Kokanee fishing at Green Peter!!

Am I the only one from the forum out fishing?
Another fine day of fishing at GP, I was loaded on the trailer at 2 PM with 25 nice Kokanees. All 25 were 12 to 15'' real nice fish. Some are loosing there scales and that means they are going to start turning red soon. The red hoochie didn't do real good today, but the lure with the blue beads was the hot one again. :clap:
Well I made my last trip to GP fishing for this year. I did fairly well I caught 19 nice kokanees. I put 2 back and lost 5, none of the fish were turning pink but some had lost most of there scales. It has been a great year of fishing, and the best part is meeting some of you that are on the forum. So all of you be safe and hope to see you next year on the water. :)

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lip ripper said:
Well I made my last trip to GP fishing for this year. I did fairly well I caught 19 nice kokanees. I put 2 back and lost 5, none of the fish were turning pink but some had lost most of there scales. It has been a great year of fishing, and the best part is meeting some of you that are on the forum. So all of you be safe and hope to see you next year on the water. :)

Can't you still eat them once they begin to turn red? I'm new at this Kokanee thing! What's the limit at GP anyway??
Yes they are fine as long as they aren't real red. There are a lot of small next years fish that are available, but I would rather see them grow up for next year. The limit on Kokanee in GR is 25 a day.

Richard: How about GP fishing during the winter? I've been fishing Bill Chinook most of the summer and doing well. I'd like to find another hole though!
I have never fished it in the winter. They draw the water down pretty low but you can still launch your boat. I have fished it in early March and caught fish. Some one told me the other day that they are going to be working on the lower ramp at Thistle this winter. :clap:

BUMP!!!! Anyone?
ill be hitting it this coming sat/sun. anyone want to tag along lemme know. as far as i know from another forum, fishing is still red hot but the water skiiers are starting to take over the lake
Cool this is a REALLY good informative thread! I likes it.
Koke Heads

Koke Heads

Went last saturday, left late and the drive from stumptown is brutal. Got there around 10am and there were at least 15 people in line to launch their boats :shock:
Probably got on the water about 11am :(
Did get into a few nice fatties before the wind and the skiers made me leave. Really need to be on the lake first thing, which for me means camping. By the way if you noticed Bill Monroe's article in the sunday paper, so did everyone else, the place is going to be even worse. Next time I go I will camp and launch the night before and moor near the campgrounds. Good luck.
yah, you get there that late and yes you will have to deal with the skiers, thats why i leave home at 330am and it puts me on the water at 5am. im usually off the lake by noon.

also i learned my lesson at launching at thistle launch, to many peeps launching there an or dont know how to launch a boat let alone load it back on. thats why i goto the next launch up the road
Yeah that was at the campgrounds, when I saw that people were parking their trailers a half mile away at thistle I didn't even stop. I would have to leave at 2:30 which means getting up at 1am which means I might as well just stay up. Of course I would probably just fall asleep and crack my car. The wife doesn't like camping there though because she's just not that into fishing and doesn't really like going out in the boat and there isn't much to do at gp if you're not on the lake. And she wouldn't get up at 1 if the house was on fire. So I think it's a little car camping for me, maybe I could pull that off this week before everyone who read Bill's article decides to head there this weekend.
Shoot it seems like it doesn't matter what day it is at GP, I left here at 2:15Am Friday and got to GP just before 6:AM, was still 3rd in line to launch. Wasn't to bad for launching, now if people would learn how to park and not take up 2 or 3 parking spots... Your right, if your in the right frame of mind, watching people trying to back down that ramp can be fun!
Reed said:
Your right, if your in the right frame of mind, watching people trying to back down that ramp can be fun!

I have a hard time with folks who can't follow the arrows in the lot so everyone putting in or taking out is on the same side of the ramp. Then there are the ones who wait until they are backed halfway down before they take the tie downs OFF! Or is it the ones who think they need to tie the boat down before they get halfway up the ramp? At Hagg lake the ramps are wide enough for three rigs to launch at once and I've seen folks get sooooo screwed up no one else can get on the ramp until they get OFF. Maybe they don't dare get too close to those guys!

I think I'll leave the boat home and just go watch for a while, maybe try catching a Bass while I watch.


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