Willy River for Smallies

Young birds...

Young birds...

Boywhofishes said:
well i suppose if you raise them carefully and clean then they wouldn't be to bad :D

Young Pigeons are called "Squab" and are considered somewhat of a delicacy. I earned a merit badge in the Boy Scouts by raising pigeons. Very cool birds, Tumblers,Homers, White Kings....great way to observe nature...

squawfish are great for bait, including catfish! and it's fun to feed the ospreys and eagles right from ur boat :D
FishSchooler said:
Pigeon? Eww...... I always thought that they were dirty birds, at least here in Portland, they scavenge half eaten food, the garbage... They also poop everywhere...

Unless you're buying free range, the commercially raised chickens you buy in the store make pigeons look squeaky clean :lol:

Flippinbaits- if the birds of prey like them, maybe it's time for us to invent the sport of "squaw tossin" :D
Troutski said:
Young Pigeons are called "Squab" and are considered somewhat of a delicacy. I earned a merit badge in the Boy Scouts by raising pigeons. Very cool birds, Tumblers,Homers, White Kings....great way to observe nature...


Cool Chuck! I raised Chucker, and Pheasant for a boy scout project once...Very rewarding experience! Both the raising of birds, and the boy scouts too.

Pikeminnow for the Osprey and Eagles huh? Of course, i just never thought about it. What a sweet way to get a real close view! The few we catch always end up in the traps this time of year, but banking on the Clackamas next time, I'm going to try to lure one of the Osprey close.;)
I dunno about Osprey, all I know that feeding Eagles and Falcons are illegal without a Falconer's license, just to tell you. If you want to see a beautiful bird or two, take the OMSI Jetboat excursion, I saw 3 bald eagles and a Peregrine falcon, the fastest animal alive and it lived right under the Freemont Bridge! The Bald Eagles were on ross island. They might be gone now, or the babies at least.

I might go to the "Glass Kiln" next week on friday or something with 2 of my friends. Not sure yet amoeba.
I was thinking about if it would be OK with the State if you were feeding eagles and what not. Probably a big fine if you get caufgt You are probably right about the eagles, falcons, and osprey. I looked up info on the OMSI jet boat excursions, and I am going to take m'lady out on one this saturday or sunday. Good deal for what ya get. Had no idea the P. Falcon was the fastest animal on Earth! Yeah i have had good luck recently out near the "glass kiln." The bassin out there is for sure starting to heat up it seems like...:think: Exciting none the less, because I'm catchin more bass than I usually do. Maybe i could learn a thing or two about proper bassin if i see you and your buds or parents out slayin 'em. It seems like i always catch just one or two when I go out, and they are always small...I dunno? At least i don't get skunked!
Peregrine falcons can dive up to 200 miles an hour. :shock::shock::shock: Woah! It's amazing. And eagles can have a wingspan up to 7 feet
where is the wally river? i'm from portland and i've never heard of it, i'm sure it's short for something but what? i have never gone bass fishing before but i've been watching the fishing channel (wfn) a lot lately and i am excited to try it. i just went and got some setup for it today and i'm going to give it a shot this weekend. i don't have a boat, so hopefully i can find some good bank spots. i'm going to try salish tomorrow, then either the columbia or hagg on sunday. are those good, any suggestions? where's wally?
Sometimes a pair of Bald Eagles have nested across the canyon in old growth doug fir.............At times the eagles, Osprey, Great Blue Heron have taken fish out of my basspond. That is the way of nature...............:rolleyes:
Hey Fitter, some of us call it the Willy, and it is short for the mighty Willamette river that runs S. to N.(I think it's the longest river to running S. to N. in the U.S.) through most of the major cities from down south of Eugene to Portland. If you're from these parts then you knew that! I just recently got into bassin as well and I've had good luck at the parks in Lake Oswego and West Linn off of Hwy 43. Hagg for me is hit and miss, either really good, or skunk city. Still a nice lake when it is not crowded, and you can almost always drop a sweet spinner or P.Bait and hook a stocker trout!
Just had a MONSTER smallmouth shake my hook loose 10ft from me... Im gonna go cry myself to sleep now....

...and of coarse I can always land the 8" ones.... lame...
Combat Chuck said:
Just had a MONSTER smallmouth shake my hook loose 10ft from me... Im gonna go cry myself to sleep now....

...and of coarse I can always land the 8" ones.... lame...

And where was this at on the willy?
Tomorrow ...

Tomorrow ...

GraphiteZen said:
And where was this at on the willy?

I can't wait, can't sleep, and am a inventory addict, my first voyage in the toon...so much excited.......:yay:

Bowman park in Albany, just went down for a few casts in the evening. A few casts turned into an hour though cause I hooked that thing with the second cast. I wanted it so bad! Rod bent in half and pulling line... I had 12lb test so the drag wasn't all that loose either.
Combat Chuck said:
Bowman park in Albany, just went down for a few casts in the evening. A few casts turned into an hour though cause I hooked that thing with the second cast. I wanted it so bad! Rod bent in half and pulling line... I had 12lb test so the drag wasn't all that loose either.

Ouch haha.
that's gotta suck, did you see it?
I too lost a fatty on the Tualatin on Tuesday. It had to be a three to four pounder! Spit my spinnerbait three feet out of the water. Kills the soul a little to know you could have had it. I did catch my first largemouth though. A whole 8 inches.
SDK said:
I was in a fancy restuarant in HK, and they served us a whole cooked pigeon. The head was sitting on the plate as a garnish and staring right back at me. It was actually pretty good, and I was the only westerner at the table brave enough to try it. My boss named it Stanley, and my wife couldn't even eat chicken for a month after that night :rolleyes:

That is FUNNY!!!!
i went to the columbia last weekend and i was reeling in a baby bass maybe 6 inches or so, and i get it to within 7 or 8 feet of the shore and a monster bass comes out of the shadows and eats the fish on my hook, my pole bent over hard, i got about 2 reels in and he ripped the baby right off my hook. that got my adrenaline going hard, it was the biggest bass i have ever seen. i saw another giant later that day but i don't think i had him hooked, i think ha was just calmped onto my bait, as soon as he was close enough to see me he let go and swam away. the bass are much bigger out there than on the willy. i will be making many more trips out there, it was awesome.
Very funny story! :lol:
Where on the columbia river were you?

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