawning season i might keep a few a year to throw on the barbie.
Good point! I dont keep em during the spawn at all.
Drice said:
Good point! I dont keep em during the spawn at all.

Exactly. Wait till they reproduce then take one or two later after they get there bodies back in shape but never the hogs. Mostly C&R rarely try to eat one. they don't taste good once the water is on the hot side as with most fish.

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