Klamath Lake fishing

the engine SHOULD burn around 5 1/2 gallons per hour at cruise speed(around 3000RPM). Since the tank is non removable(just like mine I assume) I would probably advise against running it dry as that will cause any gunk in the tank to get sucked into the engine. What I would do instead is fill the tank then go out and play and see how the gauge responds. At the end of the day if you are down a quarter tank, go fill the boat tank again and see how much it took. If it took around 1/4 your tank capacity then you know the tank is accurate.

Also, I would avoid running ethanol gas in it.. that stuff just loves to absorb water in the air. Sure Stabil makes a product that is supposed to prevent that but I am just picky I guess. :) You can get ethanol free premium fuel at Ezell Suty Fuel right next to Diamond. It is $3.29/gallon.. or at least it was when I put fuel in my boat last.

Just to give an example as to the economy of the engine, we filled the tank when we got our boat(23 gallon tank.. ouch!) took it out 4 times and put about 4 1/2 hours on the motor. It took just over 5 gallons to fill the tank after the last time out. I would say 60% of the time was spent around cruise speed(2800-3700rpm) with maybe an hour around idle with warm ups and trolling we did last time fishing.

So yeah, as usual I wrote too much. :) Glad you like the boat, glad you both feel safe in it(the most important part) and I look forward to seeing you out there soon! :)
Nice boat Jim, should bring lots of enjoyment to the both of you. there is a nice troll north of the boat launch on 140. tight to the shore .5" Bomber long A in smoke kills along this part of the lake...tight lines.
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Thanks trigzilla

Yeah I know the area, I will be trolling there soon.

Damn it all, a last minute emergency has me leaving for Idaho in the morning. No chance of fishing for a week and a half now. Post me some fish pics boys!
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Caveman said:
Damn it all, a last minute emergency has me leaving for Idaho in the morning. No chance of fishing for a week and a half now. Post me some fish pics boys!

I pray it's nothing real serious Bro.

Drive Safely.
Caveman said:
Damn it all, a last minute emergency has me leaving for Idaho in the morning. No chance of fishing for a week and a half now. Post me some fish pics boys!

I am going to give it a shot this weekend man! Going to be down closer to squaw point as the deep water doesn't seem to be doing much.. :)
Hawk said:
I pray it's nothing real serious Bro.

Drive Safely.

Thanks Hawk. Nothin serious, just business.
kfallscody said:
I am going to give it a shot this weekend man! Going to be down closer to squaw point as the deep water doesn't seem to be doing much.. :)

Good luck Cody. Squaw point has been good to me this year. I will be looking for your big fish pics! :)
Well the temperature is supposed to be nice tomorrow but windy... ugh. We will see if we end up going or not, bringing a 6 year old along limits the water conditions we can go out in. Hopefully the forecast is wrong and it'll be nice and smoooooooth though :)
Got to Agency lake about 11:00 a.m. First time boat in water this season. Wondered if it was gonna run ok, or not! Cruised about 300 yds from dock, hit the throttle and man, did she take off. Came up on plane real quick and smooth. Water was mirror still. Throttled back to about 2100 rpm, and cruised toward the narrows. Throttled back to just above idle. All of a sudden, whump, whump! Threw her in neutral, checked fish finder, found out depth was only 2 feet. More than 300 yards from any shore. Shut her down, raised the outdrive, it ate my prop. Glad it was aluminum. Oh well. Fired up the 9.9 kicker and trolled back toward the dock, about 3 miles. Wind came up and made it very hard to steer. Finally had to wind up the rods, kicked her up to about 5mph, and made it to the pier. No fish. Bummer. Ordered new prop from the prop doctor on line. Should be here in about a week. Going to Gerber tomorrow. Without the boat. Just to check it out. Might fish.
OUCH!!!!! That is not good at all! I have never gone through the narrows there but I am surprised it was that shallow.. very surprised... damn. Thank goodness you had the kicker, had that happened to me I would have been SOL for sure!!!

