Oregon steelhead fishing (2010 - 2021)

I caught this summer Steelhead on the Deschutes swinging flies. He provided the best fight to date

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My most memorable fish of the year that I photographed was easily my wife's first steelhead. We had an hour this afternoon to fish before we had to be home to get our boys from school and hooked this beauty in the last slot of our drift.

Eileen's first.jpg
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This fish was memorable for many reasons. It was my last steel of 2012 caught on dec 30th. First hen for me of this season, first time side drifting(what a FUN lazy way to fish), first time on a bad boy Pavati drift boat, caught it on my favorite river the south fork of the Coquille. An to top it off I landed her on 6lb test line, which was also a first for me, boy was it a hot fish! What a fun way to end my spectacular year of fishing! Cheers to 2013!!!
First trip Rian email.jpg
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Picture575.jpeg One of my best days steelhead fishing was with ED fast and my friend Lane!
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I finally got one,,,picked up this little hen up above swisshome on a spinner.
Teamed up with good friends Brady Rogers of Brady's River Tours and Pautzke Pro Staffter Steven Theel of Southern Oregon Fishing today in search of some more 2013 winter chrome! I had a feeling it was going to be a good day but I had no idea that an 18 pound beast would bite MY yarnball. It measured 36X19 and is a NEW personal best for both Brady and I. Thanks buddy! We finished with 2 more beautiful steelhead but I'll let Eat, Sleep, Fish provide you with the full story. We have some awesome video in the editing stages of today as well. For now here's a picture of the fish of the day!
Fish on!
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Pulled my boy out of school for a last minute float on Friday. Didn't think my afternoon was going to free up but at 11 am it did, so I rushed home, got my boy at noon, picked up a buddy and was on the river by 1.

Put in at Connie and left my bike at Thompson but lost track of time and started hitch hiking at the guardrail hole and met John and my boy at tide. Fun adventure in itself, considering the ride in the bed of a small pickup on a narrow winding road while the 75 yr old driver was smoking a joint. Great guy though, really friendly.

Picked up this chrome hatchery fish early in the float in a shallow run. Dylan is becoming a real pro at fighting big fish. (When i say big, i mean other than trout sized) He got this one in with no problems. Made his dad proud.

I was joking with the principal when I picked him up that his lessons were going to be held in the boat that day. I'm going to give him one of these photos with the caption "not all lessons are learned in the classroom".
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found this native on the coast today...got him on my favorite spinner...I love small stream fishing with spinners!!!

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Not a bad morning on the slaw, got up there about 7. No action until about 11am. Nice hatchery hen on a brass color steel-lee not too far downstream from Whitaker creek. Water seems fairly low, 2.5-3' vis. No ink on my first tag last year so good to get this year off to a good start.
went to the alsea saterday and sunday saterday i went alone and hooked 4 but landed only one keeper justins random 009.jpg

but sunday was a great day i took my cuzen with me and fished clemens but nothing there so we went back to the ceder tree hole and me an my cuzen where fishing with some guys i meet there withen my first 2 cast bam fish on!!!!justins random 010.jpg
then 4 casts later bam another fish on only i handed this one off to my cuzenjustins random 011.jpg
then it was slow for about ten minutes the bam my cuzens hooks up but only for a few secounds then bam i hook up but lose it after about 1 minutes all in all it was a really good day!!!! :p
Picked up a few nice ones on spinners..... not a soul in sight, was a great day ..... except for my friend loosing his keys for 2.5 hours!.....what an adventure!
Went to the local zoo with a friend and had a slow day for the most part.he landed a nice little chrome hen stuffed with berries and I landed a colored buck. He really was a little more bright than it looks in the picture.but I didn't really care because I knew he was going to still cut really well (which he did). Which also put an end to both of our nasty skunks! Lol saw a few others landed by some fellow anglers including one that looked to be in the 15 pound range. It was a monster dime bright chromer hen! That one got me jealous ha ha

2 for 2 with my PB/largest fish and first summer of the year, also my earliest summer to date.

