Spin fishers

aaaah fleshies!!

aaaah fleshies!!

For sure AA, I have dozens of flesh/egg patterns, but becouse of my style droppers hang up too much and with river regs all so different I just stick with the single barbless, John Propp ( an amazing fly tier ) told me the dropper works becouse the salmon who don't live their lives in the river are actually lousy at nailing prey that is in so much current, so the dropper makes up for a lack of the fishes skill. The egg sucking flesh fly and salmon maggot are in almost every pattern book for ak . Good fishin-
There are a couple of coastal streams, one in particular with giant high cliff banks. I run a dropper from every bank spot, and cast them at the wall, and let it sink in the current. And like you said, fresh fish are the dumbest of the bunch. They are used to being in limitless volumes of water, and now they are pretty well stuck, and I swear to god, Coho get claustrophobic. But any method of slowing down a presentation to picky, or uber fresh fish will help most folks hook more fish. We usd a lot of Maggots in Alaska as well. We also used hearts, livers, fillet chunks, and other parts of the fish. Just tied bait loops to trebs, and covered two points with meat/whatever we had, and threw the loop around the rest, then shot 'em out. Worked pretty well, especially for Chums on a 6 wt!:shock: Chumatrons are freaky fish though, I would expect nothing less from a fish that should taste pretty good, given how brutishly strong they are, but they don't.


I only use spinners once a year - at Bonniville during the fall nook run -
but they are killer up there ! They will not look at bait until late Oct. - Last Sept. I landed a 37 pounder on a #4 blue fox , gold blade , pink body-- they love them! My buddy landed a 40 pounder - I use 50 lb. Tuff Line , 30 lb. leader , 1 1/2 oz. kidney chain lead , 4-5 foot leader . Casting or spinning setup , but your rod needs to have some backbone.
Troutski said:
There has to be a billion Fly Fishing web sites around the world but I can't seem to find one site dedicated to the spin angler (using a spinning reel and rod). Is it just me or are there other anglers that love to spin fish . I have tried google and most other search engines and can't seem to find any - any help would be greatly appreciated.
I feel ostracized in a world of fly anglers and fly sites, not that I don't fly fish but my love is the spinning reel and a ultra light or light rod. Thanks again for any information out there.


I Agree Troutski, There Is No Better Fishing Than Spinning!!! My Favorite Spinning Reel Was The Red Abu Cardinal, I Used A Medium Action Custom Rod With 8lb. Line I Could Catch About Anything Freshwater. I've Fly Fished, Bottom Fished, And Ocean Fished. Nothing Compares To A Side Snapping Fish Attacking Your Lure!!! I Would Like To Find More Spin Fishing Spots For Trout And Bass That Aren't So Elbow To Elbow (EAST SALISH POND). Maybe Some Wild Trout I Could Fight And Release.
Its actually WEST salish pond thats like that. I just came up with a spot. Sandy River near oxbow park isn't elbow to elbow but there are people there, (dont go on hot days (or warm in that matter), Fish spinners in the riffles and Eddys. There are tons of them there. But you might hook into a nice looking steelie.


For the past ten years or so I have been addicted to Shimano reels, seems like I just can't own enough... The insanity is I justify it by buying a new rod, well then you must have a matched reel right?? Any way I truly do love and think I have a better than average working knowledge when it comes to them, sorry got kind of worked up there for moment ... Better now.
Any way nice to know there is someone else...

Troutski said:
For the past ten years or so I have been addicted to Shimano reels, seems like I just can't own enough... The insanity is I justify it by buying a new rod, well then you must have a matched reel right?? Any way I truly do love and think I have a better than average working knowledge when it comes to them, sorry got kind of worked up there for moment ... Better now.
Any way nice to know there is someone else...


Chuck your not the only Shimano addict:lol:, all my spinning reels are to:D.
Troutski said:
For the past ten years or so I have been addicted to Shimano reels, seems like I just can't own enough... The insanity is I justify it by buying a new rod, well then you must have a matched reel right?? Any way I truly do love and think I have a better than average working knowledge when it comes to them, sorry got kind of worked up there for moment ... Better now.
Any way nice to know there is someone else...


A man after my own heart. Back in '99 a friend of mine talked me into buying a Shimano Symetre 2000, and also a 1500. These have been my spinning reels ever since. I have 4 lb on the 1500, and 3 spools for the 2000 8lb mono, 10lb braid, and 20lb braid. I service these regularly and The reel guy at Ollie damons says these are some of the best. Then we get into the Bait Casting reels for trolling, I prefer the 1989 model of the Bantan TX Mag. I had 4 of them and they were all right hand retreive. But I found that I prefer the left hand models, it just feels better. So I sold the r/h models and searching for the BTX101 models. So far scored 2 and working on 2 more.

Yeoweeee, life is good!
The reel that I really want now is the Shimano Spirex RG! and FG!

The Perfect reels for me. I coulde use one with Lures and another with Baits. But the rods that I want to get with them are the G 1325 Lamiglas rod for the Casting,
And for bait I would like the Quantum TTS702L Spinning.

So Santa Claus.... If you are real.... Please Get Me THis Stuff For Chritsmas.

p.s I also want and Xbox 360. If its not too much work.
I Love Shimano, They Are Indeed Fierce Reels, I Had A Half Dozen Plastic Reels, Not Sure Which Ones, But All Of Them Did Me Good, Perfect Ratio And Ferfect Alignment, This Reel Was Smooth And Sleek.
I dont have any shimanos. I have 2 reels from combos, and an Amb 6500.
I Don't Own Any Shimano Equipment Now, But I Have Pictures Of Some Native Brown Trout I Caught Spin Fishing. I Caught Both These Beauties Within My First 4 Casts!