On a happier note, we to hit the lake but not until about 1. The weatherman predicted pretty strong winds so when we got to the lake I was surprised how small the waves were.. in fact I would not really call them waves. So we put in at Moore park and zoomed up to Squaw point and trolled north. We did have one nibble but that was it and it may have just been weeds or something. The fish finder was pretty bare, not much going on in that area. After about two hours trolling the wind started to pick up so we beat cheeks back to the dock. The waves were not really a problem for the boat but more just trying to keep the passengers relaxed and not freaked out. We are all a little gunshy after flipping the little boat last year.. :)

Water temperature was 48-50.2 degrees but I didn't see a single trout jump or any sign of trout being around. Even the bald eagles and Osprey were going home empty handed so I don't feel too bad. :)
ol tymer said:
Got to Agency lake about 11:00 a.m. First time boat in water this season. Wondered if it was gonna run ok, or not! Cruised about 300 yds from dock, hit the throttle and man, did she take off. Came up on plane real quick and smooth. Water was mirror still. Throttled back to about 2100 rpm, and cruised toward the narrows. Throttled back to just above idle. All of a sudden, whump, whump! Threw her in neutral, checked fish finder, found out depth was only 2 feet. More than 300 yards from any shore. Shut her down, raised the outdrive, it ate my prop. Glad it was aluminum. Oh well. Fired up the 9.9 kicker and trolled back toward the dock, about 3 miles. Wind came up and made it very hard to steer. Finally had to wind up the rods, kicked her up to about 5mph, and made it to the pier. No fish. Bummer. Ordered new prop from the prop doctor on line. Should be here in about a week. Going to Gerber tomorrow. Without the boat. Just to check it out. Might fish.

Bro, i'm sorry you had that happen.

It should be reported so buoys & a sign are put in that area before more damage is done.
ol tymer said:
Got to Agency lake about 11:00 a.m. First time boat in water this season. Wondered if it was gonna run ok, or not! Cruised about 300 yds from dock, hit the throttle and man, did she take off. Came up on plane real quick and smooth. Water was mirror still. Throttled back to about 2100 rpm, and cruised toward the narrows. Throttled back to just above idle. All of a sudden, whump, whump! Threw her in neutral, checked fish finder, found out depth was only 2 feet. More than 300 yards from any shore. Shut her down, raised the outdrive, it ate my prop. Glad it was aluminum. Oh well. Fired up the 9.9 kicker and trolled back toward the dock, about 3 miles. Wind came up and made it very hard to steer. Finally had to wind up the rods, kicked her up to about 5mph, and made it to the pier. No fish. Bummer. Ordered new prop from the prop doctor on line. Should be here in about a week. Going to Gerber tomorrow. Without the boat. Just to check it out. Might fish.
I went to the straights last year for the first time after watching the 500tons of dynamite go off some time ago and it was very hard to find the pass it was marked with buoys but there is a lot of water out there I would not go near anymore. In the past when the water goes down the end of the channel is very shallow on the Klamath side and boats have got stuck in the mud. Wish I knew where you bumped and glad you made it out OK. Lost some of my favorite fishing grounds there.
Hey Cody
What type of rod holders do you have on your boat? Or what type would be the best for a Bayliner?

I am supposed to get my trolling plate tomorrow and some guide ons for my trailer. I am slowly getting the boat ready for some serious fishing.

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I am not sure what brand I have as they came with the boat. When they were installed, an actual hole was cut or drilled in the gunwhale then the rod holder inserted and screwed down. The rod holder itself is basically just a tube that goes down into the gunwhale with a rubber cap to keep water out when not in use, nothing terribly fancy. As long as your gunwhale is thick enough, which it should be, you should be able to get the same type for your boat.

I really like my trolling plate. I got the kind that has a hinged flap so if you forget it is down and hit the gas, you don't end up breaking it. With the trolling plate and the engine at an idle, we can go about 1.4mph.. which feels about the right speed to me. :)
The only place the gunwales is thick enough for that type of rod holder is on the transom.
On the sides it is not thick enough.

They are not thick enough on the sides to accept a rod holder like that. I will have to look into some other type. Thanks Cody.

hey ol tymer, what did you find at gerber? is there any water? perch biting?
Yeah, Sunday took a drive up there. My friends were camped in the north campground, they were the only one's there. It was snowing at first then turned to rain. The lake is so low its hard to believe. Of course the dock has not been installed at the ramp, its still high and dry. They had not caught a single fish. Checked out the south campground down near the dam. No one around fishing at all. Still too early in the year. Need to wait till End of April and May when the weather warms. I really like the new boat ramp at the south end though. Not quite as steep as the north ramp.

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