This hen taught me a few lessons on quick thinking/navigating bank obstacles as it raged in fast water. Hooked it in a deeper/fast channel along a shelf...hit a 2/3 oz. silver spoon about mid swing and it was a tense, anxiety-ridden game after that. Measured a touch over 33 inches and 12.5 pounds:


Summer hit a black/red, white head jig in a shallow tailout:
Bitter sweet day on the river...1 landed and 2 lost today...all chrome...Now 7 and 5 for the season. ..still time :)

This year is my first year chasing steelhead, so I've been hitting the Siuslaw almost every weekend so far this year. Most of my outings primarily involved nothing but lost gear and confidence, so I really needed to get myself into something.

Today I finally found my skunk-be-gone.

This is one of those typical stories. I took the next two days off because my father is moving to Oregon and this just so happens to be his first visit here. At the last minute, I decided I would head up to the Siuslaw for a couple hours to see if I could find myself a nice late run winter. I only took one pole with me, and a small trout net since all I have been catching recently is trout. I packed up my rig and headed out for the Siuslaw.

I ended up starting with a pink bubblegum worm under a bobber, and drifted it behind a series of rocks at the first hole I hit. After about 20 minutes, I packed it up and hit the next hole. This time, I parked over by the campground, and hiked back to another spot that I knew of. After losing two worms at this spot, something in the back of my head said "spinner. Siwash hook". So I tied up a chartreuse & chrome #4 blue fox with a siwash hook, and headed to the third and last hole of the day for me. Since the water was murky, I ended up using a slow and deliberate technique. After about a dozen casts, I hit what I thought was another snag...until I saw it glistening in the water. Fish on!! This little lady went through all of the motions. Rolling, jumping, diving. After about a minute or so, I thought I had the thing shored until it turned and ran away. It took about 30 yards of line, but ultimately gave up after a couple more minutes.

She was a hatchery hen with only a couple eggs. Measured out at 25" and maybe 3 or 4 pounds. I was so excited that I got my first steelie that I forgot I had a fish scale.

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Here is a pic of the nice summer steelie I caught below the dam. Bobber down and it was a great fight! Nice little hen! Jumped about 6 times. Thought I lost it after it's first jump, but it was still on! Pink Jig:D
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Went out in the dead heat of the day, started around 2pm. After about an hour and a half in, I feel tick tick tick... Bury... Fish on. Ended up being a springer in good shape. Fought it for about 10 minutes, and fish would just not tire out! My arms were killing me by the end! Got it close to the net a few times and saw it was around a 12 pounds Hatchery hen. But finally it ended up doing a run down and got tangled up in a good snag and fish got to swim away :( After taking a break and letting the hole and my arms rest for a little bit.a few casts later farther down at the end of the hole,I hook up again this time after a good 5 minute or so fight, I net a beauty. 30" inch toad. Great birthday present to myself!

Crappy pic, but had to get my sexy loomis rod in there lol

Caught this at Cedar Creek. On saturday.
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  • Came across this 34" slab yesterday. Weighed 12lbs gutted and cleaned so maybe 14 or 15lbs. Bit a number 5 blue bodied fox fished really deep and slow. Want to know how slow?? Had the spinner bouncing and dragging bottom, the blade was spinning just barely, thump..... Thump...... Thump....... Slow it down...... Thump.......... Thump........... Thump...... Yup it was barely spinning at all. Layed into this fish so hard. 10lb test plenty heavy for steelhead. Pic still does this fish no justice and for those of you who know me on my measurements I'm usually on the dot. Guessed this fish to be 34" when bonked. Measured I for about 5 minutes and it taped to 34" on the dot. Fun fish :)
image.jpgthis was about a week before the 34" I went out for a day of fishing looking to put some meat in the freezer and get an early limit. I didn't think it was going to take only an hour of fishing. Started at 7:25am and got this one at 7:30. Hit a number 5 silver fox, fished slow and deep with barely any thump at all.

image.jpg about a half hour later 8:15 I got this fish to bite the same 5 silver spinner. This fish took it under the nose and wasn't very happy about it :) debated on tagging out or releasing and keep fishing. Chose to tag outand get to the lady for the rest of the day before she had to go to work :) no regrets on not releasing it:)

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