
Fish4Life: welcome to the Forum.

If you get a chance to troll, Pink Hoochies will kill 'em.

And Detroit does have 'em.

BTW, Thuggin' is quite right. They are VERY tasty. And they are just about the best SMOKED fish you will ever have!
troutdude said:
Fish4Life: welcome to the Forum.

And they are just about the best SMOKED fish you will ever have!

What troutdude said! :D :) so much flavourrrrr
troutdude said:
Fish4Life: welcome to the Forum.

If you get a chance to troll, Pink Hoochies will kill 'em.

And Detroit does have 'em.

BTW, Thuggin' is quite right. They are VERY tasty. And they are just about the best SMOKED fish you will ever have!
thanks for the tip on the pink hoochies jay my uncle has a smoker maybe ill get a few next year!
fish4life said:
Fishing for kokanee off the bank is difficult but not impossible, I heard they do it off detroit dam and off fishermans bridge on green peter maybe of the dam there as well. I would use a buzz bomb, crippled herring, or nordic jig 1/2 - 5/8 oz, I have always found that the flame color seems to produce well. retrieve in jigging motion throwing slack on the down swing, fish will a lot of times pick up lure when it is falling so watch your line. Another lure that works good is a 1/2 oz bananna sinker painted with red nail polish, just attach a split ring and a treble hook. At times this has outfished the three jigs metioned above. good luck,tight lines

thanks man i think my uncle has some nordic jigs ill give em a try next summer ;)
yes the bananna sinkers do actually work, I have been coating them with red rubberize it, you can get it from bi-mart its like a paint but when it dries it is rubber. but i would experiment with other colors also, half red half white, pink. I like putting a kernal of white shoepeg corn on each hook.
when fishing with hoochies do you fish them behind a sling blade, I tried that last year at green peter and didn't have any luck, so I switched back to lake trolls and wedding ring setup and got six. I think the boat might have been trolling too fast.
Season is over for them but from what i heard it was epic up at Green Peter this year. Best bet (and what I'm planning on doing) is keeping up to date and in the spring when they get going head up there with a float tube (if you can borrow one from someone). At that point they aren't as deep as later in the year. Put it in right at the dam at green peter and start jigging your buzz bomb with corn on the hooks soaked in Anise oil. Kills them.
I just read a quick wiki about them but not too sure. Arer there a lot in oregon and are they only in lakes.
Kokanee are landlocked sockeye salmon. some lakes also have landlocked coho, and chinook salmon.
yup in the lakes mostly the high lakes. anything you read about them will help you understand them.
There's good Koke fishing in several lower lakes too, like Green Peter, Detroit, Wickiup, Waldo, Suttle, etc.

Kokes swim up a lake's trib, to spawn each year.
Check out boat ecscape dot com. You can search a fish type and it will tell you which lakes they are in all around oregon.
Thank you BB; that is an awesome tip!!!
Brookiebuster - THANKS for the boat escape referral, a TERIFFIC resource!!!
Scoots said:
Brookiebuster - THANKS for the boat escape referral, a TERIFFIC resource!!!

Many welcomes to you. I hope others will enjoy the sight.
As far as kokes go the honey spot in this area is Green Peter. They were killing them last year up there. Pink Hoochies.
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to take me kokanee fishing. I have never been and dont have a boat. I would bring my own gear and chip in for fuel to.
It's a little early for koke's; but they can be found by flat-lining. And you can pick up 'bows--and maybe a Chinokanee too--while trolling.

Hope that someone will chime in, and help you out. If you don't get any responses; try again next month (and again in April). That's when the fishery warms up.

You might also consider joining up, on the Kokanee Power of Oregon web site.
Guess i should of said not now. I know it is to early for em.
:)It's not too early for Kokanee. Depends on where you fish for them. Round Butte, located just north of Madras, Oregon, has Kokanee that are catchable right now. Dolly Varden as well. In all of the lakes here in Eastern Oregon, fishing for Kokanee is always best early in the season. (Cross my heart )
troutdude said:
It's a little early for koke's; but they can be found by flat-lining. And you can pick up 'bows--and maybe a Chinokanee too--while trolling.

Hope that someone will chime in, and help you out. If you don't get any responses; try again next month (and again in April). That's when the fishery warms up.

You might also consider joining up, on the Kokanee Power of Oregon web site.

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