Fly swap ( 1st of 2011)

No say we call "dry fly" then let people make whatever.. so we don't end up with 6" winter steel flies go to someone with only a 3wt trout rod...
Trout patterns definitely, then we have 4 possibles, Dry, Wet, Streamer, Nymph

You dont really have 'wets' over here, so.. Dry / Streamer / Nymph???
I most likely will not share any of my Olive Crystal Buggers (actually called Pearl Buggers) They are way too hazardous for those who are not accustomed to catching dozons upon dozens of fish per day. The most common problem occures when the unsuspecting fly fisherman tries to eat or drink while the fly is still in the water. There have been unconfirmed reports of starvation and dehydration due to time used to land that amount of fish.
Wow, your medicine really has given you an expanded outlook on life (and flys).

Now I would vote that you HAVE to choose that fly. (cos i lost the two you gave me)
I've got one that catches BATS.:lol: Right after the fish quit rising!:D (Elk hair Caddis)
Hahahahahaha dave has that pattern down..
As soon as I get my eyes fixed (cataracts) I'll get my vise out and try up a few of my favorites and see how you guys like them. They worked just fine on the Madison.
Growbug said:
Trout patterns definitely, then we have 4 possibles, Dry, Wet, Streamer, Nymph

darn it. i'm out then. i don't tie trout flies...
ninja2010 said:
darn it. i'm out then. i don't tie trout flies...
Jimmy..I'll take your steelhead flies...just not the carp ones.:D...;)
I'll swap steelie flies for carp ones.
Growbug said:
I'll swap steelie flies for carp ones.
I'm doing caddis, I think.....whichever is easiest....if they don't turn out I make a mean blueberry muffin....jk :lol:
lilsalmon said:
I'm doing caddis, I think.....whichever is easiest....if they don't turn out I make a mean blueberry muffin....jk :lol:

Blueberry Muffin Carp Fly.
You all are so funny....... We do need some clarification tho. I initially thought two flies each; so as to have a back up in the event one is "lost" ( with one fly, I'd be more inclined to save them as "artifacts" than as fishing gear. I'd prefer doing two myself, but I don't want change this from fun to work for anyone. We do have 6 weeks, I'll leave it to each of you to decide.

Let's put Spey flies to the side for this swap and focus on "conventional" flies for Trout /Steelhead
For future swaps, it might be interesting to pick an insect species and tie it's various stages ie Nymph, emerger, and winged adult.. Food for thought and for trout.
kICKS OPEN DOOR. hECK yA iM IN dREW!!!! lol I have never done this before. Im kinda confused guys lol. So I would tie 2 flies for each participant and all the flies would be the same or does each participant get a different pattern? Thats a lot of flies man. I might have to have Karen help me tie lol.

Ima go fix the door real quick. :)
Sounds good FF.

From now on, if somebody wants to start a fly swap, they should post in the first thread what is going to be tied. If it's a specific type i.e. dry, wet, steel..... or a free for all.

Fishfinger, could you edit your first post with the important information so that people don't have to search the thread for it. thanks!
joesnuffy said:
Sounds good FF.

From now on, if somebody wants to start a fly swap, they should post in the first thread what is going to be tied. If it's a specific type i.e. dry, wet, steel..... or a free for all.

Fishfinger, could you edit your first post with the important information so that people don't have to search the thread for it. thanks!

good call, will do.
Do I tie just one pattern of choice or do I tie a veriety?
OnTheFly said:
Do I tie just one pattern of choice or do I tie a veriety?

you just tie the same fly over and over again :P

It gets really boring but then everybody will get the same fly from you so we will know who tied each one.
joesnuffy said:
you just tie the same fly over and over again :P

It gets really boring but then everybody will get the same fly from you so we will know who tied each one.
Got it Joe..thanks

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