Kokanee fishing at Green Peter!!

Two of us fished from 0700 to 1400 on Tuesday 7-21. We managed 36 fish. Probably lost a couple dozen others during retrieval, just plain not hooked well. Working on solving that problem. We should easily have each had a limit in the boat. Never-the-less, Green Peter continues to fish well. Probably will try again tomorrow.
One other thing that I have found out how to keep them on the hook. I am not using a rubber snubber, so I set the releases real light so when they hit it sets the hook and they pull it out of the release. If they are pulling on the release to long they rip out. I am going tomorrow and hope the wind doesn't blow to hard. :pray:
Thanks for the input Lip Ripper. Pretty much doing as you suggested already. I have noticed that many of the fish caught were only hooked in the lower lip with the stinger hook. That leads me to believe that I may be 'ripping lips'. (Pun intended) I have tied and retied several setups today with different hooks and hooksets to see if it will make a difference. I will be experimenting with them tomorrow. I will look for you out there. Probably be fishing the same water as Tuesday.
Today was a :( sad day for the people that lost there boat, it burnt right to the water. I was the second one to get there to help. I don't know how the fire started but it went quick. They all got of the boat safely and were picked up immediately. I was 3/4 of a mile away when I saw the smoke I new right away there was trouble. I didn't know that Yamaha could push that boat that fast.
I only caught 15 fish today,I put back 10 small ones and lost 4 so I guess it wasn't all that bad.
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Agreed Lip Ripper. I saw what was going on and was way too far down the lake to do any good. Glad you were able to help them. :clap: Between you and that big white trophy you guys seemed to have things well under control. On a brighter note, the bite was really hot early and then just stopped. We quit at 1400 with 23 to the boat including 5 small ones that were released. My hook changes worked well, didn't lose a one today. :dance: See you out there next week?
do you guys think Id have any luck without a downrigger this time of year? Id like to get out, but I dont have money for one. Im guessing there starting to be down pretty deep? thanks, Brian
I am sure that you can get down deep enough with out a downrigger. I have seen most fish at 32 to 60' deep with some shallower. Remember that your rigging will go a lot deeper with a flasher than a string of spinners. Good luck fishing. :clap:
Hit the lake Monday 7-27 to get my nephew out for a few fish. The weather was hot and the bite was a little tougher than it has been lately. Managed 18 before I had to come in and hydrate. Thursday 7-30, we did a little better. Got 22 but the kid was having trouble keeping the fish on and we should have had around 15 more I'm guessing. The hoochie bite has turned off quite a bit but found a couple of spinners that picked up where they left off. The main body of the lake in open water has been good with the fish at around 50' or so. Temps have been in the 100's here which is pretty rare for the GP area and has made the fishing a bit more challenging. The main thing in my book is that the kid got some fish and had a pretty wide smile on his face. Mission accomplished.

I missed Lip Ripper out there this week. Those that know his boat should pay attention, he always finds some fish. Maybe that is why I slowed down a bit???
I am glad that you got the kid on some fish. I am wanting to get out there but its been to hot. It is looking good for next week, I plan on going Monday hope to see you out there. :pray:

Another great day of fishing at GP. Two of us were fishing at 5-45 this morning and had the boat loaded at 2 PM with 50 fish. We put back several small ones and lost several but it was a fun day. We started fishing with the red hoochie and dodger and it worked good all day. One fish was 16.5'' long with several 12'' & 13''. Early in the morning there were 40' deep and after about 9:00 went to 50' and did real good.

Ron we saved you a few but they may have a ripped lip or two.

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lip ripper said:
Another great day of fishing at GP. Two of us were fishing at 5-45 this morning and had the boat loaded at 2 PM with 50 fish. We put back several small ones and lost several but it was a fun day. We started fishing with the red hoochie and dodger and it worked good all day. One fish was 16.5'' long with several 12'' & 13''. Early in the morning there were 40' deep and after about 9:00 went to 50' and did real good.

Ron we saved you a few but they may have a ripped lip or two.


We're thinking about heading up tomorrow. What part of the reservoir are you fishing right now? (generally speaking, I don't expect you to give away any secrets...)

Thanks for all the good reports!
seems like most fishing is going on around the island and towards the floating restroom. good luck, Brian
I have been doing the best from the Island to the public restrooms, and east of there a few hundred yards. I have been trolling the hoochie at 1.3 MPH that seams to be the best speed for the hoochie. Use a dodger or sling blade with the hoochie no more than 14'' behind them with corn. Good luck fishing

Yesterday GP was great fishing today not so good. :(
I started at 6 AM and then the wind came up so I quit at 10:00 with only 7 fish. By the way when you hook your favorite lure to your dodger be sure to close the snap. I trolled for 1/2 hour and not a bite when I pulled it up to see why and there wasn't any lure. :naughty:
Hey, LR, I did that last week with my fave hoochie. Fortunately I was able to obtain several more. They of course haven't been working this week. Saw you out there today, briefly. I was farther east down the lake. Tried down by the dam but only little guys down there yet. The big ones should move in there soon. Took my neighbor and my nephew today so I mostly drove the boat and netted. We did manage 24 fish in the cooler from 0700 - 1300.
We tried to fish Greenpeter today, but by the time we got there the wind had picked up and the lake was pretty choppy. Since I fish out of a 14' Zodiac (not the driest ride) and we had our 5-week-old baby with us I decided to head back in and try Foster. While at the ramp I met Capron6 at the fish cleaning table. All I saw was a pile of fillets, but a few of them looked like pretty nice fish!

We fished for an hour or so and didn't catch anything at Foster, but we had a nice cruise trolling with the new little fisherman.
Another good day of fishing at GP. I started at 6:00 AM and was loaded up at noon with 25 nice Kokanee. I put back 6 small ones and only lost 4 today. I had the best fishing 1/4 mile East of the Island,still using the red hoochie. We really had some rain this morning but it was nice under the top. :clap:



I got a really late start (hard to get going these days with our 6-week-old son to take care of...) and didn't get on the water until about 10:00.

This was the first chance I've gotten to try out the Cannon Sport-Troll downrigger that my father-in-law gave me.

I started out trolling a dodger/hoochie around the island. I saw lots of fish around 50' on the finder, but couldn't get a bite. It doesn't help that I left my corn at home.

After a while I switched to a flasher and a silver Apex. I managed to catch one little 9-incher that I drug around forever before checking my lure and a nice fat 13 incher before calling it quits at 1:30.

On the way out I ran into DLM, he had done a lot better than I did. After talking a bit we figured out that he had grown up two farms up the road from where I live now - small world!
That's a bummer that you didn't do any good at GR. I have my best fishing from daylight to 10:00 AM. May be next time it will be better, I have left my corn home once so I know what you mean. I carry some extra cans in the boat just in case I forget mine. Or I can give some one else some that forgot theirs, and that has happened on occasions. Don't give up you will get on them. :clap:

A great day of fishing at GP, a friend from Salem came down and we were fishing at 6:30. We had to work at it but we caught 43 and put back some small ones. The red hoochie worked the best along with the blue beaded lure. We caught all of our fish around the Island. We tried the stretch at the public bathrooms and no fish. :clap:

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