Lazy bird gets the worm!

bigdog said:
Why did they close the ladder? Are they still talking about stoping the steel runs on the eagle?

That's there way of ending the run from what I was told. They close the gate and all the winters stack up and are either caught or die. The winter run on EC will be totally over in 2 years:(. They stopped the realease of smolts 2 years ago I think.
im always down to wet a line only thing is that my car is still down....maybe see if i can't work something out though..... If we get one would be great because it would be the river i started fishing winters on last year with you and you hella worked to get me one just i started a lil to late...
youngbuck307 said:
im always down to wet a line only thing is that my car is still down....maybe see if i can't work something out though..... If we get one would be great because it would be the river i started fishing winters on last year with you and you hella worked to get me one just i started a lil to late...

Cool man i'll see what days I can get out and i'll let ya know. The last run was screwed up, but I have a feeling this one's gonna be a lot better:dance:. You'll get your ec winter steel for sure:D.
I want one too...:(
ninja2010 said:
I want one too...:(

Allright Jimmy if you behave then you can come to:lol:. I have to say that's it's very early to be targeting them, but you'll atleast learn some stuff and maybe we'll find a fish or 2:D.
Congrats man... Once I get over being sick I am gonna try to hammer a few fish out.:cool:
dont matter if its early or not always a good day when your on the water!
youngbuck307 said:
dont matter if its early or not always a good day when your on the water!

See now your getting it.

I'm going to have to hit the eagle and try to get in to some of these soon to not be winters. Also heard they were going to make the coho run way smaller then what it is.
bigdog said:
See now your getting it.

I'm going to have to hit the eagle and try to get in to some of these soon to not be winters. Also heard they were going to make the coho run way smaller then what it is.

Yep, from what I hear they will dowsize the coho run to 1,000 adult fish:(. That sounds like a lot but that's a fraction of what comes up now.
Awesome! :clap:

I'm getting excited for the winter season!! :dance: Still need to land my first winter steel.
metalmania said:
Yep, from what I hear they will dowsize the coho run to 1,000 adult fish:(. That sounds like a lot but that's a fraction of what comes up now.

Thats way low. People thought they were having a hard time getting in to a coho on that water before, just wait for when they get the numbers down that far. Thats sad though the more we pay for our licence and tags the less fish they give us to go for. Whats with this crap. I'm going to end up fishing the Wash waters soon here, can't see paying out this much money for less fish. Don't get me wrong I'll still fish in OR but going to start turning some attention to Wash.
bigdog said:
Thats way low. People thought they were having a hard time getting in to a coho on that water before, just wait for when they get the numbers down that far. Thats sad though the more we pay for our licence and tags the less fish they give us to go for. Whats with this crap. I'm going to end up fishing the Wash waters soon here, can't see paying out this much money for less fish. Don't get me wrong I'll still fish in OR but going to start turning some attention to Wash.

+1!!! I had a chance this year to fish a few times in WA and It was pretty fun. I know u can also fish at night which I think would be fun.
bigdog said:
Thats way low. People thought they were having a hard time getting in to a coho on that water before, just wait for when they get the numbers down that far. Thats sad though the more we pay for our licence and tags the less fish they give us to go for. Whats with this crap. I'm going to end up fishing the Wash waters soon here, can't see paying out this much money for less fish. Don't get me wrong I'll still fish in OR but going to start turning some attention to Wash.

Yep it won't be worth fishing for them if the numbers drop that low. I don't know if there actually gonna do this but it's what I heard. It probably won't be long before that creeks not worth fishing:(.
Well that sucks man I like that creek.

Not to mention it is cheaper for us to fish as nonresidents in Wash then it is for us to fish as residents here. Go figure.
bigdog said:
Well that sucks man I like that creek.

Not to mention it is cheaper for us to fish as nonresidents in Wash then it is for us to fish as residents here. Go figure.

:lol: You just gotta love odfw.
metalmania said:
:lol: You just gotta love odfw.

Oh yeah just love them. So with all that in mind what are some good waters to hit on the Wash side?
bigdog said:
Oh yeah just love them. So with all that in mind what are some good waters to hit on the Wash side?

I've never fished the washington rivers, but i've heard from family up there that the cowlitz, lewis and washougal are all amazing rivers to fish. Apparently they really put a beating on the cowlitz river summers this year:D, as there all hatchery fish and they realease a ton of smolts. The washougal is mainly for drift boats but I've heard some people bank it to. The lewis has summer/winter steel as well as ho's and nooks. There are also a ton of other rivers to fish but those just came to mind. Take this stuff with a grain of salt as i've never fished these places it's just what i've heard from them.
As long as CC doesn't start shrinking the coho runs from there I'll still do my cohoing on the sandy. But going to look in to the others for the rest of it.
bigdog said:
As long as CC doesn't start shrinking the coho runs from there I'll still do my cohoing on the sandy. But going to look in to the others for the rest of it.

Ya i wouldn't drive all the way to washington for coho, but it would definitly be worth a summer steelhead trip. Take a few days off work, set up camp somewhere and slay a few chromers in some new water. Man i might just have to do that this summer:D.
the Cowlitz and Lewis were good to me this year. I fished the Lewis twice and it kicked out limits. I am down to join any one if they want to hit some WA water.

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