Spinning snob...
Spinning snob...
I take no offense, I will be there at the Derby in August; I already have my site reserved and vacation approved. Mokai and myself will be camping, boating and only fishing half days
. Look forward to meeting you "on the fly" so to speak.
Spinning snob...
OnTheFly said:You for sure have all your bases covered Chuck. Also good call on the hatch match up. As you know only a small percentage of fly fishing is done on the surface and it's a real kick when it happens.
Don't get me wrong I've got nothing against any other fishing methods. And I am certainly not a snobby fly fishing purist. I joke with my spin casting buddies all the time and I hope you didn't take any offense.
Perhaps I will see you at the derby in August. I understand that your fishing seccess is quite high. Maybe they should only let you fish half days to even the playing field for the rest of us
I take no offense, I will be there at the Derby in August; I already have my site reserved and vacation approved. Mokai and myself will be camping, boating and only fishing half days
