Fly swap ( 1st of 2011)

steelhead_slayer said:
i'm on the fence about joining. i've never done a fly swap before. is it too late?

This first swap is closed but we'll hold another shortly, your partisipation in future swaps would be great.
I like hand tied flies...i will be doing either the stimulator or a parachute bwo
Im sorry I missed the part in the POST that said HAND TIED. As for DEFEATING the PURPOSE I thought it was to share your favorite fly with others. I would tie my own but with work 3 kids, a bird dog, an reloading I hardly time to fish much less tie. Not to mention I get my flys for under 10$ a dozen.

Keep your HAND TIED flys an I will keep buying mine.

Not sure if you've ever heard of a fly swap before with that comment. Half the reason of tying your own is to showcase your skills. Last time I checked it doesn't take much skill to pull out the wallet.
I agree with Joe... these SHOULD be hand tied - and yes for sharing your tying skills and patterns with other like-minded tiers.

I should get started soon....
I finished mine last night but then decided to give a couple to a friend. I guess I'm not done yet :P

I'm glad we cut OFF the amount of tyers when we did because I've only got 5 more of the correct hooks left. :( I need to make a run to Sportman's Warehouse in Boise
Last edited: guys really through Mark under the bus.:shock:
OnTheFly said: guys really through Mark under the bus.:shock:
Whats actually WRONG with MarkCanby joining the swap? We just have to tie TWO more flies. We get two quality flies (not hand tied.. but..) He gets a bunch of flies tied by us (which could be anything from excellent quality to rough, depending upon skill of tier).
If he had just said "yeah.. I am in" and sent off his flies, how many of us would have known they weren't tied by him?

+1 for yeah for MarkCanby for trying to swap us some of his flies.

Yeah I hear everyone when they say "this defeats the point" and "it's HAND tied only". Aren't we all the same guys who defend ourselves with fervor when described as "elitist fly chuckers"?
A fly is a fly? Jeez, my boxes are mostly Bi-Mart stuff, but it stays together for more fishing trips than my hand tied ones do!

Sorry - I found a little soapbox and briefly jumped on it. I sound like I am trying to push buttons. Sorry for any offense.
I am as far from "elitist" as one comes... Kinda thought the "idea" behind the swap was to exchange a pattern we use, that we tie. I do not have ANY issue with Mark, and to say we threw him under a bus is hardly the case. I merely said I agree about this swap being about something that we tied... my bad. I have no problem with Mark joining - thats not my call.
markasd said:
and to say we threw him under a bus is hardly the case.
It's kind of an inside joke. I know Mark well enough to be able to say that.
FYI Mark gets nice quality flies and besides, what difference does it make? He just wanted to join.
If I might stick my nose in for a minute. I have no dog in this fight but I think I understand the logic behind the disagreement.

I can see why the ones tying flies might be against someone swapping for store bought flies. It seems that the original members of the swap all joined with the intention of sitting down and committing the time and cost of materials associated with tying their submissions. To have someone submit "store bought" flies and then receive "hand tied" flies (remember time and costs involved) might seem a slightly uneven swap.

From my own crafting experience, I would place more value on a hat or scarf that I have spent hours knitting, than one I could buy for less than the cost of my materials at Fred Meyer.
True that but they're All hand tied from somewhere.
Growbug said:
Whats actually WRONG with MarkCanby joining the swap? We just have to tie TWO more flies.

I'm out of hooks so 2 more flies are not going to happen
I'm out of Scotch so 2 more flies not going to happen for me either. Joking aside, thanks Mark for at least asking for people's opinion to send your Ebay bought flies or not. That being said, I personally would hate the idea of receiving a store bought fly, when I'm putting so much effort to research, drink Scotch, find the right materials, drink Scotch, learn how to tie from Obi Van Stinky Finger,drink Scotch, drink Scotch, drink Scotch and tie these flies. (Oh, and drink Scotch.)
The entire notion behind this is to showcase tying "talent" be it a beginner or advanced. Store bought flies would be scandalous.

Being said, if you think tread Marks are excessive elitism..... I'll broker this for ya. If you want to include extra for Mark let me know, I'll pass it on and have him ship some to exchange.

Some day I hope to have a basement sweatshop filled with under aged laborers of my very own!

I hear you on the materials, been to River City Fly Shop 3 times in the last 7 days and have spent all of next weeks lunch money.
I have no interest joining your swap if its about the showing off for fly tying talent. I thought it was about sharing your favorite flys with others. That is what I was interested in no see how nice of a fly Joe Blow can make. He can just post a pic if that is the point of this swap.
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It's about bonding with other tiers, Mark. Not "showing off". Bobbi hit on the intention very well.
I dont understand whats wrong with showing your tying skills?just like u dont want to see a fly any joe blow can make,we dont want to see what fly chinese kids tie in a sweat shop.

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