Fly swap ( 1st of 2011)

bigsteel said:
I dont understand whats wrong with showing your tying skills?just like u dont want to see a fly any joe blow can make,we dont want to see what fly chinese kids tie in a sweat shop.

lol....... Agreed.
"For this first swap of 2011, let's call it tiers choice"

"Each person then produces *two"

" (example: if 5 take part, it means your tying for 4 others = 8 flies @ 2 apiece"

"We can take the next two weeks to get a head count before we get to tying."

"Do to a great turnout so quickly I'm going to call entry to this swap closed, let the tying begin..."

In the first post there are five references to fly tying. I just assumed that's what the deal was. I'm doing this for fun not to fight. Too much fighting in the world as it is. Next fly swap maybe we could have one for store bought flies and one for home tied flies. I don't think anyone is trying to be exclusive here. I'm just trading some home made flies with folks on this forum, not showing off or show chasing anything. Heck we need to swing this whole thing back to being fun. I know I'm looking forward to spending time on the water with folks on here using either home tied or store bought flies, because you are all good people. Let's beef about something like Ford or Chevy?;)
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In the next swap, provided the host agrees, perhaps the individual who is submitting pre-made flies must contribute 2 for each single fly tied by forum members.
Irishrover said:
"For this first swap of 2011, let's call it tiers choice"

"Each person then produces *two"

" (example: if 5 take part, it means your tying for 4 others = 8 flies @ 2 apiece"

"We can take the next two weeks to get a head count before we get to tying."

"Do to a great turnout so quickly I'm going to call entry to this swap closed, let the tying begin..."

In the first post there are five references to fly tying. I just assumed that's what the deal was. I'm doing this for fun not to fight. Too much fighting in the world as it is. Next fly swap maybe we could have one for store bought flies and one for home tied flies. I don't think anyone is trying to be exclusive here. I'm just trading some home made flies with folks on this forum, not showing off or show chasing anything. Heck we need to swing this whole thing back to being fun. I know I'm looking forward to spending time on the water with folks on here using either home tied or store bought flies, because you are all good people. Let's beef about something like Ford or Chevy?;)

you tie a hell of a stonefly nymph lonn,and I LIKE FORD
GraphiteZen said:
In the next swap, provided the host agrees, perhaps the individual who is submitting pre-made flies must contribute 2 for each single fly tied by forum members.

You mean 5?
Okay nice or go to your rooms...I got two hooks here with blobs of material....hehe....I will get it and I will only share my perfect ones, cuz I AM a perfectionist.....hehe
So when should we expect to get a PM with the address.

Also, you may want to add how you would like to send them back. Should we be sending self addressed paid envelopes with the flies?
Personally, I'm planning to send mine in a plastic container placed inside a bubble wrap lined envelope. Along with the flies, there will be a return postage paid sticker from the PO included so the same envelope can be used to send back to me. Let me know if there is a better way.
Jim that sounds perfect, I'll PM everyone by tomorrow evening with my address.
previous swaps I've use a bubble wrap envelope. They're inexpensive and work great.
20+ flies shouldn't have much weight, postage should be under a buck, maybe 2 on the return, Just get em done and mailed in, worst case I'll cover any additional cost to ship them back out. EZ
Ok, so what is the last count?? How many files do I need to send?? I think I gottem.....just want to be sure before they go in the mail. It is a Bat-Wing Emerger in two different tones of March Brown, one lighter and one a little darker on a size 14. I may try to post photos, just that my camera left town for a few weeks with my son, hopefully to return with some awesome photos. And the final count is......???
If I can remember, they will be in the post today.
They are in the mail 20 beadhead bunny leechs 10 pink 10 purple.....
Nice mark, that's a Diamond Lake Killer!
so this was for Feb of 2012 right? jk....20 huh.....this is going to be very very interesting....hope you all have a sense of humor. Don't get me wrong I am taking this very serious....just have to laugh about it cuz I have no idea what I got myself into....:shock:
lilsalmon said:
so this was for Feb of 2012 right? jk....20 huh.....this is going to be very very interesting....hope you all have a sense of humor. Don't get me wrong I am taking this very serious....just have to laugh about it cuz I have no idea what I got myself into....:shock:

Rose just make it are scaring me with with this "very serious" stuff. You tie it I'll fish it!;)
Irishrover said:
Rose just make it are scaring me with with this "very serious" stuff. You tie it I'll fish it!;)

Yeah Rose like Irishrover said...just keep it fun even if your flies had big lips and lipstick...I'll fish it!
Yeah, you get into a groove then a hit a wall. I usually hit said wall about the third fly in.

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