
I am fishing Billy Chinook once a week right now with good success. You are welcome to tag along for a trip if you can get over to central Oregon.
I am fishing Billy Chinook once a week right now with good success. You are welcome to tag along for a trip if you can get over to central Oregon.

We live south of Bend in the three rivers area. About 45 miles from Round Butte. My wife and I are heading to Round Butte in the morning. ( Saturday ) I like to fish the Dechutes arm about 1/4 mile before it dumps into the main body of the res. I'll be trolling 2 long line set ups and one deep for Dolly's. I have a Smoker Craft boat with a Mercury on it. We'll probably launch at about 10:30AM.
Maybe we'll hook up.CP Lewis,
Fred :)
fredewebb said:
We live south of Bend in the three rivers area. About 45 miles from Round Butte. My wife and I are heading to Round Butte in the morning. ( Saturday ) I like to fish the Dechutes arm about 1/4 mile before it dumps into the main body of the res. I'll be trolling 2 long line set ups and one deep for Dolly's. I have a Smoker Craft boat with a Mercury on it. We'll probably launch at about 10:30AM.
Maybe we'll hook up.CP Lewis,
Fred :)

Good Luck Fred!
I know exactly where your fishing. Good spot! I was trolling right at the confluence of the Deschutes and the main body. That has paid off pretty good for me. Now that the Metolious arm is open I will be fishing that until Wickiup and Crane Prairie open up. We did our weekly trip yesterday to Billy Chinook and caught two limits of Kokanee in 36 minutes. it was a good morning!
Wow! You did good. We're having our house painted inside, and the painters are only about half finished. So we're kinda camping out "indoors". We got a late start today and got to Round Butte a little afer 12:00PM. There were about 40 rigs with boat trailers already. We heade for the Deschutes arm. My wife cought a 10" Kokanee in the first 10 minutes. I had my downrigger down to 60', and hooked and landed a 23 plus Bull Trout. ( we'll be eating it tomorrow. ) But from that time on the bite was off. Sure was a nice day to be on the water.
As soon as next weeks rain storm passes, I'm going to hall my driftboat to Davis Lake for Bass. I tied a bunch of green wooly buggers a couple of days ago to try out. Probably launch at the south end at the camp ground.
Fred :)
fredewebb said:
Wow! You did good. We're having our house painted inside, and the painters are only about half finished. So we're kinda camping out "indoors". We got a late start today and got to Round Butte a little afer 12:00PM. There were about 40 rigs with boat trailers already. We heade for the Deschutes arm. My wife cought a 10" Kokanee in the first 10 minutes. I had my downrigger down to 60', and hooked and landed a 23 plus Bull Trout. ( we'll be eating it tomorrow. ) But from that time on the bite was off. Sure was a nice day to be on the water.
As soon as next weeks rain storm passes, I'm going to hall my driftboat to Davis Lake for Bass. I tied a bunch of green wooly buggers a couple of days ago to try out. Probably launch at the south end at the camp ground.
Fred :)

I hope it was a 24" plus Bull Trout...
:D I knew I'd get a bite from someone out there. No problem there. It was a streach, but made it OK.
How's the fishing in the Siuslaw River now?
fredewebb said:
:D I knew I'd get a bite from someone out there. No problem there. It was a streach, but made it OK.
How's the fishing in the Siuslaw River now?

the weather has not been great for the steelhead, several big rain storms with long dry gaps between...but latest numbers for clipped fish at the Whitaker trap are good for the year- >400 in Jan and Feb, tossing another 400 for Dec-March-April means we are looking at perhaps 1200 trapped, another 1000 caught, not a bad return on annual plantings of perhaps 65K at Whitaker...cheers, roger
Hello Roger,
I've been retired for a long time. So my plan is to stay at that RV resort located about 1/4 mile from the Mapleton bridge. ( Maple Lane RV ) Put the driftboat in at their boat ramp. Just have a small 3HP motor on the boat. Would want to fish from there up to the bridge and down. This will be the first time fishing this 17' Willy's Boat and hope the small motor will push the boat OK. I fished the Elk River years back in my NorthWest Driftboat. My son and his family live in north end of Florence. My grandson fishes with his other grandpa farther down the river and does well. Thanks for the info.
That nice salmon and your smile make a good photo.
Fred :)
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fredewebb said:
Hello Roger,
I've been retired for a long time. So my plan is to stay at that RV resort located about 1/4 mile from the Mapleton bridge. ( Maple Lane RV ) Put the driftboat in at their boat ramp. Just have a small 3HP motor on the boat. Would want to fish from there up to the bridge and down. This will be the first time fishing this 17' Willy's Boat and hope the small motor will push the boat OK. I fished the Elk River years back in my NorthWest Driftboat. My son and his family live in north end of Florence. My grandson fishes with his other grandpa farther down the river and does well. Thanks for the info.
That nice salmon and your smile make a good photo.
Fred :)

you're coming for the fall salmon runs I assume? you should do fine, especially mid-week when there are less boats out, work the tides like we do in our kayaks, you could troll down with the outgoing tide to below the 101 bridge, and assuming no big wind white caps, along the dunes and red wing damns, hit low slack down at the bank fishing wall and troll back up from there as the tide starts heading in....or for a quick 'hot zone' troll- use your motor to run down against the incoming tide to just below the 29 marker where the n.fork comes in, troll from there up with the tide to the RR bridge and try to get there just before high slack....just above the RR bridge I have never caught or seen chinooks caught, further up there are some good stretches but I don't know them yet; the stretch below the bridge can be wonderful....cheers, roger

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