OFF hole again

Im still skunked but I smell like fish

Im still skunked but I smell like fish

:lol:I touched a nice chromer at the OFF hole today but it was on bigdogs rod I just got to assist in the landing part. Great fish bigdog:clap: Thats my second steelhead trip in a row getting skunked. :think: I guess we all can't smell pretty all the time.
Where is Cross Park?

Where is Cross Park?

The "Cross Park" you are talking about,is that the one in Gladstone? Or is it out in the boonies like Faraday? Sounds more grannie friendly :lol: ,so yeah,I'm interested.
Gladstone. The walk down in is nice and paved, at least until the last 30 or so yards to the river. Lots of fishy water. So ya, I'd vote "granny friendly"!:lol:
Thanks Chris

Thanks Chris

Thanks Chris. Maybe I should start a thread for "grannie friendly" spots. ;) Not a bad thought. :think: I have a feeling more than a few "gramps" would like to know,too. :D
Thank you for the quick reply! I saw someone had mentioned a deadline...does the synopsis cover this?
Well 2 fish pulled out of the off hole today, unfortunately they were not mine:( and one of those fish was caught by a little kid. other than getttin skunked it was a good morning with some nice fish jumping all around not to mention it was one more days experence in the art of steel fishin
I saw those two fish today too. I best part is that the kid was handed the rod by some one else so the kid and his dad could see what it was like to catch a Steelie! I applaud the sportsmanship on the river. Makes me proud to meet new friends. I was at the OFF hole for the first time last night and returned again this moring for another look. Nice place and friendly people to share the water with. If you were there last night... I'm the guy who got the fly rod out for a little fun!
Went there tonight. About 8 folks fishing shoulder to shoulder. One guy landed two, a native prob 12 lbs +. A few others were lost, I had 1 strike,. Tons of jumping, not much catching.
Sounds like fun guys, its always nice when there are good people around especially when combat fishing!!
GDBrown said:
I saw those two fish today too. I best part is that the kid was handed the rod by some one else so the kid and his dad could see what it was like to catch a Steelie! I applaud the sportsmanship on the river. Makes me proud to meet new friends. I was at the OFF hole for the first time last night and returned again this moring for another look. Nice place and friendly people to share the water with. If you were there last night... I'm the guy who got the fly rod out for a little fun!

I saw a guy and a lady come down there with flie rods saterday afternoon as I was leaving, that wouldn't have been you would it?
I was only out there yesterday morning i was the guy in the red jacket fishing right at the botton of the riffles
I went there for the first time this season this morning and I will never go back. It was nothing like seasons past. In years past I would share that stretch with 4-5 guys easy and not get any @$$holes to screw it up for everyone else. Those days are gone. I kept getting people crowding me and running WELL into my drift. I knew it was just a matter of time before the word got it totally sucks. It is as bad or worse than Dog Creek now. No one was catching any fish, and there is trash and garbage all over. It is ruined.... some things are best kept to yourself. From now on my bragging will be confined to WHAT I caught and not WHERE I caught it....loose lips sink ships.


I Grade
I had a feeling that this would happen. Unfortunately, there is no "ethical requirement" for membership on this site, or any other for that matter. The truth of the matter is that a lot of the people (like me) that have been fishing that hole recently, are fairly new at salmon/steelhead fishing, not to mention combat fishing of any type. It takes time to learn how to fish with respect in situation like that, I know I have a lot to learn yet myself. The people that you felt were crowding you, may not have known how to fish in close quarters, but on the other hand they could have just been plain old a-holes. :shock:
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Well I grade I'm not sure how many years ago you went there but that hole has been well known for many many years. It's now like it was a secret spot everyone could see it from the dam. I don't agree with the fact that people have left garbage there but that is where people like ourselfs need to go the extra mile and clean up what is there. Yes at times it might seem pointless to do this but at the same time it is worth it.

As far as fishing in close to eachother and dealing with people being rude I have never had that problem down there. There is such a large area to fish in there so if you don't like everyone fishing on top of you just simply move down a little.

As far as "ethical requirement" no there isn't but that don't mean the people that were there were from here. In fact it don't mean they learned about the hole from this site. I would hate for a experience such as the one you had there ruin the friendly sharing and helping ways that this site is about. Most likely the people that were there that you were around were the locals that go there all the time.

