Carp: The facts

Stradic, I don't have much to add man. I do have a question. Given the little that you know about me would you consider me a true fisherman? You degrade and hammer anyone foolish enough to pursue a "euro trash" fish, so I must fall into your category of "not a true fisherman." I am genuinely curious if I meet your criteria given my predilection towards a target clearly below your standards. Honest question.

Do you fish for the TUG? Fish ruthlessly in large groups on hog lines? Or do you enjoy hearing the sounds of nature while you stalk fish with the fly? Does a day of fishing only matter if you bring home a fish? Or is it the whole experience of being outdoors half the fun? Are you wasteful? Do you destroy or preserve habitat? Do you care for and respect nature? Only you can answer those questions. Most people that fish aren't fisherman, even if they claim to be "fisherman".
Stradic2000 said:
Do you fish for the TUG? Fish ruthlessly in large groups on hog lines? Or do you enjoy hearing the sounds of nature while you stalk fish with the fly? Does a day of fishing only matter if you bring home a fish? Or is it the whole experience of being outdoors half the fun? Are you wasteful? Do you destroy or preserve habitat? Do you care for and respect nature? Only you can answer those questions. Most people that fish aren't fisherman, even if they claim to be "fisherman".

I am perfectly comfortable with my methods and actions, just a little surprised to hear you come so close to saying anyone who fishes for carp is not a true fisherman in an earlier post and wanted some clarification.

I still think your attitude towards carp is unfortunate. For you, not for me. Hah!
Ninja, not yet... not yet.. but the patience will reward you.... switching back to the channel.
john montana said:
Our native northern pike minnow was designed to live and coexist with out salmon out here, and only became a problem when the dams allowed them to overpopulate. This will happen with any species (note the decline in historic steelhead runs on the John day that coincide with the ever increasing smallmouth populations.).

This is true. Dams are the problem. If all the dams were removed, we'd instantly see the wild fish species return to normal.
Stradic2000 said:
This is true. Dams are the problem. If all the dams were removed, we'd instantly see the wild fish species return to normal.

And our electric bills would sky rocket and we wouldn't be able to afford to fish. Just a thought.
TTFishon said:
And our electric bills would sky rocket and we wouldn't be able to afford to fish. Just a thought.

Ever heard of solar or wind power, or just plain old living off the grid? I like this: "we wouldn't be able to afford to fish", isn't that something, that is a thought.. did you notice how much fishing licenses have gone up in price within the last 2 years?

There are other options to dams, the question is, would our electric bills go down? No, so there's no clear answer. Not right now atleast... Greed & dams.... what to do with these two....
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Stradic2000 said:
Ever heard of solar or wind power, or just plain old living off the grid? I like this: "we wouldn't be able to afford to fish", isn't that something, that is a thought.. did you notice how much fishing licenses have gone up in price within the last 2 years?

There are other options to dams, the question is, would our electric bills go down? No, so there's no clear answer. Not right now atleast... Greed & dams.... what to do with these two....

I hear ya. But there's no doubt in my mind that without hydroelectric power my electric bill would go up. I'd love to have solar and wind power. My wife and I have discussed getting both when we can afford to do so. Until then I'm a slave to the power company. Of course I've noticed the cost of our fishing licenses and hunting too along with the cost of fishing and hunting supplies. They're both becoming a rich man's sport. It makes me very angry. I'm on the same page. Maybe a different paragraph but the same page.
its funny because they said that about the redfish! every1 hated the redfish an now its 1 of the best game fish! ive caught some big carp not that i was goin for them but still it was a blast! CARP WILL B THE NEXT BIG GAMEFISH!
beaverfan said:
They also are incredibly destructive and compete with the native fish.

It's not a question if people would enjoy fishing for them, it's a question of what are they doing to ecosystems they are living in here in the U.S. Who the hell cares if they're fun to catch! They are destroying our waterways!

YES YES problem is the utter chaos carp reek. The carp gotta go!!!!
If I read all the post in this thread I believe it is safe to assume " invasive destruction of native flora" is the guise and concern most of you are hiding behind, or defending against... trout are endangered becouse of warmer waters and loss of habitat... as are salmon.. logging, damns, human development, strip malls over use of limited water supplys... if all factors remained in place, all species left where they were and you removed man from the equesion... the balance would return naturally... but its illegal to wack rednecks and throw them up on the bank.. and the colledge educated ( who's intelligence has wreaked the most havoc, i.e damns highways pesticides irrigation ) well they just use missdirection to get the heat off themselves.... a carp.. bass.. walleye... they are just dumb fish, tryin to live.
Duz anyone care about the carp's feelings?
halibuthitman said:
If I read all the post in this thread I believe it is safe to assume " invasive destruction of native flora" is the guise and concern most of you are hiding behind, or defending against... trout are endangered becouse of warmer waters and loss of habitat... as are salmon.. logging, damns, human development, strip malls over use of limited water supplys... if all factors remained in place, all species left where they were and you removed man from the equesion... the balance would return naturally... but its illegal to wack rednecks and throw them up on the bank.. and the colledge educated ( who's intelligence has wreaked the most havoc, i.e damns highways pesticides irrigation ) well they just use missdirection to get the heat off themselves.... a carp.. bass.. walleye... they are just dumb fish, tryin to live.

True wisdom comes from the strangest places.
Do Karp Have Felings?? I WANT to know!

Do Karp Have Felings?? I WANT to know!

Markcanby said:
True wisdom comes from the strangest places.

several questions (seriously) - i live on the willamette near st paul. can i catch carp (aka karp) bank fishing around here? second, can i buy carp from any of the regular fishermen who catch them? finally, HALIBURTON DUDE wrote a post but i dont understand it. could anyone translate? finally, DO carp have feelings?
Kaimuki the lake right there in St Paul has some big carp an would be a great place to fish from the bank. As for gear I you would be fine with any salmon rod but when it come to tactics I would ask Drew he know far more than I do about carp.
but that lake is private and has not been open to the public for years, rt?
Markcanby said:
Kaimuki the lake right there in St Paul has some big carp an would be a great place to fish from the bank. As for gear I you would be fine with any salmon rod but when it come to tactics I would ask Drew he know far more than I do about carp.

Indeed. On this forum, John Montana is the go-to guy for carp on a fly, and Drew9870 is the guy for conventional (or non-conventional ;)) rigging). Either individually or together, they have amassed LOT of experience.
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kaimuki49 said:
several questions (seriously) - i live on the willamette near st paul. can i catch carp (aka karp) bank fishing around here? second, can i buy carp from any of the regular fishermen who catch them? finally, HALIBURTON DUDE wrote a post but i dont understand it. could anyone translate? finally, DO carp have feelings?

If you are asking if carp are an emotional creature,ie;sad,mad, happy ect,I highly doubt it.Anyway,how could anyone possibly know this for sure? If you are wondering if carp can feel pain,sense heat ect, of course they can.
No it is public just not a lot of access. On the north end there is a road that runs past the dam. It is the only place I know you can park a get to the water. There is about 300yds of bank there
Kinda curious as to why there are so many carp haters and we dont see anyone bashin' on Catfish, Bass, Walleye etc.?

Beav? OTF? B.S.? L.S.? Bigdog? Anyone???
Fishtopher said:
Kinda curious as to why there are so many carp haters and we dont see anyone bashin' on Catfish, Bass, Walleye etc.?

Beav? OTF? B.S.? L.S.? Bigdog? Anyone???
cause i think there a nasty fish that doesn't belong in our rivers,,ill leave it at that people like what they like.

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