Check Out My Pics At My Profile Page In My Albums......:dance:
Spinning Reels

Spinning Reels

Shimano has been my goto reel for over 10 years, but there are many good reels on the market. The reels I currently use are, Shimano Stradic, Daiwa Procyon, Okumo Avenger, and Mitchell Avocet, The Stradic is the finest reel I have ever used, fast retrieve and silky smooth, if I could afford it:pray:, I would probably have one for every rod I have:lol:The Procyon is no longer in production and was replaced by the Regal Xi, it has 10 bbearings and smooth as glass. I still use my trusty old Abu Garcia 300 occasionally, in fact caught my biggest SM bass on the 300:cool:, almost 7 lbs, at Hagg Lake about 8 yrs ago. all total probably own at least 15 spinning reels, from 2# UL up to 30-40# plunking reel. Don't get me wrong, I do use level wind and also fly fish, but 85% of the time, Spinning is DA BOMB :dance::dance:
Another Closet Spinfisher...

Another Closet Spinfisher...

A_J-Llama said:
Shimano has been my goto reel for over 10 years, but there are many good reels on the market. The reels I currently use are, Shimano Stradic, Daiwa Procyon, Okumo Avenger, and Mitchell Avocet, The Stradic is the finest reel I have ever used, fast retrieve and silky smooth, if I could afford it:pray:, I would probably have one for every rod I have:lol:The Procyon is no longer in production and was replaced by the Regal Xi, it has 10 bbearings and smooth as glass. I still use my trusty old Abu Garcia 300 occasionally, in fact caught my biggest SM bass on the 300:cool:, almost 7 lbs, at Hagg Lake about 8 yrs ago. all total probably own at least 15 spinning reels, from 2# UL up to 30-40# plunking reel. Don't get me wrong, I do use level wind and also fly fish, but 85% of the time, Spinning is DA BOMB :dance::dance:

I would probably advertise Shimano for free if I ever became a famous angler, we all can dream. A Shimano for ever day of the week, all Sustains I believe:cool:

Troutski said:
There has to be a billion Fly Fishing web sites around the world but I can't seem to find one site dedicated to the spin angler (using a spinning reel and rod). Is it just me or are there other anglers that love to spin fish . I have tried google and most other search engines and can't seem to find any - any help would be greatly appreciated.
I feel ostracized in a world of fly anglers and fly sites, not that I don't fly fish but my love is the spinning reel and a ultra light or light rod. Thanks again for any information out there.


Come into the light Chuck...walk towards the liiiiiigggght.......


OnTheFly said:
Come into the light Chuck...walk towards the liiiiiigggght.......

Sorry, I was lost for a few minutes there....I'm alright now, tell me it wasn't a dream.

Troutski said:
Sorry, I was lost for a few minutes there....I'm alright now, tell me it wasn't a dream.


Fly Fishing

" There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. I can only show you the door. Only you can go through it" (From the movie The Matrix):think:

Seriously Mr. Troutski, I'm only having fun. Even though I only fish for trout with a fly rod, I still own an assortment of bait and hardware equipment. My treasured reel is a level wind bait caster Shimono that my grandfather owned but never used. He gave it to me because he couldn't cast with it. It still looks new and I will be using it this September for Cohos in Ketchikan. ( first time for me in AK:dance:)

I don't know why spin fishing web sites are hard to find. Perhaps on a Pro Bass page or something. Some of those guys look like they're from NASCAR!
Anyway, I hope you can somehow navigate through the fly fishing stuff and find one.
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OnTheFly said:
Some of those guys look like they're from NASCAR!

soo true.
Fly angling...

Fly angling...

OnTheFly said:
Fly Fishing

" There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. I can only show you the door. Only you can go through it" (From the movie The Matrix):think:

Seriously Mr. Troutski, I'm only having fun. Even though I only fish for trout with a fly rod, I still own an assortment of bait and hardware equipment. My treasured reel is a level wind bait caster Shimono that my grandfather owned but never used. He gave it to me because he couldn't cast with it. It still looks new and I will be using it this September for Cohos in Ketchikan. ( first time for me in AK:dance:)

I don't know why spin fishing web sites are hard to find. Perhaps on a Pro Bass page or something. Some of those guys look like they're from NASCAR!
Anyway, I hope you can somehow navigate through the fly fishing stuff and find one.

I carry a fly rod in my boat at all times, it is just my passion using a spinning reel and rod.
Actually I caught my first fish on a dry just last Sunday, spent the entire after noon casting one lure after another to no avail. I noticed a small hatch going on and in the early evening the fish started to slurp the surface, reached down and picked up my fly rod; mind you it is a 6 wt. fiberglass Fenwick with 5wt floating line...any way opened up my fly box and low and behold I had an exact duplicate in my box. Tied it on and on my third cast...well I must admit it was very gratifying. I can't tell you how long I have been attempting this, catching a fish any fish on a dry. I normally fish nymphs and emergers, being able to watch this fish come up and slurp my presentation was too cool. Not to mention a very respectful Native McKenzie Redside...I am not opposed to fly angling, my motto is "what ever works to catch fish" legally of course.

You for sure have all your bases covered Chuck. Also good call on the hatch match up. As you know only a small percentage of fly fishing is done on the surface and it's a real kick when it happens.

Don't get me wrong I've got nothing against any other fishing methods. And I am certainly not a snobby fly fishing purist. I joke with my spin casting buddies all the time and I hope you didn't take any offense.

Perhaps I will see you at the derby in August. I understand that your fishing seccess is quite high. Maybe they should only let you fish half days to even the playing field for the rest of us


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