Oregon steelhead fishing (2010 - 2021)

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Had some success with a spinner between thunderstorms yesterday.
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A nice little hen I caught on my birthday! (7-10-18)
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Posted in fly fishing but thought was worth sharing here, was a good day for swinging flies
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Went to do an early season scout trip for winter steelhead while scouting for places to swing later in the season. First spot and second run of the day hooked up with an explosive grab and take. The kind you don't have to even set, just took off then he tried to fight it out down deep with some vicious head shakes and never jumped. Was an amazing fight in my switch rod and glad I came with my 8 wt as it was an intense strong fight to the end. Even had some guys bobber fishing below us before I got to the run and didn't expect much but it paid off to be thorough. Landed one, had one really good grab with some head shakes, and saw one surface so they're spread out and not in thick but really good signs for an early coastal run even after the rivers dropped a lot by today.
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Caught this little native yesterday. Safely released. Hooked one other monster but he broke my snap swivel. The guy across the river from me caught the same fish drifting and after fighting it for 10 minutes it snapped his line. Going back tomorrow to see if I can hook that sucker again.
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Hit the river with @rogerdodger and @killigan, we all hooked fish but Brandon and I were lucky enough to land ours.
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My dad got this 7lb on a bead and cookie and yarn a lil ways below the whitaker creek boat launch this morning. He Also got a small native but no picture. Ive had one tussle this season so far but no fish.. Hah
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Got the skunk OFF!

But not the catch I was hoping for...
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First one of the year nice native been in the river a few weeks Caught on eggs.
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Wife's first stlhd of the year with my buddy, Pro. Safely returned native. Great fish!
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If steelhead fishing is in your game plan,fish the umpqua with reelmello fishing, Joe Mello will put you on the fish
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Some high quality fish around this year, have even managed a few myself ?
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Got one this morning before the big rains, chrome hen that put up an excellent fight! Tore downriver 30 yards or so and water was low enough to chase from the bank. Was a blast, here is a horrible selfie, I suck at taking them. Was trying to look funny but I look kinda crazy instead :p
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Client picked up this beast on the Siuslaw last Sunday
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little chrome hen.

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here's the 'buck-hen' pair that hobster and I caught less than 5 minutes apart. I hooked the hen (while he was still filling out his tag) on my first cast down the same slot where his buck was. :unsure:
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I went out Friday on a piece of water I have scouted but never fished for steelhead before. First cast of the day I got a small chrome buck about 7lbs. Considering how the season has gone I was stoked! Then on the third cast my float shot under again. This was a nice big buck the took me over 75 yards and 4 holes downstream. He taped out at 35”x16.5” and weighed in the 15 lb range. No more fish for the rest of the day
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with this rain/snow event happening, the fishing is really going to heat up soon, makes this a good time to share a beautiful oddball fish- "Big Red" is an "Un-clipped non-native" fish, 36" and close to 20#. He recently took a left turn at the Port of Siuslaw RV campground, crossed a large mudflat, went around the back and found the mouth of Munsel creek and ended up in the STEP trap on the creek. We get these 'egg-to-fry' steelhead in that trap every year trying to get to Munsel lake, this one was impressive.

his parents would have been clipped fish spawned at the Whittaker trap, the fertilized eggs go to our small STEP hatchery, then into an aquarium in an elementary school classroom, they hatch, the kids observe, learn, feed, then release them as 1" fry at the Munsel creek boat launch. Amazing, from a classroom aquarium to this beautiful brute.

sure would be nice to see more fish like this in the system.
(After the quick picture, our guys released him downstream.)
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