Fly tying and patterns sharing thread

So I finally got enough nerve up to post this and out of 3 cameras in my house I still could not get a good pic. This is one that a nice man gave me when we were on the Crooked...he said that was all we would need and that is all I used....with an indicator. Its a Killer on the Crooked. He called it a Serendipity but it doesn't have the elk hair around the head (don't know what it is called :redface:) like the ones I have seen. I have 30 some more beads left so I think by the time they are gone I should be pretty good at it.

I used size 16 hooks, 3/32 beads and antron yarn twisted into a cord so it looks like segments...guess you guys probably knew that already. I am a nooby at tying and these are actually very simple but thought I would share.

I won't say which is the one that was given to can probably tell....
  • 0721112241.jpg
Look good to me... simple flies fish as well as ones with 15 steps(mega-prince)..
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Yea I can't tell you the last time I looked at instruction for a fly. A picture online instantly changes with your own flavor and soon doesn't look like the picture at all.. lol
This thread hasn't seen much action lately, and fall fishing is upon us, - so what are you tying?

Here are a few from my vise, first a couple flies for salmon:



An October Caddis pupa - (or drowned adult, these guys hatch at night, so how often the pupa are seen by trout is a matter of debate. This one inspired by one posted recently on flytyingforum).


And the adult. This pattern a work in progress, a cross between a Stimulator and a MadameX. The body is hot orange antron chenille, not wound around the hook, but a single strand bound to the underside of the shank. The elk hair is folded over a bodkin to give a larger head for skating the fly with a riffle hitch. The orange bucktail is just for a strike indicator, since it sits low in the water.


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Reactions: brandon4455 and OnTheFly
Wow those are perfect! I've never seen the folded down elkhair head you've got going there. Nice work!
that chinook fly (kinda like a comet im guessing?) looks excellent.. so does the caddis. never seen the head folded back like that before :clap:
Thanks OnTheFly. I have been doing more tying than fishing the last couple months (along with moving from Monroe to Eugene, what a pain). Time to get out and fish.
A new creation

I'll give you my word eggs, I think the Carp will love it!

Hopefully i can get some pics up next week.
getting a whole buttload of materials ordered today. will post some of my caddis pupa and attractor patterns within a week.
Looking forward to your creations Brandon.
It's like a jig/fly Tribal, I do not see one reason why they wouldn't catch a Steelhead, but I would add a ton of lead wire under the body, they could still be swung close to the surface.

Should have a better camera this week, which leads to some pics up by next weekend, the flies I tie for stocker Trout are rather cheap and easy, hopefully you can get some ideas from them.
I don't take many pictures of my flies, well just because, but I thought I'd share this. For my girlfriend's birthday I thought I'd do something special. I took one of my favorite trout patterns and bumped it up quite a bit in size and made her these. The other one is a perfect match.
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cool lookin flies and a perfect gift :clap:
So here are some new and old creations I tied up in the past couple weeks, the left column would be for the Broodstock 4lb+ Trout, middle column is my favorite stocker pattern, right column is my new jig/fly (lead wrapped hook), very simple flies, especially the right column. I stick to buggers most places I go, just different patterns for different conditions. Bottom left was a little thin on the tail :). All contain lead wrapped hooks.
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nice lookin bugegrs there. if my materials were here on time i would have had photos up already. getting impatient lol
Just a couple of quickies for the evening. A bit of Steelhead Candy! :)
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i tie one similiar to those purple ones for the lower river as well.
nice bugs guys.. im currently working on a nymph i call the black ice prince. the dubbing is a mix of 3 different colors of ice dub, plus legs and all the good stuff you can put on an attractor . will try to have pics up soon. trying to get my hands on a family members camera. also tied my first possie buggers that came out very well.

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