Carp fishing


I believe I recognize that dock, is that the dock at Richland on Brownlee Res.
that does look a little bit like brownlee.... :P
Can you imagine how Excited people get when Bass fishing and Hooking a carp!

Yes these are both from when I went to Brownlee this May. I don't get too excited because I can tell the differnce is under 5 seconds.
Oh, Thats good then.
Carp put up a lot more fight than most anything in Brownlee (except for Flatheads and Sturgeon), maybe use 6lb test next time so it's more of a rush.

That is one of my favorite places to go, especially that dock. Brownlee is FULL of GIANT Crappie, me and gramps used to fill a couple five gallon buckets completely full of Crappie that were always around 14 inches (up to 18).

Seems like Brownlee has Sturgeon and Flatheads, I know the Snake does.
I go to Brownlee or Oxbow every August, The carp fishing is Great. Snake river is the best carp spot in Oregon.
But I go SmallMouth Crazy There.

Im Going there this august, Packed wit Boilies and Carp Flys.
Drew9870, Good luck finding crappie that size this year. As far as numbers you can rack 200 per person per day with no problems but the bigger ones are very few and far between the avearge this year is 7 to 9 inches and anything over 10 inches is almost imposible to find. They had a really bad spawn for a few years about 6 years ago. The fish they are catching this year spawned 2-4 years ago and all 3 of those years were great years for spawning so the average size will go back up but right now there are not many in the 14 and up size.
Troutier Bassier said:
I go to Brownlee or Oxbow every August, The carp fishing is Great. Snake river is the best carp spot in Oregon.
But I go SmallMouth Crazy There.

Im Going there this august, Packed wit Boilies and Carp Flys.

Boilies are good for Carp that are used to eating them, make sure to bring lots of bread and corn.

With Brownlee being so big, you would have to get bucket loads of boilies and drive a boat around while scattering the boilies. Corn would be your best bet because I'm sure most of the people use corn when they target carp in Brownlee.

I'll PM a special recipe that I want you to test for me in Brownlee.
But isn't scattering the boilies illegal?
Of course it would be in Oregon, I was not recommending it either, I was just explaining that a Carp is very "sketchy" when it comes to a new food source.

I would never recommend anyone do this anywhere, mainly because people would start polluting the water with all sorts of concoctions.

There are people that go that far to catch Carp. Really I have found out, simple baits are the best ones, I have some good healthy fishmeal (and other hard to find healthy stuff for Carp) boilies in the freezer right now...... I am pretty sure they don't work, I have some secret ponds around my area that are loaded with Carp, and if the boilies don't outfish bread, then there is no point in using them, they didn't even get a bite.
On Farm Report this mornin' they said a guy shot a 79 lb carp with arrow in Iowa......................:shock:
I saw that, Dosent look like a 79lb fish, Likes like a 50 Lb fish,
They dont have Big head in Oregon.
joesnuffy said:
after the last post i looked at the ODFW website and they actualy recommend using corn in some spots...... why did i think it was illegal? do it used to be?

I don't know if it used to be illegal or not, but it currently is legal. It's one of those things that's been repeated n-th hand that people just believe it. Even some of the wisest and most respected fishermen, who should have read the regulations, will repeat these fallacies.
shot a 32lb carp last year on the columbia near boardman. in my group one other guy shot a 20lb carp, big fish out there in the slack water......
Well I got a 30lb Carp out of Walling about month or two ago, and I got it using a pole, reel, and line (8lb test), and I bet it was a lot more fun to bring it in on a pole with light line, rather than hauling it in half dead with rope and an arrow. I fought that thing for over half an hour, and had a 15lb bright orange (almost goldish with a tint of red) Koi chasing it around for about 10 minutes, no doubt I would release that Koi if (when ;)) I catch it. .

P.S. I was very happy to release that 30lber instead of giving it to the asian guy that wanted it badly.

How about tossing out a floating piece of breadcrust into an area where people like to feed ducks (perhaps a local pond), and be ready for the rush you get when you set the hook on a carp that took your bait off the top, make sure you have more than 100 yards of line on your spool, because I even worry about 140 yds of 6lb sometimes.
Very Nice Job! 30Lbs. Thats a Pig!

I Recently caught a 10 Lber on 8Lb

I was at my lake and I was blue gill Fishing, But then I seen Sooo Many carp jump in a new Area so I had a Can of corn (I always have a can of corn with me) And I went and set my rod out for Carp,

And I run to grab the rod and set it, It was a Ultralight Abugarcia Rod/Reel. The Carp just Booked it under the dock and My Drag was going soooooo Fast that the Clicker Broke. And I couldent Reel cause he Did something to the Spool. So For 5 Minutes I had to get him in with my Hands.

Amazing Fish.
If you are looking for carp......

If you are looking for carp......

You should head out to elk rock around 6 pm. On the east side of elk rock, in the back cove, the carp start going nuts near dusk. There are TONS of the bastards out there. I caught one on a white spinner (mr twister) last week. First time I've seen a carp hit a lure.
jpjule said:
You should head out to elk rock around 6 pm. On the east side of elk rock, in the back cove, the carp start going nuts near dusk. There are TONS of the bastards out there. I caught one on a white spinner (mr twister) last week. First time I've seen a carp hit a lure.

Were's elk rock at? How do you get there? I want to try to catch some carp but i don't know were. Could you google map it for me? i might want to go check it out this weekend. thanx.
Has anyone noticed that all the carp threads are like 7 pages long?

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