OFF hole again

Bohemian said:
There were only 5 of us there and everyone was friendly. Didn't catch any, but saw several jump...same old story. Wouldn't take much effort to clean up the place if we all took a little bit of garbage with us. I'm going to start bringing a trash bag with me.


I too will bring a trash bag from now on! I think if we all try and do this, then pick up a decent sized area, we could get that place back to where it should be!
I would have to say that EVERY river I have fished this year has been a lot more packed than in years past, even during the week! Nobody works anymore and it shows on the rivers! :lol:

I would say for the most part experienced anglers don't fish these kinds of areas and if they do its only for a short time. When I fish the river and people are being jerks I just leave and move on, no need to stay around morons. Fishing for me is about being in the beautiful outdoors and maybe catching fish. I guess that's why its good to know a lot of places on the river along with a few that not many other knows about so you can work various areas in the day. I normally fish up high to get the skunk off the board then move on to other water.

Also, I dont think I have ever seen combat fishing where people DON'T let your line swing down a million yards! :D If they kept their line in front of them then they would only be fishing 10 yards of water hardly enough time to get your offering down. LOL. Go up to Leaburg and you will see 10 guys fishing 10 yards of holding water!! :shock:
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Got to agree with steelhead stalkers. I am normally on the river to relax and hopefully hook something. The last thing I want to deal with is a bunch of guys fishing the same hole. I had enough of combat fishing during the salmon runs on the Kenai. Shoulder to shoulder fishing is not what I call a good time or relaxing for that matter.

On the trash note, I was on the Wilson the other day and was shocked to see so many cans of bush in the water. I am guessing (maybe hoping more than anything) that this is the stupid kids who are floating the water that are leaving these behind. I filled up my back pack with cans and other misc. items during the course of the day. It really shocks me that these people can feel okay about ditiching their trash in the very rivers in which they seek to enjoy. No common sense or respect for the surrounding in which they live. Lame:(
Nice, congrats on your first steelie. I am still trying. Was this on the Clack? Drifting bait?


I'm the guy that said "howdy, we left all the fish for you" :D We left to head to work just as you got there. Guess you showed us a thing or two :lol:
Anyfishisfine said:
Fist off I'd like to thank those who share.

A bit later it was double fish on as both me and another guy both hooked into steelhead. I managed to land him....

My first ever steelhead thanks to you guys.

Great job man :clap:

Although I like the pic you sent me via phone better, right up on the rocks :cool:
plucas said:
Nice, congrats on your first steelie. I am still trying. Was this on the Clack? Drifting bait?

It was at the "OFF" hole, below the spillway of Faraday dam in Estacada.

Oddly enough I got him on the rig I had tied that I didn't want to use.

I made up some black corky/red yarn rigs, and hooked the Chinook with that, but I burnt through them and only had orange left. That's what got the steelhead.

Next time I need to remember to bring hooks in case I run out of the ones I tie ahead of time. You lose a lot of tackle there.

Oh, and people, including me were catching so many keeper sized trout they were a real nuisance. One guy trying to use roe literally was catching a trout on every cast. It seems to be an all-round excellent place to catch fish.
Bohemian said:
I'm the guy that said "howdy, we left all the fish for you" :D We left to head to work just as you got there. Guess you showed us a thing or two :lol:

Oh ok. Lol, I had my glasses off trying to tie that knot and was blind. I was looking a bit lost I think.

I took over your spot, thanks for saving it for me :)
Heres my input (not like it matters:lol:) i was there the other day and someone left some bags hanging from the trees,but yet still garbage laying everywhere..... I picked up a huge bag of crap and packed it out all the way out up that really smooth trail :clap:. But i will bet it will look the same way when i go back and i will do it again i suppose... All i can say is i tried i guess and as far as a holes down there i just move down stream there is a lot of fish to be caught in that river and yet ive only caught one and it had one to many fins :( but i will be back oh yes
And by the way this is a great forum with lots of info so keep up the good work and supoort your local brewery:dance:
Anyfishisfine; It looks like its time to join Team Upside Down! There seems to be a trend developing there!:lol:

Congrats on the fish!
Fishtopher said:
Anyfishisfine; It looks like its time to join Team Upside Down! There seems to be a trend developing there!:lol:

Congrats on the fish!

