delta ponds continue to impress

How's it looking? Pretty weeded over by now I bet..
blooms on

blooms on

GraphiteZen said:
How's it looking? Pretty weeded over by now I bet..

pretty much there on the weeds drove by yesterday and the stuff with the small green leaves had filled its beds with green should take off any time too on the topwater there with these 80 plus days . thats how I get around the weed cover can't wait always some of my favorite fishin of the year, nothin like toppin some big bass.
How about when you're creeping a tiny popper or a worm across the top and all the sudden it's like someone pulled a drain plug out from under it! :dance::dance:
GraphiteZen said:
How about when you're creeping a tiny popper or a worm across the top and all the sudden it's like someone pulled a drain plug out from under it! :dance::dance:

thats sweet also I love when you see the wake take intercept path those few split seconds when ya know its comin but ya gotta wait what a rush
First Time at Delta Ponds

First Time at Delta Ponds

So I have been following the posts here for a while now, and decided to go out to The Delta Ponds for the very first time and see if i could land a nice bass. I don't have a boat our anything so I am limited to bank fishing. I headed in around 11 and caught a 17 inch 4.5lb bass (C&R), on a plastic worm in the lily pads. A pretty hefty weight for its length. I am sure the heat helped me out a bit on this one. I Appreciate all of the tips and advice on the forum, It really really helped! If anyone ever sees a 22 yr old Mexican kid wearing a black UO hat at the ponds be sure to say HEY! HAHA... this is definitely one of my new favorite places to fish.
first time

first time

well for a first run 4.5 lbs would make most happy thanks for the report may have ta head out there this eve and try once the sun sinks a little been thinkin topwater soon there. went this mornin w/avid young and tt fishon to another favorite spot TT saved the skunk with a nice one .all of us had a shot but kinda slow still they were feedin early on somethin up top but couldnt figure what more fish bustin top than we could count sure wish i knew what they was after. TT said first of the year for him .
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the draught has ended

the draught has ended

FINALLY I got my first bass out of the ponds then lost him but I catch and release anyway. not a bad sized fish prolly bout a 1+#. Its weird once you try something and it works its really hard to switch up your style, Ive been doing a lot of that and went back to what I used to use in the snake river and 10 minutes later BAM...FISH ON!!!:shock:


WVBass said:
FINALLY I got my first bass out of the ponds then lost him but I catch and release anyway. not a bad sized fish prolly bout a 1+#. Its weird once you try something and it works its really hard to switch up your style, Ive been doing a lot of that and went back to what I used to use in the snake river and 10 minutes later BAM...FISH ON!!!:shock:

Right on persistance is key should really turn on soon there am just about ready to frequent delta once again myself been havin to much fun revisitin old haunts tryin to figure out which are still good bass waters just a shame a few no longer open and some appear ruined there have been a couple success stories too though. ready to get back to my favorite local spot soon FP
turnabout is fair play

turnabout is fair play

Took tt fishon to one of my nameless favorite pond and he catches the fish well tonight He took me to one of his nameless ponds and I got to catch the fish even tagged a bluegill that had bigger eyes than a stomach nice evenin very still after the storm almost thought we would have had a little more action but heck can't complain
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I'll have to show you my secret pond. Last year we carried the little aluminum boat I had and got 9 all together. Only 3 were under 3lbs. It will have to be on a saturday or a sunday though.
Don't get caught again: Dude we need to take your boat back out to Ballengers and to 5th street when there is no wind.
Any time you want to toe it we can go. Just get at me.
So speaking of sneaking in places anyone ever go to Delta Sand and Gravel's Hunsaker ponds? I saw one today it looked purdy good..
I have a buddy that used to go do that quite often he caught some hogs out there.
WVBass said:
So speaking of sneaking in places anyone ever go to Delta Sand and Gravel's Hunsaker ponds? I saw one today it looked purdy good..

only ever looked in at em from this side of the fence know some one who had a large bass mounted by the old adams taxidermy the only other fish they mounted that year was a 6 lb er from that very hunsaker pond you speak of .
Cover me Im going in!!!
WVBass said:
Cover me Im going in!!!

LOL no doubt more than one like that around here Id like to visit but alas the darn signs fences and what not just another case of the man tryin to keep a brother down
Really need to get to the Delta ponds!!!

Really need to get to the Delta ponds!!!

Finneus Polebender,

You are the Bass Master when it comes to the Delta Ponds:clap: Just saw the latest pics you posted...real nice:yay:
Bass Man said:
Finneus Polebender,

You are the Bass Master when it comes to the Delta Ponds:clap: Just saw the latest pics you posted...real nice:yay:

Delta has always been a favorite for me . Ive learned its patterns and have put in the time and yet still look at spots Ive yet to touch there . it is a large ecosystem when you add up all the ponds. Id say 75% is truly fishable by boat only which I think allows this place to be a great fishery year after year. Oh and its just gotta be reeeeel close to topwater city time there . trust me youll know when cause Ill be postin the pics like crazy . 20 fish days are a comin friend my favorite fishin of the year!
Finneus Polebender said:
Delta has always been a favorite for me . Ive learned its patterns and have put in the time and yet still look at spots Ive yet to touch there . it is a large ecosystem when you add up all the ponds. Id say 75% is truly fishable by boat only which I think allows this place to be a great fishery year after year. Oh and its just gotta be reeeeel close to topwater city time there . trust me youll know when cause Ill be postin the pics like crazy . 20 fish days are a comin friend my favorite fishin of the year!

Hi Finneus Polebender,

How long have you fished the Delta ponds? How many ponds are there? I always look forward to your pics, can't wait to see some more. I only have a float tube right now but hopefully this summer I'll be able to get a pontoon, lots more fishing opportunities:dance:

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