Stickleback bait.

My friends, while it doesn't seem to be very clear on his web site...his prices really are quite reasonable. I'd recommend taking another look, and sending him a PM if you still have pricing/cost concerns. It really is a better deal, than what it looks like.

And I was referring to Bobbi's concern, about being promised free shipping. That was the "issue" that has apparently now been resolved, and I am glad to see that. Correct me if I am mistaken, but I don't think she had "cost" as an issue...except for maybe the shipping cost.
Thank you troutdude. and to big steel i know you didn't like how one of the members was talking about daehleets buisiness but i would really aprreciate it if you didn't come on a thread where all i asked was about stickle back baits sales. Me and him have already settled it. i am still going to be paying shipping. i know he has a buisness to run and i myself am wanting to start my own. But please dont come on my thread and start saying things like if " if it was me i would have told them to go to hell" as you said this is a public forum.
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youngfishtyler said:
Thank you troutdude. and to big steel i know you didn't like how one of the members was talking about daehleets buisiness but i would really aprreciate it if you didn't come on a thread where all i asked was about stickle back baits sales. Me and him have already settled it. i am still going to be paying shipping. i know he has a buisness to run and i myself am wanting to start my own. But please dont come on my thread and start saying things like if " if it was me i would have told them to go to hell" as you said this is a public forum.

He wasn't saying he would have told Dahleets to go to hell, he was speaking to an unrelated example I had made.
I know i just didn't like how he came on the thread ad started and got hostile like that when we have already resolved our matters with Daehleets.
bigsteel said:
sure is a lot of complaining for some plastic bait.i could see complaining if the product sucked,but none of you have even tried it,all your complaining about is how he chooses to run his business or shipping costs..BOOHOO if you dont like it then dont buy it.whining and crying to get free shipping is pathetic.Dahleets is definitely nicer then i am with all the bashing of his business on a public forum i would have told you to go to hell.

And you still placed an order after all the complaining???????????????

couldn't have said it better:clap:
Not gonna take any sides here but do a bit of gear ordering online and the only time free shipping is found usually is when a minimum $ amount is purchased, my bass gear sights run from 50-100 then you can get free ground which has taken 5days from the cali based one and 2 weeks for the ones back east. As with any new product it will take time for reviews to come in , so I generally buy 1 or 2 to try if I cannot get a trusted review . Trust me I have twice as many lures that dont catch fish as ones that do. As a previous small buisness operator I know a coulpe things for sure , 1 it is very hard to get stores to stock your product, and 2 If you dont take care of your customers ,well you soon wont have any . As for stickleback baits I will order a couple and let you all know what the results are just be prepared to see the first bass testimony offered up for them as I am pretty much clueless when it comes to steelhead LOL !
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youngfishtyler said:
Thank you troutdude. and to big steel i know you didn't like how one of the members was talking about daehleets buisiness but i would really aprreciate it if you didn't come on a thread where all i asked was about stickle back baits sales. Me and him have already settled it. i am still going to be paying shipping. i know he has a buisness to run and i myself am wanting to start my own. But please dont come on my thread and start saying things like if " if it was me i would have told them to go to hell" as you said this is a public forum.

thanks for the advice but this is a public forum and i will say what i want........why didn't you just PM Dahleets about the size of order,afterall he is the owner....everyone else just jumped your thread complaining he doesn't sell small enough sizes,his shipping takes forever,his shipping costs too much......nobody here has even tried his product yet they are willing to jump on and talk negatively about the way his business is run...looks like out of a 5 page thread you have got NO feedback on his product when all you had to do was PM him....
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bigsteel said:
thanks for the advice but this is a public forum and i will say what i want........why didn't you just PM Dahleets about the size of order,afterall he is the owner....everyone else just jumped your thread complaining he doesn't sell small enough sizes,his shipping takes forever,his shipping costs too much......nobody here has even tried his product yet they are willing to jump on and talk negatively about the way his business is run...looks like out of a 5 page thread you have got NO feedback on his product when all you had to do was PM him....

Interesting, you can say what you want, but no one else can?
I would have to agree Bobbi. looks Like on our public forum we can post anything we want as long a Bigsteel agrees with it.
Finneus Polebender said:
As with any new product it will take time for reviews to come in , so I generally buy 1 or 2 to try if I cannot get a trusted review . Trust me I have twice as many lures that dont catch fish as ones that do.

