Oregon steelhead fishing (2010 - 2021)

Hatchery fish on a non hatchery river. Only fish we hookee but we didn't put on until 4. Missed one other.

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Got lucky today and went 2/2. Second one was a good fighter. I almost lost it when it wrapped the line around a twig and then again, when it zipped off from the bank.

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Last week I finally caught my first Steelhead. It almost was the authentic "Winter Steelhead" fishing experience I have heard of since moving here from Miami. My fishing pole eyes kept on freezing close with ice. At one point my hand froze to the pole. All and all it was a great morning of fishing getting 6 fishing to the boat and releasing 2 natives.

I am now hoping I can replicate it myself, so I don't have to pay for guide to catch fish lol.

On a side note, I began to cure my first set of eggs also. So if anyone has secrets they would like to share on Coho or Steelhead cures I am all ears.


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Photo makes her look skinny, but minty bright native on the fly rod :)
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Super fresh first cast of the morning a few weeks ago.I have hardly fished this winter. Good to at least check a winter fish off the list since I moved back. Hopefully a few more before season closes
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Yesterday and today after work. Hooked two others. I tried at getting pics but when I'm alone its difficult to say the least. If someone has a suggestion to get good selfies with fish that will be released, I'm all ears.
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spent 8hrs on river yesterday lots of fresh fish still coming in
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jamisonace said:
Yesterday and today after work. Hooked two others. I tried at getting pics but when I'm alone its difficult to say the least. If someone has a suggestion to get good selfies with fish that will be released, I'm all ears.

You don’t. You take a good in the water release pic if you can.

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Hooked into two with a spinner this evening. I woke up and was bored of stocked trout fishing, so I went steelhead fishing late in the day and it paid off lol. I think the one I landed is a hen and the one I lost a slightly larger buck.
IMG_0130 (1).jpeg
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Went on our last trip of the season recently. Didn’t disappoint. We went 5/7. Did a little jig testing/development.. new pattern outfished the usuals. Always fun and a pleasant surprise when that happens.
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The crowds down south came on like a virus this steelhead season. Seems every ding dong with a drift boat decided to become a guide. Now that they've died off all of a sudden it's been great getting out. Pics from this weekend.
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my favorite stream that I don’t see hardly anyone on.

1. Agreed social media is the factor...

2. What stream are you talking about ? ?
[/QUOTE] ask this guy, he has a big mouth ??
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Couldn’t help myself had a free morning. Made a quick run out to some water. 1 cast 1 fish and went home. Didn’t even bring any tackle just had a bobber rigged up and a few jigs on the visor in my car. Good sized wild hen. Sunset shrimp jig fly. Haven’t been able to fish my favorite pattern much this winter since the water has been kind of low for it
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23min from home, I am so thankful to have one local option to stretch my legs and casting arms once a week or so after work, but until recently it's been all just been casting...
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Got this one a few weeks back. Been a great year for me with Steelhead.
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Found a couple tonight with a friend. One on a spinner and the other on a plug. Both within an hour of dusk.

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Summer steelhead 8 pounds my old man caught it. I hooked 1 and it got off.

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This one was a special fish for me. I nicknamed her "Mobius" - fought like a banshee. Not the largest ever, but the hardest running bullet of my life. Multiple drag burning runs that culminated in leaping twisting somersaulting acrobatics in the twilight. Lucky and surprising that she didn't throw the hook along the way. Got her into the shallows and confirmed to be wild. Guessed weight to be around 12# before watching her dart upriver back on the trail toward the tributary of her birth. Anadramous fish have a mythic and sacred appeal to my outdoor passion and nature worshipping tendency. Vikings had a rudimentary symbol for salmon, which hales to the Swedish side of my heritage. Though they're dwindling, most lands bordering the north Atlantic and Pacific had historic runs of anadramous fish that were an important food source as well as an embedded cultural icon to ancient people. The drive to catch fish is probably written into our dna, and anadramous species seem to have an amplified gravity in that respect. This fish made yesterday's outing a special memory for me. Tight lines my fellow anglers!
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My foster son is a fishing addict and has been begging me to get him his first steelhead of the year. Took him out today in near perfect conditions and after a comedy of errors we finally got him a picture with a fish. First fish was a beast that he fought like a champ but after a couple blistering runs and some aerial shows it finally shook loose. He almost cried. Second fish was in the net fairly quickly so I had him hold the net while I rowed to calm water. I didn't secure the net to the handle and the fish thrashed the net off the handle. Fish swam off and we watched the net sink out of view. He almost cried again. Finally, third fish ran and jumped and gave him a battle he wasn't sure he could finish but with a super crappy spare net we got it to hand and he got his fishpic.

He was one stoked kid.
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