Oregon steelhead fishing (2010 - 2021)

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Excellent day today! Spur of the moment decision once again to go out, river was rising but VERY slowly. Was able to find a great spot with no other anglers in sight. Hooked and tailed a nice wild fish right OFF the bat on a spinner. Not the best fight for a wild fish, he must have been a bit tired out. Quickly released with no photos, but that's fine with me, was just stoked to hook up! An hour or so later hooked another fish which spit the hook, was a little fish scale on my gami :) Fish hit the bead instead of a shrimp topped jig. Decided to drift fish and second cast hooked and landed a beautiful hen on a corkie and yarn. Got it all on the gopro, was an excellent fight and I was able to land her in high water without a net in a very small space. Nice tight eggs and beautiful meat, never know with those hens. She wasn't in the river very long at all.
2/3 in 3 hours trifecta style, one on the spinner, one on the bobber and one drift fishing. Good times
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Snow belly in the snow :)
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1st Oregon winter steel, stray hatchery buck while looking for natives, just shy of 30in
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I'm finally on the scoreboard for 2019. A 10lb. hatchery buck (by my trusty Rapala spring scale) on a Waco jig, not too pretty but a keeper nonetheless. Then a wild brute on a blue Steelie.
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Drifted one of the local rivers today and got lucky. Not one other person around. Lost a big one at the boat and got this downstream hen ,which we sent back Bobber and jig was the ticket.Nice to have the sun around! HAVE FUN!
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cookie cutter 26" hen for me today...(I've already gutted her at this point).
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Couple nice hatchery fish from the Clack last Sunday.............

Mine, on top, 9#ish hen......
My neighbors, on bottom, slightly colored 8# buck......

Caught my hottest nate of my season the day before on Saturday. 12#+ chromer that came out of the water 4-5 times and made 2 reel screaming runs before I could tail it. Tried to get a picture but just as I handed my phone to a guy to take the pic the fish rolled up on my leader and snap, it was gone. One of those fish that makes ya keep coming back for more.........

It was a good weekend (especially since I could only fish the first 2 hours of daylight both days)...
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After having a very rough season on the new boat, we decided to give Tanner a call and he got us on some fish. It was a gorgeous day and excellent fishing for the crew. Thanks again Tanner!
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HER FIRST: My better half, Mary, just after landing her first ever steelhead. Pretend the guy in the pic holding the fish isn't there. I have not gotten around to photo shopping him out of the pic, yet.
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Favorite time of year
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Nice one today.
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A little late to the 2019 party, but we found these two on the Coquille today. The little one on a pink wiggle wart about 12 feet OFF the boat. The bigger one is my first on a fly rod.
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You know they are! I actually swung by there yesterday on my way home and the trap wasn’t up yet. Did you see the big log under one of our favorite holes? Had the day OFF and tried for an early steelhead lower river on the bank. No luck but caught and released 5 silvers. Kinda felt bad since they are getting ready to spawn so I left after a couple of hours. All were hooked perfect, no bleeders and they did not leave the water. Was very careful with them.

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Small one but chrome. Got it side drifting. Lonely out there today, just two other boats.
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Probably my last fish of 2019 and first fish of this season. Got a small, maybe 6# tops, wild steelhead on a copper Steelie on the Alsea today.
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Happy New Years OFF folks! Let's see those pics of winter steelhead!

Good start to my year. Will be hard to top but I'm sure it will happen. Was fishing alone in the sled and couldn't get it in my small shallow steelhead net without it flopping out so I ran to the bank and brought it to my feet.

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found one ?

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Like hobster suggested, here is a good tailed-fish-still-in-moving-water photo example, I managed to find this stunner wild buck on the fly this weekend and super happy he is still on his way to make more babies! :)

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