Lazy bird gets the worm!

FishKiller23 said:
the Cowlitz and Lewis were good to me this year. I fished the Lewis twice and it kicked out limits. I am down to join any one if they want to hit some WA water.

Well after April I'm going to be getting licence there and will be making some effort in getting to know the rivers over there this coming year.
Eagle Creek is a federal hatchery that is run on federal money. They did receive funding to continue producing steelhead. Last year the fish ladder was damaged during the flooding we had thats why the fish were stacked up down there. Nice fish. I went up there today and there was ice floating.
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GreenDrifter said:
Eagle Creek is a federal hatchery that is run on federal money. They did receive funding to continue producing steelhead. Last year the fish ladder was damaged during the flooding we had thats why the fish were stacked up down there. Nice fish. I went up there today and there was ice floating.

I new the ladder was blocked, but I also heard they were shutting the gate to prevent fish from getting to the hatchery. I thought that was kinda weird as it would definitly interfere with the nates that go up there, and there were steelhead up at the hatchery. I'm glad to hear they will continue the run:dance:. I was up ther today to but didn't see any fish. This cold weather needs to pass before I go back up there.
LOL o come on you like having feeling in your fingers and toes? but i was going to do a lil car work today but couldnt i dont have anywhere to put it out of the cold while i work on it and 5 min in i couldnt do anything because i could no longer feel my fingers
youngbuck307 said:
LOL o come on you like having feeling in your fingers and toes? but i was going to do a lil car work today but couldnt i dont have anywhere to put it out of the cold while i work on it and 5 min in i couldnt do anything because i could no longer feel my fingers

It's so damn cold up there the ice had almost formed all the way across the creek in some spots:shock:. I love winter steel but that's just to much for me. I wish I would have taken a pic it was pretty cool looking. Good luck with the car man. It sucks trying to work on anything outside when it's this cold.
metalmania said:
It's so damn cold up there the ice had almost formed all the way across the creek in some spots:shock:. I love winter steel but that's just to much for me. I wish I would have taken a pic it was pretty cool looking. Good luck with the car man. It sucks trying to work on anything outside when it's this cold.

come on I was out last year in the snow storm we got hunting for the winter steel :lol:(with a couple people from this forum). I know what you mean though it is cold out there thats for sure.
bigdog said:
come on I was out last year in the snow storm we got hunting for the winter steel :lol:(with a couple people from this forum). I know what you mean though it is cold out there thats for sure.

:lol:I can handle the cold, but when you wade across a creek and walk out the other side with your legs covered in ice, then it's to cold for me.
metalmania said:
:lol:I can handle the cold, but when you wade across a creek and walk out the other side with your legs covered in ice, then it's to cold for me.

Wading my rear end you couldn't pay me to get in the water right now. your freaking nuts man.
bigdog said:
Wading my rear end you couldn't pay me to get in the water right now. your freaking nuts man.

:lol:Well I stayed out of the water the best I could, but there were a few spots that required wading. I damn near fell in when crossing just above a deep hole, so I turned back and left. I've slipped and gone underwater in temps this low and it ain't fun. So I decided to go back and not risk getting sucked downriver again.
metalmania said:
:lol:Well I stayed out of the water the best I could, but there were a few spots that required wading. I damn near fell in when crossing just above a deep hole, so I turned back and left. I've slipped and gone underwater in temps this low and it ain't fun. So I decided to go back and not risk getting sucked downriver again.

I can't say I blame you falling in the water when the weather is some what nice out couldn't think what it would be like right now.
bigdog said:
I can't say I blame you falling in the water when the weather is some what nice out couldn't think what it would be like right now.

Just getting your hands wet is hell in this weather:lol:. I think i'm gonna try and grow a pair tommorow and head out to do a little more scouting. Hopefully it won't be quite as cold as it was monday:pray:.
metalmania said:
Just getting your hands wet is hell in this weather:lol:.

No kidding, Released a fish and couldent rig a sandshrimp. Hands were too cold to move. :(:rolleyes:
eagle creek

eagle creek

Got two nice ones, One winter, One Summer couple days ago.
Flymstr said:
Got two nice ones, One winter, One Summer couple days ago.

Nice lookin fish where did you pick those two up at?? One of each...that is so cool:clap::clap:
metalmania said:
Just getting your hands wet is hell in this weather:lol:. I think i'm gonna try and grow a pair tommorow and head out to do a little more scouting. Hopefully it won't be quite as cold as it was monday:pray:.

I don't think it will feel as bad seeings how the wind is gone but still could. You should join us on the wilson this saterday for the Drift Off fund raiser.
bigdog said:
I don't think it will feel as bad seeings how the wind is gone but still could. You should join us on the wilson this saterday for the Drift Off fund raiser.

Well it turns out I had a doctors appointment I had forgot about so I wen't and did that instead. The waters so cold right now it's not worth the trip. I might be at the drift off but i'm not sure, it kinda depends on what the weather and water does. It would be cool to go and meet everyone though:D.
metalmania said:
Well it turns out I had a doctors appointment I had forgot about so I wen't and did that instead. The waters so cold right now it's not worth the trip. I might be at the drift off but i'm not sure, it kinda depends on what the weather and water does. It would be cool to go and meet everyone though:D.

Oh don't worry about the weather it's looking like they have moved the wet stuff out til later sat night and knowing the way they are it'll be moved out to sunday so it's all good. We know it's going to be cold but at least shouldn't have to worry about the snow or freezing rain. So come on out and join us should be a great day and there are some good prizes to be won.
bigdog said:
Oh don't worry about the weather it's looking like they have moved the wet stuff out til later sat night and knowing the way they are it'll be moved out to sunday so it's all good. We know it's going to be cold but at least shouldn't have to worry about the snow or freezing rain. So come on out and join us should be a great day and there are some good prizes to be won.

To be honest i've actually been hoping for it to get wet:lol:. It will raise the water temps and get the fish on the move:D. If the wilson is as cold and clear as the clack is it will make for some tough fishing. I do like a challenge though, and i've never fished the coast either so I should get on doing that.
metalmania said:
To be honest i've actually been hoping for it to get wet:lol:. It will raise the water temps and get the fish on the move:D. If the wilson is as cold and clear as the clack is it will make for some tough fishing. I do like a challenge though, and i've never fished the coast either so I should get on doing that.

Yeah I have just started trying the coastal this year. Haven't had any luck yet but it will happen. So yeah you should get out there and give it a try. If anything with the watter low and clear should make it easier to see whats in the holes so you can learn them before there is a good amount of fish:lol:
I'm trying here :lol:
bigdog said:
Yeah I have just started trying the coastal this year. Haven't had any luck yet but it will happen. So yeah you should get out there and give it a try. If anything with the watter low and clear should make it easier to see whats in the holes so you can learn them before there is a good amount of fish:lol:
I'm trying here :lol:

Ya that'a it would be nice to know the bottom contour before the water gets high. I might have to run over to the trask and check that out to. I hear there's some serious monsters that run up there, and i'd really like to hook into one:pray:.

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