Carp fishing

Troutier Bassier said:
I'm sorry. I should listen to you. Your the Profesional Carp fisherman that Knows everything about carp.
Anyone who thinks that they know everything about fishing has a lot to learn. Learning fishing skills is a lifelong experience and only a brash kid would make a statement like you have in your signature.
Troutier Bassier said:
I'm sorry. I should listen to you. Your the Profesional Carp fisherman that Knows everything about carp.


I know you weren't stating this to me, but, obviously you don't like to fight your fish, you like to yard them in with no chances of loss. 65LB BRAID FOR CARP, obviously your the professional carp fisherman. The heaviest I would ever go for carp is 8lb test (and I haven't caught a carp on 8lb since January)

I bet anything if you downgraded (extremely) to 6lb test, you would catch a lot more. Just make sure you have a reel that holds ATLEAST 110 yards of 6lb.

If you say your skill is higher than peoples age, then why don't you put your skills to the test and fight a carp on 4lb test, my biggest carp came off of 4lb, about 34 inches and 16-20lbs.
That's a nice sized carp Drew. As a young kid (50 years ago) I fished carp when nothing esle would bite below the dam at fern ridge. I think the biggest one I caught there was about 5-6 pounds. I was a lot of fun on my light trout rod and light line. I aggree, since we don't keep them to eat, let's make a sport out of it. I hope St Peter doesn't count up who landed the most Carp at the pearly gates. I may be in trouble. Have a good one, Qwa
i thought you were not allowed to use corn as bait in oregon.......... am i wrong?
after the last post i looked at the ODFW website and they actualy recommend using corn in some spots...... why did i think it was illegal? do it used to be?
Some old timers told me It was too.
Rod: I Use a Tiger Spinning Rod/Reel Rigged up with 65# Braided lol 65# braided line your fishing for carp not nessie don't get me wrong there are giant carp but 65# braiid is wayyyyyy overkill! in my opinion. Coming from the kid that says his fishing level is higher than your age. 65# braid is like what the guy on the T.V. show river monsters uses to catch like 160lb+ cats with
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Well I dont like my Fish running. Some People\, they just let carp run and run and it takes over 20 mins to get one in. Thats stupid. Not worth a 20 min fight letting a carp run on 6# line. If you use 65# then you can hold onto the rod and not let any line out and get it in faster. Duh, Better control, Faster you get it in.
If you catch on 65 lb line... you catch your sturgeon on 500 lb line?
TB-it might be better for a big carp to run, even if it can't break your line. Huge carp+no running=broken rod.

I think it should be your line rating is higher than your age. :lol:;):rolleyes::D:cool:;)
FishSchooler said:
I think it should be your line rating is higher than your age. :lol:;):rolleyes::D:cool:;)


I dont use 500 for Sturgeon I use 60
People with high fishing skill use a light line, it takes a lot more skill to fight a fish rather to haul it straight in. Whats the point of even fishing for carp if you use 65lb braid, theres no thrill to it, you might as well drag a net behind a boat and see how many carp you can catch (it's just about as much of a fight in a net as it is on 65lb braid). How about you put your """SKILLS""" to the test and whip out this thing called a Fly Rod with 8 pound leader and 6 pound tippet (which is overkill on a fly rod to me) and hook a carp on that.

You probably use the same line for trout and bass (you know, wouldn't want to fight that fish for more than a minute)

Oh yeah, I use 14lb test for Sturgeon.
Is that a Joke?
What Percent of Oversizers do you land?
I don't attempt the oversize sturgies. Only oversize (I am pretty positive it was) I ever hooked was on 2lb test, I might as well have hooked a car driving at 3mph.

If I did hook an oversize in the area I fish, I wouldn't give up the fight, it's not the light line that I believe in, it's the strength of the knots I tie, when I tie a knot I test it with about a 10lb pull for 6lb, and after I get done tying a knot with the 14lb, I stick the hook into something and start pulling until the line digs into my index finger (I have 7 different slash marks on my finger).

If I hook an oversize, the first thing I am going to worry about is my rod.
If you dont attempt for Oversizers what Is the point of Sturgeon fishing? Thats why I wake up every morning, Knowing that Sometime in the next month or two I will hook into a oversizer.
Troutier Bassier said:
If you dont attempt for Oversizers what Is the point of Sturgeon fishing? Thats why I wake up every morning, Knowing that Sometime in the next month or two I will hook into a oversizer.

What's the point of life without winning the lottery?
Troutier Bassier said:
If you dont attempt for Oversizers what Is the point of Sturgeon fishing? Thats why I wake up every morning, Knowing that Sometime in the next month or two I will hook into a oversizer.
Apparently you don't have the point of fishing in general yet.
Webwader said:
Apparently you don't have the point of fishing in general yet.

He's a teenager, he knows EVERYTHING! I know I sure did when I was his age. :dance:


great joke man!!!:lol::lol:

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