If you really feel that it was that bad take a look at eagle creek when the coho's come in. Now there is something that is sad to see.

I agree with the fact that people need to take the time to care for the areas that we fish and respect the areas, but I hate to say it but people are what people are. We aren't going to be able to change the ways they are but we can do our part to try to keep the areas cleaner and worth going to.

Just my thoughts
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Dose the OFF Hole still give good fish right now?
I need steelhead now.
I wont be wasting my time at the "OFF Hole" or Eagle Creek. Just because we all know that EC is terrible doesn't mean that Faraday has to be the same way. It WAS it isn't... it was NEVER a secret, but it was also NEVER talked about on a forum like this (to my knowledge). I am here to tell you that I had fools come up within 10 yds of me and cast their freaking bobber and jig like it wont get in the way of me tossing spinners. These are newbie ignorant fishermen that probably learned about the place from some blabbermouth here. Its just the way it is now. There IS trash dont walk far down if you disagree. The bank is strewn with beer cans and tackle wrappers. That place is ruined. Do what you want to defend it, but it is NOT the kind of place I see as fun to fish at anymore. Just my .02

I Grade
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I Grade said:
I wont be wasting my time at the "OFF Hole" or Eagle Creek. Just because we all know that EC is terrible doesn't mean that Faraday has to be the same way. It WAS it isn't... it was NEVER a secret, but it was also NEVER talked about on a forum like this (to my knowledge). I am here to tell you that I had fools come up within 10 yds of me and cast their frigging bobber and jig like it wont get in the way of me tossing spinners. These are newbie ignorant fishermen that probably learned about the place from some blabbermouth here. Its just the way it is now. There IS trash dont walk far down if you disagree. The bank is strewn with beer cans and tackle wrappers. That place is ruined. Do what you want to defend it, but it is NOT the kind of place I see as fun to fish at anymore. Just my .02

I Grade

wow youre getting 10 yrds.. you get a lot more that i do and im at the same river.. i get like maybe 5 feet.. sometimes less when im getting fish.. ill be lucky to get my spot back when i bank em.. i dont mind if they know what there doing.. sorry to here bout all that.. but all that is everywhere i go.. i get use to it but i dont put up with the b s.. some times you gotta kinda be alittle more aggressive.. im not up for confertation but you got to let them know.. there are a lot of @$$ses out there but it comes with the territory..
I Grade said:
I wont be wasting my time at the "OFF Hole" or Eagle Creek. Just because we all know that EC is terrible doesn't mean that Faraday has to be the same way. It WAS it isn't... it was NEVER a secret, but it was also NEVER talked about on a forum like this (to my knowledge). I am here to tell you that I had fools come up within 10 yds of me and cast their frigging bobber and jig like it wont get in the way of me tossing spinners. These are newbie ignorant fishermen that probably learned about the place from some blabbermouth here. Its just the way it is now. There IS trash dont walk far down if you disagree. The bank is strewn with beer cans and tackle wrappers. That place is ruined. Do what you want to defend it, but it is NOT the kind of place I see as fun to fish at anymore. Just my .02

I Grade

Well said!
I Grade I am new to steel head fishing I have not made it up there yet but would like to. I find your statements rather offencive an if that is the kind of attitude you have about people new to the sport then I am glad I will not be seeing you up there! Like has been said it is not a secret an at less then 700 views more people would see a photo at Fishermans than this post.

You need to face the fact that more an more people are going to fishing our lakes an rivers. At least on this forum we can ethics along with fishing holes.
Also if you will not be sharing info anymore why be part of this forum unless you want to just learn about other people fishing holes an tactics an in that case you are no better then the people you are upset about!
I have heard all this stuff about the "off hole" and I still do not know where it is. :lol: Is it me or have there not been a lot of pictures of steelhead in these OFF HOLE post so why would most people even waste their time, its been a good place for those from this forum who want to meet and help one another out. I don't believe that these threads have ruined the place, its probably just become that way over time. Also, anytime you are fishing below a dam, or any place you can find fish stacking up, you are going to have people who might not know a lot about fishing around you. Plus you have to deal with combat fishing so everyone knows these aren't the types of places you go to have more than 10 yards between you. :D

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