When do winter steelhead arrive on coastal river systems?

I think one big advantage of going out on a scouting trip is being able to see what the bottom looks like when the water's low. With all the rain that we're supposed to be getting, the water levels are going to be changing a ton. Knowing what's on the bottom and how it's going to affect the current and drift is a huge help to me. This will be my first year that I'm actually targeting winters, and I plan on making quite a few scouting trips.
Like I said earlier this year masmith, we have to get to know our home river. That means hitting the Nestucca a lot and working the holes. I was thinking that we could hit three rivers.. I have heard reports of the winters being caught there...

Time on water.. Time on research (OFF), and proper equipment..
Don't even attempt winter runs until mid december on most coast rivers if you want a realistic chance at catching one! Most hatchery fish will show up between late dec. through Jan.

Anything else is premature!

Late December is when it starts to happen! :dance:
The Wilson run is usually going pretty strong the first week in December if the rains allow. I know several people who have already caught winter Steelhead 4-5 miles up from tidewater.
I disagree about waiting til Mid Dec.

I disagree about waiting til Mid Dec.

In my opinion this winter is going to be one of the best the coast has seen in a long time. I've already seen many caught on the Nestucca and Three Rivers. I also know that the Nehalem & Necanicum (if that's how you spell it) have an early returning hatchery run that starts in Nov. Last year I would agree that it didn't get good until Mid Dec. But this year is gonna be a different story :dance:

The Nestucca is a great reliable steelhead river all the way into April. I landed 21 fish last year (including some hawgs in the 15-20 pound range).
I heard sandy gets a early run of winters. So probally mid-dec?
We're talking about coastal rivers here T.B.
Sorry, Wrong thread then.
I think that it is worth the time to fish them now, weather permitting, of course. I know steel are in there and for me learning the river Now will pay Off come mid December.. I hope anyway 
masmith said:
if I am in the wrong place at the wrong time I have no chance, regardless of what the experience may be.

I think this is at the heart of why members keep discussing this thread with you!
I don't think he's understanding that by going out now and learning the water he plans on fishing is pretty much just as important as being at the right place at the right time. Right now is about finding the right spot to be.
So here's a question; for the last few seasons I've been hearing that since switching to a native brood stock the hatchery fish were coming in later with the natives. And that it was the old hatchery stock, which is no longer stocked which came in early.

Is there any truth to that?
jeffcycles said:
I think this is at the heart of why members keep discussing this thread with you!

Ya ok.
Ok Masmith here is what you are looking to hear, if you head out hwy 26 past the town of sandy and look for a sign pointing to the rainbow trout farm, head there and go to the broot stock pond and hit it hard. There is the one place I give you a 100% chacne of getting in to a large fish. They haven't been to the ocean but there are some in there that are the same size as steelies. Now you don't have to spend the time on the water trying to learn the river or looking for where the fish are. Be ready to empty the wallet though they get spendy.
Ok, so I'll try not to make this too wordie. I ask question, with the goal of getting an answer. I am not looking for seperate opinions. I am asking a question to people who know more then I do. I didn't ask about experience, reading water, time put in etc...

Furthermore- I have been out fishing 1-2 days a week almost every week since the end of august. Until recently on either the nestucca or salmon river and I have found about 5-6 holes on each river. It has nothing to do with time, it is just annoying to ask a question an then get a soapbox answer and a set of opinions.

Everything has to be taken in balance- for example I could quit my job and fish e wry single day, whether the river is blown out, muddy, 50 mph winds etc- or I can try to be intelligent with the time I have, get the best information possible, and try to be in the right place, right time, and try to be succesful with the limited time I have.


masmith said:
Ok, so I'll try not to make this too wordie. I ask question, with the goal of getting an answer. I am not looking for seperate opinions. I am asking a question to people who know more then I do. I didn't ask about experience, reading water, time put in etc...

Furthermore- I have been out fishing 1-2 days a week almost every week since the end of august. Until recently on either the nestucca or salmon river and I have found about 5-6 holes on each river. It has nothing to do with time, it is just annoying to ask a question an then get a soapbox answer and a set of opinions.

