Oregon steelhead fishing (2010 - 2021)

Aspiring artist.

OK, it's really the selfie required for NWK :)


3 guesses what it bit, LOL
Went out and froze my ass off Friday morning. So cold out that the eyelets on the pole were freezing over with ice from the water on the line. But we managed to pick this buck up back trolling a mag lip also caught a nice chromed out Coho must've just came up from the last storm. Too bad we had to put it back.
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Even I am getting in on the action! What a way to bring the new year first solo winter wild fish ice dealt with
I have officially lost my steelhead virginity. It's taken me about 6 months to land it. The adrenaline was insane, I'm surprised I landed it without a net and no shore.

Kind of a cool shot one of my clients shot upon release the other day.
The steel has arrived love the Oregon Coast!
Landed my 1st steelhead yesterday. A small 28" buck in the afternoon. He was missing a fin so I put him out of his misery. Felt very fortunate to hook him as he had probably seen hundreds of presentations as it appeared that half of Portland was fishing the coastal tribs. He was finally hungry enough to take a swipe at a pink and black worm.
_first steelhead.jpg
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All your chrome fish put me to shame. I need to fish closer to the ocean... here's a colored up 7 pounder that came to Saturday dinner at my house. At least he had the sense to reject the first dinner invitation (note the healed bite mark above the anal fin)
Steelhead 28p5 inch 7 lb Jan 24 Necanicum.jpg
Ridiculous, being in NWK Chromedome contest, hitting rivers with a 6 to 1 hatchery/wild ratio, and my last fish are wild, lost, wild, wild...

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First steelhead of the year and actually first since last June. I had a nice hatchery fish to the bank twice but it wouldn't quit and spit the hook finally but did end up with this little wild fish. Ended up 1 for 3 which is a good day by my standards. That was the best I could manage on the photography, sorry.
I got it on a little cleo.


Dang, I got this in the 2014 thread...oh well.
Not the brightest fish in school, but it was the day I had a camera!

Little late to this forum,

I caught guy last year. It was the fight of the summer.
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Fished for the first time in a month. Very low and clear water.Ended up with a skinny hatchery fish that I let go and a more respectable wild fish both on silver plated home made spoons.



The colors kind of tell the story. Either we get some more rain or I am probably done for the season.
Hi folks. Some absolutely beautiful fish here! Well, all of them are in their own way of course :)

I haven't contributed to the forum very much since actually moving to Oregon despite making a bit of a fuss about it before I arrived, but that's more been because of a lack of opportunity to fish, despite being so close to the Sandy. However, finally qualified as a resident and got my full license instead of shelling out for day tickets, so first chance I got since acquiring it (last Saturday) I headed to the Sandy at Oxbow in what are generally regarded as totally unsuitable (i.e. bright, sunny with crystal-clear water) conditions.

I didn't set up the fly rod and instead settled on a bit of spinning. Finally switching to a black spinner with a torpedo body and a marabou tail and I felt the thump! An odd double thump though almost as if the fish had had two goes at the bait before being hooked. Sadly I discovered on getting it nearer that it had been foul-hooked in the pectoral. Amazingly, when I got it in (as quickly as I could) I saw it was barely hooked at all and that it was a wildie. Not a big one (5lb maybe? I wanted to get it back fast) but still my first and that's spurring me on :) By the looks of it, it must've been in the system for quite some time. Sorry about the small size. I was having issues with image uploading.

SteelOx1 (768x1024).jpg Steelox2 (768x1024).jpg
Mackenzie Summers

HERE'S TWO MORE reasons why the Ol Kenzie has long been one of my favorite summer run rivers.

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First keeper in 3 years!
Got this one down by the coast over the weekend

Yes she was pretty bright no eggs . I am a little spoiled though most of my catches on this water still have sea lice on them . Here's a better pic without my mug in it


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