LOL, I didn't even notice. I need to catch more fish so I can get that pose down.
great job there, man!!! nice fish.
ninja2010 said:
great job there, man!!! nice fish.

It was right where we where standing. You need to give it another shot!
Just to shed perspective, there are tons of people going to Faraday Lake, they can see fisherman down by the dam on the river frokm the lake. When I was there I must have seen 40 different people fishing the lake looking down at us, and a few people even came down and scoped the place out (not actually fishing it).

Also, I was one who did find out about the hole from this place. I didn't crowd anyone, leave trash, it was the other way around (all people who have been there before).

So I guess, if I were an idiot, I would assume that it's all of you pepople who have known about this place for a long time that crowd everyone and trash the place. But that would be as stupid an assumption as the prior...
Silver strikes silver!

Silver strikes silver!

WooHoo,a homerun for the Silver Hair Hawg Hunters!! :dance: Good to see they don't all go to the youngsters. :clap: You can represent me at any hole you choose. Congratulations! :D:clap:
Good call, I should have bleed him in the water. I was so paranoid though. The same guy who hooked up when I did had another. He got it on shore, got the hook out, and was reaching for a rock when his fish made a run for it and won. The dude dove after it. I was amazed at his lack of choice words.
OK....dont get me wrong....I have been literally elbow to elbow tossing bobber and jig at the Dog Creek tailout and been totally fine with it because we were using the same method, and we knew how to fish. That is not what I am talking about. Some lone yahoo comes along and decides that a 100yd drift is totally cool when me and my friend are both tossing metal. We were there first... plain and simple. To have that happen 2 times in a day at a spot where that was never a problem before is a bit frustrating. You guys go ahead and tear it up.... I could care less at this point.... in a month or so I'll be anchored at the mouth of EC catching coho LEGALLY (no-no-no-no). I Grade OUT!
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I Grade said:
OK....dont get me wrong....I have been literally elbow to elbow tossing bobber and jig at the Dog Creek tailout and been totally fine with it because we were using the same method, and we knew how to fish. That is not what I am talking about. Some lone yahoo comes along and decides that a 100yd drift is totally cool when me and my friend are both tossing metal. We were there first... plain and simple. To have that happen 2 times in a day at a spot where that was never a problem before is a bit frustrating. You guys go ahead and tear it up.... I could care less at this point.... in a month or so I'll be anchored at the mouth of EC catching coho LEGALLY (F U FLOSSERS). I Grade OUT!

IMO you should have said some thing. Letting them know it wasn't cool to drift down like that. It happened twice???? That really doesn't sound that bad man. Ive had guys do the same thing at diffrent spots and after a few times I just look over and said some thing in a nice tone and then the problem was taken care of.
Anyfishisfine said:
Good call, I should have bleed him in the water. I was so paranoid though. The same guy who hooked up when I did had another. He got it on shore, got the hook out, and was reaching for a rock when his fish made a run for it and won. The dude dove after it. I was amazed at his lack of choice words.

Yeah I have had that happen before.
I Grade said:
OK....dont get me wrong....I have been literally elbow to elbow tossing bobber and jig at the Dog Creek tailout and been totally fine with it because we were using the same method, and we knew how to fish. That is not what I am talking about. Some lone yahoo comes along and decides that a 100yd drift is totally cool when me and my friend are both tossing metal. We were there first... plain and simple. To have that happen 2 times in a day at a spot where that was never a problem before is a bit frustrating. You guys go ahead and tear it up.... I could care less at this point.... in a month or so I'll be anchored at the mouth of EC catching coho LEGALLY (no-no-no-no). I Grade OUT!
Don't let the door hit you in the rear!!!!!

But anyways like was said before by a few other members lets get back to fishing. I should be at the secret OFF hole thursday, Who's is going to join me? I'm going to bring a extra trash bag or two.

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