OFF hole again



I would be right beside you if that stupid tendon in my foot weren't so messed up. Dang! It has nearly hobbled me...wah,wah. :confused: It will get better and I will make it back to that hole. It might not be until next year,but I survived it once and will do better next time. ;)
Bravo for you! Taking an extra bag for the litter is a wunnerful idea! Hopefully more people there will take notice and "pitch in".
Psssst,I told my neighbor where the hole is located...;)
I'm hitting it again this week for sure, but Thursday is already spoken for.
I would but I am gearing up for a 3 day fishing trip this weekend but good luck man and have fun.

I guess what I don't understand from all of this toss about this hole is why if you don't like the circumstances do you keep going back? There are plenty of other rivers with thousands of fish in them so why not seek out another. The one thing that this post has done in my favor is to keep me out of going to fish that hole. I completely understand why it can be frustrating but as many others have said you were once a newbie, and maybe you should point out the fact that they are crowding you next time. You don't have to be mean about it or let it piss you off and then vent at the people on this forum. Maybe just suggest he move down stream a bit as you don't want to tangle with his line.

I think that most of the people on this forum are here to communicate technique, learn, find where the fish are biting and even teach others. I have had my fair share of combat fishing while fishing the Kenai and I completely understand how frustrating it can be when your pulling in a nice silver and the guy next to you overlaps your line causing you to lose your fish. But then again I am quite sure I probably pulled that maneuver when I was a kid. Granted my Pops would always make sure I was reeling in when someone yelled "fish on".

I guess what I'm saying is you are fishing to have fun right? I mean that is my goal anyway and if your not having fun then why fish at all. Just don't go back to that spot and quit blaming all of the people on this forum for causing your discontent as that is not the case. I never litter, and always am courteus of other fisherman.
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Trash bags

Trash bags

Scott Haugen wrote in the first section of his Summer Steelheading book about the importance of bringing an extra bag to the river with you. I am proud to say that I had already been taught that lesson from an older fellow I met when growing up. It has stuck with me and I taught my kids: "Before we fish, we fill the bag."

I have met others who go to a favorite fishing hole on crappy fishing days and just police the area. Take the kids. They can collect cans for a buck or two. And the lesson will last a lifetime. :)
I'll be there Wed morning! :)
I'm sitting here right now debating whether to go to the OFF hole or the Wilson this afternoon. I learned a lot last time I went OFF but the traffic is murder getting there from Hillsboro. Can anyone give me some great reason to brave the traffic this afternoon?
Heard it was dead there thing morning - no action. So maybe they'll be there for you this afternoon...? :think:
I just checked the weather.... It's warmer in Tillamook right now so I think I'll head that way. Besides I know more holes on the Wilson and the Trask than I do the Clac. Wish me luck!

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