Everything has to be taken in balance- for example I could quit my job and fish e wry single day, whether the river is blown out, muddy, 50 mph winds etc- or I can try to be intelligent with the time I have, get the best information possible, and try to be in the right place, right time, and try to be succesful with the limited time I have.

Well,sheesh! :confused: Why didn't you say so in the first place? :think: You didn't tell us you were out there as often as most. You didn't say you already knew where your favorite holes were. I guess you're right,sometimes the members do try to "over-help". But a lot of people would just sift out what they already knew and keep the good stuff. Sorry if we OFFended you. :redface: Nobody here thinks you're a totally inexperienced newbie unless you tell us you are. Personally,I look forward to fishing with you soon...if you want to. :cool:
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masmith said:
Ok, so I'll try not to make this too wordie. I ask question, with the goal of getting an answer. I am not looking for seperate opinions. I am asking a question to people who know more then I do. I didn't ask about experience, reading water, time put in etc...

Furthermore- I have been out fishing 1-2 days a week almost every week since the end of august. Until recently on either the nestucca or salmon river and I have found about 5-6 holes on each river. It has nothing to do with time, it is just annoying to ask a question an then get a soapbox answer and a set of opinions.

Everything has to be taken in balance- for example I could quit my job and fish e wry single day, whether the river is blown out, muddy, 50 mph winds etc- or I can try to be intelligent with the time I have, get the best information possible, and try to be in the right place, right time, and try to be succesful with the limited time I have.

Your so special,,,
bigdog said:
Ok Masmith here is what you are looking to hear, if you head out hwy 26 past the town of sandy and look for a sign pointing to the rainbow trout farm, head there and go to the broot stock pond and hit it hard. There is the one place I give you a 100% chacne of getting in to a large fish. They haven't been to the ocean but there are some in there that are the same size as steelies. Now you don't have to spend the time on the water trying to learn the river or looking for where the fish are. Be ready to empty the wallet though they get spendy.

masmith said:
Ok, so I'll try not to make this too wordie. I ask question, with the goal of getting an answer. I am not looking for seperate opinions. I am asking a question to people who know more then I do. I didn't ask about experience, reading water, time put in etc...

Furthermore- I have been out fishing 1-2 days a week almost every week since the end of august. Until recently on either the nestucca or salmon river and I have found about 5-6 holes on each river. It has nothing to do with time, it is just annoying to ask a question an then get a soapbox answer and a set of opinions.

Everything has to be taken in balance- for example I could quit my job and fish e wry single day, whether the river is blown out, muddy, 50 mph winds etc- or I can try to be intelligent with the time I have, get the best information possible, and try to be in the right place, right time, and try to be succesful with the limited time I have.

Barb is being too kind. You aren't old enough to complain and be annoyed! Just wait until you are old and miserable like the rest of us...then you will enjoy telling young people more than they want to hear! :lol:

Have fun,
masmith said:
Ok, so I'll try not to make this too wordie. I ask question, with the goal of getting an answer. I am not looking for seperate opinions. I am asking a question to people who know more then I do. I didn't ask about experience, reading water, time put in etc...

Furthermore- I have been out fishing 1-2 days a week almost every week since the end of august. Until recently on either the nestucca or salmon river and I have found about 5-6 holes on each river. It has nothing to do with time, it is just annoying to ask a question an then get a soapbox answer and a set of opinions.

Everything has to be taken in balance- for example I could quit my job and fish e wry single day, whether the river is blown out, muddy, 50 mph winds etc- or I can try to be intelligent with the time I have, get the best information possible, and try to be in the right place, right time, and try to be succesful with the limited time I have.

going to try to be as nice as i can with this... if you only wanted one answer then why did you post it on a forum???? you sould of PMed someone if you only wanted one!!! but this is a open forum so everyone wrote back with what they thought would help you the most..... so if you are going to ask a question on a open forum please dont cry like a lil kid when everyone tells you what THEY think. and im pretty sure thats all you do when anyone asks questions is asking there opinion on somethis so dont be so shocked you got them!!!!!! im going out of town you all have fun with this guy lol

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