Willy River for Smallies

FishSchooler said:
Pigeon? Eww...... I always thought that they were dirty birds, at least here in Portland, they scavenge half eaten food, the garbage... They also poop everywhere...
baby pigeon are called "squab" or "squib"? something like that... anyways, they're called that before they learn to fly and are quite tasty. like a small cornish hen but tastier.:D:confused::D
Fishing on Tenmile

Fishing on Tenmile

Went fishing there myself not more than a couple days ago... didn't have much luck but I don't have a boat =( Went to the dock with the pilings and I think I put every lure I had in my box out there and not a single nibble, switched over to worms... yea just regular old night crawlers in a Styrofoam cup for like a couple bucks I think it was... caught a bunch of these little bitty fish... not much fight in them, best one I think probably topped out at 9" and swallowed the hook to his belly. But they were very skinny, judging by coloring I'd say probably premature smallies... not sure though as I've never been bass fishing, the guy I was with was saying that they were smallies but then made a comment that some people call them perch... Ever have one of those moments you're pretty sure the person you're carrying on a conversation with knows as little about it as you but is afraid to tell ya? Yeah... wonderful. I plan to go back by myself... like I said I tried every Rapala I had and a few wee wigglers and so on near the pilings off dock #4, got nothing, worms got me bitty fish... course fish are fish when you ain't caught anything in a month or two :lol: Ya'll keep mentioning certain types of baits like Senkos and so on and I've been into every bait shop I could find on the coast and haven't seen anything named "Senko" or with those five letters in it... maybe a picture or something of one? I do have a surface popper in frog colors, never thought to try it by the lily pads tho... and I might have to get some of those frog baits, the ones that look like rubber frogs... all I want is a bass I can look at and say "Yup... that's a bass right there." and take a picture of it :lol: Hey if any of ya'll are going to be out that way on say.... the 12th, let me know and maybe we can meet up! I need an experienced fisherman to help me land one of these guys as most of my friends are about as experienced as I am! :lol: that's all for now just thought I'd report in as I went there not long ago... been awhile since I logged on!
Bass or Perch?

Bass or Perch?

Thanks for the report,Zeroresin. I can definitely relate to not being sure what kind of fish is dangling at the end of the line. I've caught a couple of small mouth's down at the Santiam by Jefferson. The only reason I was fairly sure it was a smallie is because I carry a regs book in my gear. It looks pretty ratty by now, but the pics of the fish are still good enough to see.
Good to hear you got the skunk washed off,though. We may not always "catch", but then my doctor is still just "practicing". :confused::lol:
hahaha ain't that the truth! But yeah, thank god for losing the skunk smell, was about to consider Dupont Spinners there for awhile! :lol:
senkos are in almost all fishing stores. just ask the guy on duty. they def have them on the coast as it is the only place i can find the 7'' senkos.

if you type senko into any of the cabelas or bass pro shop search engines or even google it will pop up.

ALL fishermen need to learn to use google :)

it is a great friend of mine!
Yeah I googled it shortly there after >.< my curriousity had to be sated. Anyhow now that I know what they are I went looking for them and believe it or not, cannot find any, anywhere! Course, I probably need to check an ACTUAL bait shop, versus Fred Meyer or Bi-Mart. Those places barely have anything, I found a place that sells some grubs and a place that has the rubber frogs with a hook in them so I plan to pick up some of them as well. Tomarrow I hope to go fishing at tenmile so I'm gonna call around to bait shops and see if I can't find me some senkos!
You dont have a joes near you? Fred meyers has some really cheap stuff though, blue foxes are almost 1 dollar below the joes price, barrel swivs are 99 cents for 8 or something, jar of eggs or powerbait is like 2 bucks, not 4
Zeroresin said:
, I probably need to check an ACTUAL bait shop, versus Fred Meyer or Bi-Mart.

every bi mart i have been to has them...
First time fishing forum poster

First time fishing forum poster

Went fishing at Willamette Park in West Linn today and returned to Fisherman status finally after going O-fer the past 4 trips. Fished out the spot with grubs and jigs with no luck but threw on the ol crankbait and fish on second cast! Nice 12 1/2 inch smallie! That place is usually my catfishin spot but I had friends with me that couldnt stay past nine. Fish didn't start bitin till 830!
Goin again tomm. but better prepared! Forgot the crawlers today and had to buy some gummy worms to throw...no luck there!
where on the willy man
Willamette park... he stated that in the first sentence...
willamette park in corvallis or portland?
fishudedmeet said:
willamette park in corvallis or portland?

Willamette Park in West Linn...Where the Tualatin meets up.
Well the one in Lincoln City didn't have them Senkos when I was there... I'll look again when I'm down that way again =)

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