Spin fishers

Spinning snob...

Spinning snob...

OnTheFly said:
You for sure have all your bases covered Chuck. Also good call on the hatch match up. As you know only a small percentage of fly fishing is done on the surface and it's a real kick when it happens.

Don't get me wrong I've got nothing against any other fishing methods. And I am certainly not a snobby fly fishing purist. I joke with my spin casting buddies all the time and I hope you didn't take any offense.

Perhaps I will see you at the derby in August. I understand that your fishing seccess is quite high. Maybe they should only let you fish half days to even the playing field for the rest of us


I take no offense, I will be there at the Derby in August; I already have my site reserved and vacation approved. Mokai and myself will be camping, boating and only fishing half days;). Look forward to meeting you "on the fly" so to speak.

You can add me to the spinner crowd also. Until this year i was exclusively a spinner guy, but in order to up my catch numbers i have branched out(and emptied the ol bank account:). I may be almost broke, but at least i can now fish for anything in the state:D. This weekend on the Santiam i tried back bouncing corkie's, drifting jigs, and finally back to the spinner. And that was when i caught the " chrome bumper". After spendin all this money i plan on doin a lot of fishin! Tight lines!
I think that if you use both Spinning and Angling, You will catch more fish then just spinning. I used Spinning today instead of Angling for a While and I caught 2 Bass and a Sucker. If I use Angling I mightve caught more, Or less.
Ultralight is the only way to go for me

Ultralight is the only way to go for me

My normal setup is my Kencor 4' rod, Shimano Stradic, with 4lb P-line Fluoroclear when I can afford it, it's damn expensive. My back up is a 4'8" Uglystick with a cheap Pflueger (or is it a Quantum). I first learned to fish on spinning gear as a child along the banks of the Santiam and Foster but didn't really learn to fish until an adult on trout streams in AZ. One of the best combos I owned was the first one I had as an adult a few years ago. It was a cheap Shakespeare combo that I bought at Walmart for $20. It went through hellish treatment and it held up great. It finally gave up the ghost but it was definitely worth the money many times over.

There is nothing better than tricking a trout to attack an unnatural alien substance cutting through a clear stream.
Welcome to OFF...

Welcome to OFF...

Welcome CreekFreakinAZ to the site, and a Spinning gear angler to boot. How often do you get back to Oregon? We miss you so much, remember no sales tax:dance::clap: Hope you get to fish your home waters soon, tight lines and again welcome to OFF.

London Bridge state....

London Bridge state....

Welcome to a great place to be. We have been adding new members from all reaches of the globe. I think you are the first from Arizona.
I love the spinning set-up and have a ball when using ultra light. I still have trouble getting any distance out of anything under 6'. I for one can use advice on the shorter sticks of our sport. Is there any striper bass fishing down there or anything other than trout?
Good to have you here. Again,welcome.
Be safe.
I haven't been back since '91. Moved from Sweet Home in '84 and went back every summer when I was a kid to visit the grandparents but when my grandma died, my grandpa moved down here and I haven't been back since. I still have some family who have since moved to Redmond but I haven't been there to see them. I use my 4' rod when I'm stream fishing here because some streams or certain parts of streams get really grown over with trees or weeds and that extra shortness gives me a tiny advantage to be able to cast it without getting it caught up. Plus it's easier to handle when going through thick brush. When I go to rivers or lakes I definitely use larger rods. Most people who live in the Phoenix area go are bass fishermen. There's plenty of AZ bass info at AZbasszone.com I had a fishing boat that I would use to go every now and then but I never had any real luck. I know people who go all the time who have some luck every now and then but some times they get skunked. Trout is my passion and the only place to get into those are up north in the small mountain lakes and streams so got rid of the boat. As far as stripers, I think Lake Pleasant which is just northwest of Phoenix, is the only lake that has them near where I live. It would be awesome when you can find a good school of them and just sit there for a while. Problem is that part of the best area of the lake upstream is closed between mid December to mid June( I think) due to Bald eagle nestings or some other type of protected bird.
Lake Havasu & the Colorado River has Striped Bass. Someone caught one almost 67 lb in the river.......................:lol::lol::lol:
chris61182 said:
I'm a spin fisher too!!! With a special love for ultra-light gear, only I kind of cheat, I use braided line so I'm usually using 10lb test line with 2lb test diameter :cool:. I almost never loose lures, and I've never broken a fish off, ever.

Something funny thing I've noticed is that everyone always things the grass is greener on the other side. It seems fly fisherman think either lures are too easy and cheating. While far too often I find myself in situations where flies would be the easy ticket.

I watched a show where they were fly fishing on the Yakima a while back, and I could swear the guy was tossing a spoon with his fly rod. It looked a lot like a small Thomas Buoyant.

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