Not to hijack here, but this is GREAT advice! I'm not saying that what Stickleback OFFers isn't any good (as it seems that no one has tested their product yet). But remember, that much of the tackle that you see at your favorite shops is designed to be eye candy, so that fisher peeps will buy it. Some of it works well; but much of it does not. It's wise to be selective and remember what the fish wants...and not what "looks good" to your eyes.

Bobbi, Tyler FP, and others...please log in with reports once you've tried the Stickleback products. Many of us would greatly value your opinions, once you have beta tested the products. I sure hope that it works well, and you land some bigguns!
Will do on that one , and I resemble that remark about eye candy made to catch fishermen, LOL . Oh well ya never know till ya try. I have just learned to keep the losses at a minimum by trying a little before I start buying stock in a lure or bait co. I hope to be a supporter of this new bait , but also never hesitate to call em like I see em should know within a month or so.
BobbiDollPDX said:
Interesting, you can say what you want, but no one else can?

I guess if jumping on a thread strongarming someone into free shipping is what your about then have at it.thats the only reason you stuck your nose in this thread...but i guess thats just being a sexist pig eh?
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Markcanby said:
I would have to agree Bobbi. looks Like on our public forum we can post anything we want as long a Bigsteel agrees with it.
you were the one that whined and moaned when people complained about other certain products around here...why not here?
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I keep looking back at the first few posts on this thread, and wondering how bickering has now stretched to six pages. Hopefully it will end here?
okay.. i have a simple solution. stop it. genius right?
bigsteel said:
I guess if jumping on a thread strongarming someone into free shipping is what your about then have at it.thats the only reason you stuck your nose in this thread...but i guess thats just being a sexist pig eh?

Well, as you stated, it is a public forum and all. Unless I missed the memo that made you King or something. In that case, I'll be over here holding the pee bucket yer majesty 29.gif
brandon4455 said:
okay.. i have a simple solution. stop it. genius right?

Well said. Enough is enough. Time to stop. Just think what lurkers are now thinking about this site. Will they want to become members after reading all of this petty bickering? I doubt it.
troutdude said:
Well said. Enough is enough. Time to stop. Just think what lurkers are now thinking about this site. Will they want to become members after reading all of this petty bickering? I doubt it.

Reality is, not everyone always gets along. I think things likely will sort out, theres only so much that can be typed back and forth. I dont really see the point of "petty" mediators.

And honestly, if someone is scared by this, maybe they need to grow some. Looks like its just a disagreement, not a lynching.
"Petty mediators". Is that like saying "shut the hell up"?

We're merely attempting to get things back on a positive note. Surely you must agree, that there has been bickering and negativity on this thread. Negativity does no one any good. Right?

And mediation keeps this forum on an even keel, and not traveling into realms OFF center. If you don't care for mediation, I'd recommend finding another forum. Many of us are highly grateful for the cautious mediation on here.

Oh, one more thing. If you had just stumbled onto this forum while browsing the web--and saw the negative content of this thread--would such diatribe encourage or discourage you to join? I'd say most peeps would keep on surfing. Wouldn't you rather have them see positive conversations on here and WANT to join OFF?
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bigsteel said:
thanks for the advice but this is a public forum and i will say what i want........why didn't you just PM Dahleets about the size of order,afterall he is the owner....everyone else just jumped your thread complaining he doesn't sell small enough sizes,his shipping takes forever,his shipping costs too much......nobody here has even tried his product yet they are willing to jump on and talk negatively about the way his business is run...looks like out of a 5 page thread you have got NO feedback on his product when all you had to do was PM him....

People i am very sorry for what this thread has become. But Bigsteel if you didn't read my posts earlier you could have seen that the first thing i did was PM daeleets. And we talked about it. Im sorry if you dont like what has been said but i would really like for people to stop arguing on a thread i made to learn a little bit about a product that looks like it would work. So please stop or i will ask anatoly to step in. i would very much like for this forum to be friendly without hostilitys. And troutdude i will post a review when i get my hands on some daehleets bait.

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